The party P2

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>warning there is death😶<

We stood there for a couple more hours and after I told the others about us spending the night, I walked around the house. I found this dark hall that was the complete opposite of the rest of the house. the house was brightly light and nicely decorated, while this hall had no light nor decor. I decided to walk down the hall and there was this door that was opened. Curiosity took over and I opened the door. The door cried out, so I stopped but it was wide enough for me to slide in. I go down the narrow steps. It was a dimly lit room with storage. But I heard muffled voices. I look around and see a door. The light came from under the door. I walked to the door and put my ear against the door. I heard some girl that sounded familiar and a guy. Then some other person that sounded like they were in pain and crying. I got down on my knees and peeked through the space underneath the door.
I wasn't able to see faces just legs. There was a person chained to a chair and a few feet away another person standing in front of the person unchained. Most likely the one in charge.

"I swear I don't know anything!" The one that was chained up said.

"Then what were you doing spying on our little boss?" A girl said. I swear she sounds so familiar.

"I-I wasn't! It's probably just a coincidence!" Then I heard a click behind me. I froze, adrenaline ran through my veins, my heart pounded. I tried to make up a lie, but I couldn't, I started shaking. I tried to calm down. Dammit, Kirishima pull it together, you're going to be a hero!

"Get up." I slowly got up, with my quirk activated.

"Open the door." I exhaled and reached for the doorknob, I turned it and opened the door, hearing the loud screams of the door. Everything went quiet on the other side as I step in. I looked up and I couldn't believe my eyes. The man in the chair was bruised, and bloody. I looked around at the other people in the room. I recognized the three people in the room, but one was in the shadows sitting. Shigaraki was standing in front of the man, Toga holding a knife, and Dabi was taking a cigarette break.

"Wait a minute, isn't that one of the U.A. students?"

"Yeah, but you would know that if you weren't in the boss's room smelling all his clothes to go into heat again." What were they doing here??? Does Midoriya know??? I have to warn everyone somehow!!! I look around the room.

"Why did you bring him in here?" Shigaraki said while scratching at his neck.

"He was listening in."

"can I stab him, handyman?! can I? can I?"


"Aww, well you can't tell me what to do with him! Master~ what do you want to do to him?~" she looked at the guy in the shadows. silence from the mystery guy.

"Isn't he one of your buddies Dekiru?" Dekiru? the most wanted yet feared Villain/Mafia leader in the world?! what is he doing in Midoriya's basement?!?!?! unless.... no it can't be..... he only rambles about being a hero.

"Mhhh~" Shigaraki moved back, Toga backed away and Dabi smirked blowing out the smoke in his lungs.

"Well, shit, you did something to piss him off."

"Yes, he did~" he sounded so familiar...finally he stands up and I could hear each step he took as it echoed through the room. Dekiru... I'm going to be face to face with Dekiru. he stepped out of the light.

The wolf in sheep's clothing....... Midoriya. My eyes widen in disbelief. Midoriya is Dekiru?!

"M-Midoriya?!" he put on a smirk and walked to where Shigaraki was. He carried a revolver in his right hand. He pushed out the barrel and checked it.

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