... His...

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Katsuki's POV

I screamed in agony as he uses the quirk again.
"I really don't want to keep doing this Kacchan"
"STOP PLEASE STOP!!!! No more... I understand now... Can we please stop? Please Alpha" He stops. I hang my head down in defeat. He lifts my head up by my chin and looks into my eyes.
"Who's your Alpha?"
"Who's going to protect you?"
"Are you going to stop running away?"
"You know I love you right?"
"Are you staying with me forever?"
"Yes," he steps closer and undid the chains. My arm dropped on his shoulder, he did the other one. "I missed you so much Kacchan, I really hope you won't run away. you might not eat much but I have some food cooking up and a bath waiting to be prepared." I nodded. he took off the chains on my ankles and picked me up. I was naked, completely naked. I didn't want to go out there if there are other people. he lets out a chuckle. "don't worry nobody is here. this is my personal home. so just you and me." he carried me out of the room, the halls had at least one side all window. he said the windows were tinted, so nobody could see us. he carried me up to the second floor. he went through a large set of doors. we entered another room. it was a lot like his old room, he placed me on the bed. "I'll come right back" he left the room, leaving me alone. I looked around the room. I sat there, not wanting to be sent back down. Be a good Omega. Serve your Alphas every need. He loves me. He is the only one for me. I'll be safe. Nobody else but him. Only him.
I peaked at the door as it creaks open and Deku steps into the room, holding a tray of food. He walks to me with a smile and puts down the tray on the coffee table.

Izuku's POV

I watched as he looks at the food in disgust but his eyes stared in hunger. His body didn't want it.
"C'mon lets get you cleaned up" he tries to get up but Stumbles back, I held him up and let out a chuckle. I picked him up bridal style and walked to the bathroom. I put him on the sink, walked to the tub and turned on the water, putting in the bubbles. I was happy that he finally decided to stay, sure my methods were harsh, but they were necessary! I needed him and to ensure that he won't run away from me I did what I had to do. 

"Ok, bath is ready" I stood up and turned around. He was looking in the mirror in horror and disgust. I let out a sigh and walked to him. I wrapped my arms around his thin fragile body and held on tight.
"...don't worry, once you get back to eating you can build up your body to its formal glory" he was tense but he soon wrapped his arms lightly around my shoulders. He will be happy, I just know it. I broke away from the hug, moving my hands down and picked him up. I carried him to the tub and placed him inside. I went to grab the body wash, shampoo, and conditioner, brush, and a washcloth. I turned around and saw Kacchan already relaxing into the water and only the top half of his face popped up from the bubbles. I walked up to the bath and pulled up the cushioned stool in front of the bath. I opened the body wash and held it to him. "are you ok with this one?" he sat up and smelled the soap. he looked at the bottle and nodded. I retracted my hand and grabbed the shampoo "and this?" he nodded to that one as well. "can you wet your hair for me?"  he went underwater for a few seconds and popped back up, sitting in front of me. "thank you, let me know if you're uncomfortable" he nods. I squirted the shampoo on his hair and wet my hands. I rubbed the shampoo into his hair and scalp. "I'm sorry Kacchan... for doing all the things I did to you. I never wanted to hurt you, I swear. you just needed to know that I'm the only one that cares for you, that will protect you, that will love you forever." he stood silent, I grabbed the cup and put it under the water. "I hope in time you can come to forgive me, and that I'll see your smile again" I gently made his head go up as I dumped the water into his hair, scrubbing out the shampoo. once I was done with that and was about to grab the conditioner he turns around and looks at me. 

"I'm sorry for running away Deku" his voice was raspy and low but still audible. 

Katsuki's POV

he was surprised at first but then he smiled. I'm so confused... how can I still like him even though he put me through hell? I would expect to flinch when he touches me, or stutter when he tells me to do something. you know be traumatized. but nothing, it almost feels as if it never happened, as if he didn't kill a person in front of me. I wasn't scared of him, I don't want to bother thinking about going home. maybe it's one of his quirks? no... he wouldn't torture me than mind control me, he'll stick with one method. I was so frustrated.

"Kacchan, why are you crying?" I looked at him confused but then I felt a tear run down my cheek. I looked down at the bubbly water and I couldn't hold it anymore, tears ran down my face, my breath was shaky. he tried to touch me but I smacked his hand away. 

"why? why do I still want you?! why don't I hate you?! what did you do to me?!"

"oh Kacchan... what you feel is completely you, I did nothing to influence that"

"no that isn't supposed to happen!!! I... I don't underーsorry!!! I-I didn't mean to Iー"  he pulls me into a tight.
"It's ok..."

for the next few weeks, I'm starting to eat almost half of my food. my heat was coming in a few days. I don't know what will happen. I was laying down on the bed, reading. While Deku was on top of me letting out happy pheromones

"mmm... you smell so good~" my face heated up and I started to focus on his hands


"is it ok if I mark you?" I turned my head to the side and looked at him.

"You don't have to ask..."
"I want to make sure you're ready. I just want to make it official. I mean you're already mine now... right?" him claiming me drove my Omega side wild. I didn't realize how much I wanted that until now. I couldn't control myself as I revealed my neck to him. he gave me one single kiss on my neck and hummed. "good to know~" he got off of me and got off the bed. he looked at me and smirked. "I'll be back" I heard him walk away, the door closed. I'm going to be marked, he's officially claiming me as... his...

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