"Hang Out"

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Katsuki's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. I mean who fucking would?! I was asleep in Kirishima's arms and as I drifted off I swear I heard he loved me. Probably missed heard. So here I am getting ready at 12, knowing sometimes 3 means 1 for him. I took a nice steaming shower and put on my clothes.

(This is what he wore)

I looked in the mirror and let out a shaky breath

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I looked in the mirror and let out a shaky breath. My phone buzzed and I jumped. I walked over to my bed after calming down and turned on my phone. He was here. Like I said 1:45. Putting my phone in my pocket and
brought my pair of shoes. I got out my room and slammed the door. I went downstairs, my stomach turned into knots. I felt sick but I wasnt. I put my shoes down and put them on, grabbing my keys I reached out for the doorknob and let out a breath to try and calm myself. I turned the knob and swung it open. He stood there smiling at me and rubbing the back of his neck. I can see the clear blush on his face but maybe it was because of how chilly it was.
(What kiri is wearing)

"You look great Bakugo!""Tch, I know I fucking do shit face!""Since when did you start calling me shit face?!""Since now!" I walked past him slamming the door behind me and went down the step

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"You look great Bakugo!"
"Tch, I know I fucking do shit face!"
"Since when did you start calling me shit face?!"
"Since now!" I walked past him slamming the door behind me and went down the step. I heard him hurrying to catch up.
"Hold up do you even know where we are going?!"
"Uh no, so how about you fucking tell me so I can go the right fucking way!"
"Hmm no" I stopped. He stopped behind me as I turned around and glared at him.
"Yeah no, I'll show you the way!" He was confident and finally acting like an Alpha. He took my hand and ran down the block.
We rode the bus half way there. I tried to pry the location out of him but he wouldn't budge. When we got there it was an annual carnival.
"Hope your ok with carnivals, I heard it was here so I figured why not?" I havent been to these things since I was a kid. But letting loose and forgetting about your worries does sound nice,
"They're ok"
"Great! I'll pay for the tickets"
"Sure then I'll pay for the food" he stopped and looked at me as if I was crazy.
"I'm paying for both"
"I got it"
"... You just like not listening today don't you"
"Yep, I'm paying that's final!" He dragged me to the ticket booth and paid for a good amount of tickets for both of us. We went to multiple of rides and played stupid minigames where we both got each other something. We ate and went on more rides. Overall it was a fun day. But I would never admit to him that. We were walking down the shore watching the water trying to reach us with everywave, the sun setting along the horizon. I held on too the shark plushie he got me, making sure not to loose it. We walked in the comfortable silence, stumbling upon a bench we decided to sit down and take a brake from walking.
"I had fun today" he said, having a soft smile on his face, he looked at me. I looked at him as his expression changes to a sadened one.
"... Nothing"
"Something is definetly bothering you" He pulled me into a hug, I was shocked and I didn't return the gesture.
"... I... I li- I'm leaving U.A," I pushed him off and looked at him confused and shocked. Why would he do this?
"What?... No you can't!!!"
"It's already decided, I am leaving Musutafu Tommorow morning."
"Why the fuck are you leaving?!"
"I... It's personal..."
"Fuck personal! How in the he'll are you just going to throw away everything you worked so hard for!?"
"I'm not... I won't be a hero but I'll still save lives in some way... I just can't be in this city anymore. Something horrible happened and I can't undo it... So I have to leave. I'm sorry" I stood there looking at him in anger, sadness, desperation.
"You know what fine, go ahead waste your whole life wanting only one thing and never reaching for it. Leave me and the rest of the group. Go! Go on fucking leave us!"
"C'mon Bakugo that isn't fair"
"Oh shut the fuck up. Just leave, I don't want to fucking see you"
"Bro, please I don't wanna leave fighting"
"Oh fucking well, now leave!" For a few seconds he stood there then the bench creaked and I heard the sand move with each step he took. I was upset, like, how can he just leave?! I stood there for a while trying to sort my toughts out, my body was exhausted and I just didn't want to get up.

"Kacchan?" I looked up at the familiar voice. It was dark but I can still make out his features by the lamp posts.
"Kacchan, what are you doing here???" I got up and took a few steps before I got lightheaded and was about to fall back. Deku caught me. I stood up once I regained balance. His arms were around me and it felt warm and safe, I bent down and buried my face into his neck and wrapped my arms around his waist inhaling his intoxicating scent of the aftermath smell of a forest after a rainstorm. He moved his arms around my neck and held me close.
"What happened?"
"... I don't want to talk about it"
"Just keep holding me, please don't let go"
"Never" I held on tighter. My body was exhausted and it clearly showed. "Let me take you back home" I nodded. I was about to let go when he picked me up. I freaked out so I clung on to him. My ankles crossed behind his back and I had my arms wrapped around his neck. He held me up.
"I didn't think this is what you meant!!!"
"I wasn't going to let you walk" I looked at the plushie I held in my hand and sighed. I relaxed to Deku's calming pheromones and eventually I passed out.

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