A special

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I hope you are having a wonderful, day, afternoon or night.😁

So I know you guys asking for a new part and Deku and Bakuslut get reunited once again.................... But..................... I'll let you guys suffer for a little while longer😇


At 3 in the flipping morning I decided why not make a pride month special!? (Not really including pride month just a fluff thing) Starring the sadistic bitch Izuku and the slutty crazy hoe, Katsuki. This takes place when he was living with our cinnamon roll that held a gun😇

Finally one peaceful night, Deku didn't attack me with cuddles or trying to rail me. Didn't mind it but I wanted sleep.
I slowly opened my eyes, the blurry colors turned into objects. I looked over at the alarm and read, 12:00. Shit that's the latest I've ever slept. I stretched my legs and back, groaning at the rear free relief. But when I opened my eyes again I saw Deku sitting on the bed, starring at me with a smile. I froze in fear for a minute.
"Did you sleep well beautiful?"
"I fucking did until I saw you" I said as I sat up
"What did I say about your language?"
"Sorry..." I looked away. Not knowing how else to respond. He grabs my chin lightly, gives me a warming smile and places a kiss on my nose.
"I forgive you. Now, get up, a bath is already waiting for us" I nodded. He lets go of me, quickly goes to my side of the bed and picks me up as soon as my feet touched the floor. He carried me into the bathroom and places me on the counter, he puts my arms up and takes off my shirt.
"What are we doing today?"
"You think we're going out?"
"You wouldn't sit there like a creep and make me a bath so early if you weren't" he smiled as he leaned in and pecked a kiss on my nose.
"We're not going anywhere, just you and me all day. No distractions" I looked at him then grabbed his hands.
"With all my heart~" he kisses my hands.

After my bath he carried me to the kitchen were he sat me down on one of the island chairs. I looked around to see a big breakfast made by him. He then sets a plate in front of me, placing a kiss on my head. He serves me and gives me my fork and walked behind me. His hands placed on my shoulder and he began to rub. He gave me a wonderful and soothing massage as I ate. "Are you going to eat?"
"Already did my love, this is all yours" he kissed my cheek. What is up with him today? Whatever, it's cute. After I was done he picks me up and carries me to the living room where he sat me on the couch.
"Why are you spoiling me? You want something don't you?" He chuckles and shakes his head.
"No just want you happy and relaxed" he gives me the tv remote and walks away. I soon began to hear the dishes clinking around. I put down the remote and grabbed a book instead.  I began to read. I read until he came back. He laid on top of me snuggling me. "What are you reading?"
"You don't know any of the books you just placed there?"
"No the books there are new. Are picked them out of the collection you read."
"Hmm, well I think this one is about some enemies to lovers shit"
"Oh cool read it to me?"
"Sure" I restarted reading. I read for two hours before stopping. My eyes began hurting. He sits up and looks at me concerned.
"You ok?"
"Yeah just my eyes"
"Maybe you need glasses"
"Tch, I don't need no goofy glasses"
"Aww but you'll look so cute~" he leans in and kisses the corner of my eyes.
"Stop being so cheesy!" I pushed him off slightly. He chuckles and hugs me. Planting his shitty kisses on my neck. I brushed my fingers through his hair and closed my eyes. He stops after a few hickeys placed on my neck. "Always marking me"
"I need to make sure everyone knows your mine"
"I don't even leave the house stupid"
"Still. Now, let's watch a movie!" He smiles, I shrugged and he grabbed the remote. Turning on the tv. We fight over a movie but decided to watch a show. But we ended up getting really hooked and watched the whole first season in one go. I turned my head to see that it was dark out.
"Hahaha, well that's the first. I'll go make dinner do not press play" I shrugged and got up to use the bathroom. I looked into the mirror. Clicking my tongue as I touched the purple marks on my skin. "Shitty deku..." I looked at how my face began to flush red. I splashed myself with cold water. I dried my face then walked out. I picked the book back up and sat down on the couch, reading a few more chapters before he came back with a bowl of steaming food. He gave it to me and I saw it was spicy curry. He had a plain old bowl of instant ramen. "You should eat something more proper"
"This is proper, don't worry about it doll~" I chocked. I haven't heard him say that to me in such a long time. I looked at him as he happily slirped up the ramen noodles. Stupid tease. I ate my curry angrily as I watched the new episode. When the episode finished I was already getting tired. He turns off the tv and picks me up. Carrying me to our room.
"I can walk stupid!"
"A queen shouldn't have to walk to walk, if you shouldn't have to" he smiles with pride as he kicks our door open and throws me on the bed. He crawls on top of me and smirks. "And a queen should have the best night every night~" my face flushed as I stared into his eyes. I looled away and clicked my tongue, feeling the challenger rise within me. I looked at him and smirked.
"Ok my king, show me what you got~"

My eyes shot open as I breathed heavily and my skin was damp with sweat.  I sat up and looked around my room. My throat felt flory and my stomach growling in hunger. Wiped off the tears in my eyes as I got up from bed and checked on my prince and princess. I looked out the window to see a figure on a rooftop, I blinked and it was gone... great I'm going crazy now. I looked at my kids as they slept soundlessly. I turned around and grabbed my glasses. And the book they laid on. I turned on the fan and sat back on my bed, turning on the lamp as I sat back and began to read the book where I last left off...

😔 until next time weirdos😋

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