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Izuku's POV

nothing. fucking nothing!!! he doesn't have a family and all his allies are never mentioned. how does the #1 here not have anything to hide!!!! my father already exposed to the world how weak he is. I already know his protege, he will be fun to beat. I know All Might's weakness, but I want more!!! I need to know his dirty little secrets but I fucking can't find anything. I even followed him to his house and nothing. but I did find out he found out about me, I guess that's why he avoids me when he can. I don't mind, I mean he has no evidence against me so whatever. this man is a loner but a great hero. I moved on, I'll be patient. I have Kirishima obey my every order, it's boring without any action with him. but the wrong action can simply lead to something he doesn't want to happen but something I truly want. I started gathering facts about the heroes in the school and the heroes in my class, also the big three especially since Mirio has One For All. in the dorms it's completely stupid but entertaining at the same time. the girls constantly discuss who should be matched with Kacchan. they split into two different teams the Dekubaku squad where they ship me and Kacchan then the Kiribaku squad where it's Kirishima. each group will push either me and Kirishima to do multiple things with Kacchan. like I said entertaining. anyway me and Kirishima are actually supposed to go to Auntie's house for something this weekend so yeah. 

Katsuki's POV

I told the two to come to my house because the stubborn hag just wanted to know what happened. I kept on telling her it was nothing but she kept on pushing it. I went to the roof to get away from all of the nauseating scents leaking from the extras and the walls. I sat there with my eyes closed feeling the wind against my face and making my hair sway. I heard the roof door open then closed. I breathed in to smell the recognizable cinnamon scent. 

"what do you want shitty hair?"

"eh... I Uhm... just wanted to see you bro" that didn't sound convincing. he hasn't been acting normal this whole week, he's been moping around and hasn't really been hanging around me much. I kind of miss it. I open my eyes and look into his ruby-red eyes, he looked worried and scared. I could smell the faint distress pheromones.

"Kirishima are-"

"Bakugo will you... oh sorry go ahead"

"continue shitty hair"

"oh ok... uh are you doing anything Saturday?" I looked at him in shock. is this why he wasn't acting like himself???

"no... why?"

"cool... cool Uhm you wanna hang out Saturday? just the two of us?"

"like a date?" his face turned red like his hair and I couldn't tell where his hairline begins.

"n-no I mean... NO! it's just me and you like the best bro's we are!" I looked at him as he looks down rubbing the back of his neck.

"it isn't manly to look down as you're asking your best bro to hang out" he looks at me in shock and smiles his toothy grin.

"Yeah you're right"

"Sure, what time?"

"oh! uh 3, I'll pick you up!"

"Alright," he excitedly turns around. "I'm glad you're back to normal Kiri"

"Thanks, bro!" then he leaves the roof. A small part of me was happy, I was basically going on a date with him.  a small smile spread across my lips.


I stood outside waiting for the two shit heads, scrolling through Insta. 

"Hey, Kacchan!' I looked behind me and saw Deku walking out the doors and stood next to me.


"so Kiri is coming to, right?"


"cool!" after he said that Kirishima stepped out. Deku looked at Kirishima with a smile and all he did was give him another one, but it wasn't one he'd use to greet people. which was weird. the whole way to my house was awkward. The two didn't talk to each other like they used too and when Deku talked to me Kiri would have this depressing vibe to him. when Kiri tried to talk to me it wasn't for very long. why is he acting this way with Deku? we got to my house and took off our shoes before we went any further. the hag stormed up to me and slapped me beside my head.


"That's for being late!"

"It's barely been 5 minutes!!!!!"

"Hello you two thank you for coming!!" she gave them hugs and Deku a kiss on the cheek. I rolled my eyes and walked away, going upstairs.
"Do whatever you need to do, I'll be upstairs" I walked down the hall and went into my room.

Mitsuki's POV

"Well boys, care to join me. I just want to ask you some questions about last weekend" they both looked at me shocked then looked down in shame.
"It wasn't your fault, just tell me what happened" they nodded.

Kirishima's POV

After Bakugo's mom asked me her questions I went upstairs so Midoriya can talk to her. I took a final look at the two realizing I could never win... Midoriya hides behind the perfect image for everyone to see. It's tearing me apart. I can't be a hero and keep a villain's dirty secret anymore. I sighed as I walked up the stairs heading to Bakugo's room. I knocked but it just creaked open. The lights were off and I could hear heavy breathing.
"Bakugo, I'm coming in" I opened the door and looked inside. Bakugo was tossing and turning on his bed, mumbling to himself. I walked up to him wondering what he was saying.
"Help, please... Help...." His eyes shot open and he sits up. He backs away from me and curls into himself crying. My heart shattered and the Alpha instinct to protect the Omega in front of me took over. I took off my sweater and draped it over his shoulders. I sat in front of him, he looks up with puffy eyes and looks away embarrassed. I hesitantly grab his hand and rubbed my thumb against it. After a few seconds of doing that he got on my lap and buried his nose into my scent glands. He held a firm grip on the back of my shirt. I wrapped my arms around him after processing what's happening and released calming pheromones. Soon enough I could hear soft snores and his breathing became even. I inhaled his wood spice scent and relaxed into it. Since I was still in Alpha mode I started to think about how things for us will be in the future. It made me happy... But I knew it couldn't happen, but it can't hurt to dream.
"... I love you Bakugo..."

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