Final Attempt (P3)

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Mitsuki's POV

I sat there staring at nothing when my husband came in waddling.
"Mitsuki what happened?" I looked at him and broke down, he rushed to my side.
"T-they said that they couldn't find any leads none whatsoever. So the case runs cold until something comes up. They gave up!" My son, my wonderful, bratty son has been gone, for 3 months now. They think he's dead but I'm not telling Masaru that, it'll just send him into a depressed state. I hugged him as he started to cry.
"He's still fighting"

Katsuki's POV

One. More. Time. Please, anyone. Come through that door, let me try one more time. It's freezing. I rubbed my feet hoping to make some friction to get them warm. Maybe I should just accept it... I can't win... The door clicks. My eyes looked up to one spot in the room. The door opens and the electrifying pain coursed through my body but definitely not as long as normal. They've gotten cocky~ the lady put, my food down in front of me, and took the empty dish. I looked at it. This wasn't Deku's cooking.
"Sorry, the master isn't here today, so hope you don't mind that" she, walked back out to the cart and came back with cleaning supplies. They are supposed to electrocute me to make sure I stay down the whole time. After a few minutes, she was still in the bathroom listening to music. The twitching stopped but the electricity still ran through my body. I was able to get up. I took a step, making sure I can support my weight. Not like I really way shit anymore anyway. I continued taking steps. Until I reached the door. If I don't make it, I truly have lost. I bolted out the door and went upstairs, went down the familiar halls and reached the main hall. The staircases clean and polished the cold floor the warm room. The beautiful decor all faded away except for one thing, the humongous doors to my freedom. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. A gust of cool air hit me making my whole body just want to curl up. But I didn't let it, I ran out of the house and out of the humungous ass gates. I continued running, not looking back. My whole body was exhausted after 5 minutes. C'mon, I could last longer than this!!! I kept running. I saw a strip of the road up above. I smiled knowing I was so close. My feet touched the pavement. I panted as I tried to see where I'm at. I look to the right of me and see the city lights. I breathed in some cold air and continued running. Almost there, almost there, almost there! I collapsed. I tried to sit up, my body wouldn't let me.
"Oh my, guys stop recording and help him!" Some unknown scent touched me. My body jerked up on its own. I moved back ready to be shocked but nothing happened. I looked at where I had fallen and saw the collar was broken. I smiled and touched my neck. I broke into tears.
"Take me home, please take me home"
"Ok, I can do that butー"
"He's the missing kid!"
"Call the police!!!" I tried to get up but the lady pushed me down.
"You should rest... Maybe somewhere warmer" she said Some shit to some other guy and he walked to me. I panicked and moved back. I eventually got up.
"He's not going to hurt you" I shook my head in disagreement. I looked around and saw a whole bunch of people, staring at me. There, eyes were, digging into me, judging me trying to find my little secrets, to find out my whole life. I couldn't breathe. Warm arms wrapped around me filling my lungs with the scent. My body quivered at his touch. His hot breaths brushed my neck
"Now you will come back without a struggle. You will receive your punishment, and you'll never do this again" he kissed my scent glands and my body couldn't support me. He picked me up. I could hear the sirens. So close, yet so far...
Deku killed the lady that touched me and the man who was about to and escaped all in a few seconds. But we didn't go back to the house. No, we're going somewhere completely different. Exhaustion washed over me as I smelled his calming pheromones. I closed my eyes... That's it... He'll just catch me every time...There's no escaping him.

3rd POV

when the MPD (Musutafu police department) got the call they rushed over to the scene immediately. Since they had officers in the nearby area they sent them there. But instead of a missing 16-year-old, they find 2 brutally murdered bodies and a whole group of witnesses. So, they interviewed them all, basically said the same thing. He ran towards us and fell, a lady tried to help then people realized who he was. So they called the police and the man wanted for over 500 murders came in and took him. Then killed the two in a few seconds. The police contacted the family.

Mitsuki's POV

I hung up and covered my mouth to muffle out my sobs. I felt happy he was alive, yet horrible at the same time.
"MITSUKI LOOK!!!" Masaru yelled from the living room. I ran to the living room wiping away my tears. He raised up the volume when he saw me.
"Latest report on the missing cold case of Bakugo Katsuki. Found just a couple of hours ago, the footage was recorded of the scene. Be advised, children around should not watch this footage" Then a video popped up. There he was... He was so skinny. Someone tried to help him but he backed away frightened. I cover my mouth as my heart tightened. The camera zoomed in as Katsuki touched his neck and started to cry. I sat down next to Masaru. Our baby was alive, in pain, but alive. They need to find him, he needs to come home. We kept watching the video. As Izuku pops out of nowhere and hugs Katsuki. He's taller then him and much more muscular than last time. Katsuki's body gave up and Izuku caught him. Then the two that tried to help Katsuki ended up brutally murdered before the police could arrive. I hugged Masaru as he was in tears. He'll be ok.

Katsuki's POV

I woke up cold and sore, something was in my mouth pressing against my face. I tried to remove it but I was met with the movement of chains. I looked up to see chains holding me up. I looked down to see I was completely naked. My mind went to one ofvtge worst nights of my life, I panicked and tried to get out. Then the familiar scent hit me like a truck, calming me down. Something metal was picked up and light taps of footsteps walked up to me. Since there was light, dim but there. I saw Deku clearly. He smiled but he wasn't happy.
"Now my love, I'm tired of playing nice. It's punishment time~"

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