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[Suicide and blood warning]

Mitsuki's POV

(Katsukis little sister)

(Brown eyes, ash blonde hair)

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(Brown eyes, ash blonde hair)

I carefully put Misari down in her crib and kissed her head.
"Goodnight sweet pea" I quietly exited the room and closed the door. Something felt wrong, My whole mood dropped. Where's Masaru? I walked to my room. The room had a faint distress scent. I started to get worried. I ran to the bathroom door, which was closed. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I banged my fist agaisnt the door.
"MASARU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" He didn't answer.  I tried again, no response. I kicked down the door and took one step inside to only take a few steps back in horror. Tears flowed down as I entered the room. He sat there lifelessly holding a picture of Katsuki as a baby in his hands. The water didn't look like water, just blood. I felt the sorrow, the despair, the guilt, heavily weighing on me. I grabbed my phone, with shaky hands I called the police. I put my phone on the counter after the call. I got on my knees and looked into his pain filled eyes. I thought he wasn't going to do it... He was always carying around Misari... I just thought, maybe, just maybe he would choose to live. My heart shattered and my body didn't want to get up. I just wanted to sit there and cry, cry everything out. Probably ending up doing the same thing... I lost my son and My husband in the span of 7 days, I was falling into despair. Please, something pull me out. Give me a reason to keep going. Then I heard my daughter cry, I still have a baby. I got up quickly and away from the scene and ran to Misari. She sat there crying. I went up to her crib, she looked at me in tears, while holding her plushie of Katsuki I made.
"Shhh it's ok, mommas got you" I picked her up and laid her small body against my chest. I swayed side to side, rubbing her back.
"It's ok... Nobody will hurt you. I promise"

Katsuki's POV

With a towel around my waist and music blasted to the max, water dripped off my hair as I danced my way out of the bathroom. When I opened my eyes I saw Deku on the door frame, bleeding. I ran to him and he collapsed in my arms.
"Deku! Deku what happened?!"
"I'm... I'm... Fine..."
"You're fucking crazy!!!! You're not fine!!!!"
"I'll...... Heal...." I go underneath his arm and carry him to the bathroom. I let him sit against the wall and I grabbed the medical supplies and turned off the radio. I got on my knees and took off his clothes. I gasped.
"What happened?!"
"Tell me what the fuck happened!!!"
"The..... Guy jumped.... Me..... After the..... Meeting...."
"Tch" I was pissed, if you made a deal you shouldn't try and kill the guy. I poured the Hydrogen Peroxide on the rag and cleaned up his wounds. He groans in pain. "Sorry" after I cleaned up the blood, I grabbed the alcohol and pressed the rag underneath the wound and poured the alcohol. He hisses in pain.
"Shit, that hurt" I patched him up. I looked at him. I sighed and cleaned up the small cuts on his face. "You made me worried for something that you could've handled easily" he lets out a chuckle but then hisses in pain.
"Maybe...." I felt his hands go up my thigh. I rolled my eyes and held his hand.
"Off limits till your healed" he smirks.
"I'm taking you up to that~... Thank you"
"Yeah" he caressed my cheek.
"I'm sorry for making you worried"
"Whatever" he tries to sit up, but I push him down. "You're hurt"
"And I want to kiss you"
"... Just one" he smiles. I lean in and gave him a peck on the lips. He lets out a whine. I chuckle.
"You're a jerk" he drops his hand and grabs something from his pocket. A box of cigarettes.
"You shouldn't smoke" he shrugs and snaps his fingers, an explosion comes from it and he lights it. He was about to put it in his mouth but stops.

Izuku's POV

I saw how upset he was when he looked at his hand, he wasn't going to go. I'm absolutely sure about that. I sighed and touched his shoulder. I gave him back his quirk.
"Try using your quirk?"
"Are yiu stupid?"
"No. now try" he looked at his hands and tried. Sparks of explosions started to appear I, his hands. His eyes widen in shock then excitement. He smiled, shit I wished I gave it back to him sooner. He looks so cute when he's happy. He then pulled me into a kiss. No hesitation I kissed back. I should start giving him what he wants more. He parts away from me and apologizes.
"No problem babe~" he blushes. I try to get up, he quickly gets up and helps me. But he doesn't let go of my hand. I found it cute as he happily holds my hand and sparks up his. I start to walk but I tripped he catches me and supports ne, walking me to the bed. I layed down on the bed as he lays down next to me, still sparking his hands.
"Sorry for taking your quirk, kacchan"
"It doesn't matter any more, I got it back." He looks up at me and smiles.
"Aren't you cold?"
"A little, but I don't care"
"Put on clothes, I don't want you getting sick"
"Tch, fucking telling me what to do. You don't get to tellー" I grab his jaw and make him face me.
"Stop complaining, and put on some goddamn clothes" his eyes dialated like they would in heat.
"Yes Alpha..." I let go and he does what I tell him.

Katsuki's POV

I got up and did what he told me to do. He didn't have to do that, I was gonna get up. I rummage through the drawers and put on my shirt and pants. I was released from the command and I stood there in tears. After a few minutes he came inside the closet and looked at me. I wiped my tears and looked at him annoyed.
"What is wrong with you? Your still hurt you should be sleeping!" He continues to walk up to me. "I... Please, goー" he wraps his arms around me hugging me tight.
"I'm sorry! I should've never done that!" I looked away. "I just wanted to make sure you won't get sick. I want to make sure you're taken care of" I hug him back and buried my face into his neck.
"It's ok"
"I'm glad. I love you so much kacchan"
"Love you too..."

Oh ma goud😋 I,only wrote this,story for th, and because,it,won't get out of,my damn head but I didn't think it would get views!!! Thank you so,much for reading this piece,of thing I'm working on!!!

Oh ma goud😋 I,only wrote this,story for th, and because,it,won't get out of,my damn head but I didn't think it would get views!!! Thank you so,much for reading this piece,of thing I'm working on!!!

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Butiful so butiful thank you guys. I'm sorry if this story seems so confusing. I write most of it at night surviving at one brain cell is not fun😌
I do proof read I just don't see anything wrong till later.

Anyway, for the ones that coincidentaly have read one of my older stories like "alter ego" I'm modyfying it and hope to be posting it back up soon (i accidentally deleted it)😶

Anyway done with rambling until next time😋

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