Mind Games (P2)

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>blood, slight torture<

Katsuki's POV

"shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up" I held my hands against my ears hoping to block out the voices. he's doing this to me!!!! I'm not fucking crazy, I've been here for about 3 weeks. how can I tell? well 2 weeks ago I was in heat, now I just got over my stupid period. I'm lucky that it only lasts 2 days. I don't know the fucking day though. I am starving. if you just give in then he'll give you food. fuck that! it shouldn't take this goddamn long to find me!!!! I swear if they don't come quicker. why would they? they didn't care. nobody did. I mean your parents are having another child to trade you for them. they had another kid because they made a mistake. keep telling yourself that. fuck you, fuck this whole situation. I put the blanket over me and tried to hide from the world. 

I wake up to a slight cool breeze. I sit up and looked at the door. it was open. I looked around and got up. something felt off... I walked to the door slowly and quietly. I peeked through the door, the hallway was empty. I slipped out of the room and walked down the hall. before I reached the end of the hall Deku popped out of the corner. he looks at me and smiles. I was terrified, he was going to kill me or something.

"oh Kacchan, you just love coming down here don't you" no I don't! you put me down here. wait... I can't speak. "c'mere" he walked up to me, I tried to run back into the room but couldn't. he was so much taller than me right now. how?! he picked me up and placed me on his hip. I looked at my hands and legs. I was a... child? he took me upstairs and we passed a mirror. he stopped for some reason and I looked at myself. my arms and legs were wrapped in bandages. I had a band-aid patch on my cheek and a band-aid on my nose. I had blood on my hands and my white shirt.
"What's wrong Kacchan?" I feel weak, my stomach felt like it had been punched through. I felt cold yet I felt the warm air surround me. My vision was blurry.
"Kacchan, what did I say about playing with knives?" What? I wasn't playing with... I was holding a knife, a blood-stained knife. Where did I get it from? He takes the knife from me. He put it down on a console table.
"Let's get you cleaned up" god why can't I speak. I raised up my shirt and saw my wound. I... I... Stabbed myself? I tried to call out to him but he didn't hear me. Oh god, I'm dying. Tears flowed down my cheeks, as he continued to smile and walk to the bathroom. I breathe in a shaky and painful breath and screamed his name.

"DEKU!!!!!" I gasp for air as I sat up looking around at the empty space. Tears still flowing down. Nobody to check on me... Why is it that I feel so lonely? I never liked it when someone checked on me, so why now? I hugged my knees and put my head down.

"I want to go home" I let out.
What's the purpose?
What's the purpose of going home?
So I could be with my family and become a hero
You could always start a new family, besides, didn't you start training to be a hero for Deku? Now you know he doesn't need one.
... S-still I want to be with the hag and old man
They don't want you
Yes, they do!!
Then why are they having another child? I bet once the baby is born they'll forget all about you.
No that's not true
It is, babies need a lot of attention. Soon they will only have an extra storage room
Will they? Will they give up looking for me? Will they move on?... No Katsuki don't think about that! Of course, they'll remember you, who could forget the great...... Great...... I need to get home. I wiped the tears off my face and looked down.

Hours later

The door opened. I looked up, exhaustion and pain flooding my body.
"You ready?" Deku. Deku is here. "I made some food, there's a nice bath waiting for you and a comfortable bed" that sounds so amazing. "I forgive you, c'mon I miss you~" I can possibly escape. I nodded. "That's great~" I got up as he walked towards me. He wrapped his arms around me. His scent was so fucking strong. I felt like I can go into heat again, I wrapped my arms around him.
"Jump~" my face heated up but I obeyed. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He turned around and walked out of the room. I looked at my surroundings trying to remember how to get from point a to point b. He took me up to the third floor. Nobody seemed to be here. He opens the door and walked inside the room. He closed it behind him and put me down on a soft cushioned seat. I looked around the room that I am in. It was beautiful. A queen-sized bed, leveled, lay in the center with silky white sheets. He had a tv mounted on the wall where I am sitting. I sat on a bean bag in front of a black loveseat sofa. A fireplace in front of me. I looked outside and It was snowing, I stared in awe. He had an amazing view. He walked back to me with a tray of food. He sat there in front of me, happily looking at me. I looked at the steaming hot food on my lap and the Alpha in front of me. Everything almost seemed perfect. Almost.
"I hated you being so far from me, please just stay with me. You don't have to live in fear, you don't have to stick your neck out for others, you deserve to be happy. With me" I looked up at him, I realized he grew an inch or two since a couple of weeks ago. He also had a tiny bit more muscle. He caressed my cheek lovingly. I closed my eyes and pretended to melt into the touch.
"Great, I'll go set the tub" I opened my eyes and I was met with a smile. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Even after his lips separated away from my skin I still felt the lingering warm feeling. He got up and walked behind me into his own bathroom. I quickly put the tray down on the couch and got up silently. My heart pounded against my chest as I tiptoed to the door. I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly and quietly. I heard the sound of the water rushing down. I opened the door hearing no creak. I let out a breath of relief. I stepped out of the room and closed the door. I turned around and ran down the hall. I ran down the flights of stairs. But when I got to the first floor Deku was there holding a gun.
"I really hate doing this Kacchan, I prefer cuddles" he pointed the gun at me and smiled as I stumbled back in fear. He pulled the trigger and a very light shot was heard. Something poked me. I took a peek at my leg, a tranq. My body went numb and limp. Deku walked up to me and smiled. But not a happy one. He picked me up and carried me back into the dark lonely basement I hate. He laid me down and something appeared in his hand. A collar? He put it around my neck then sat down next to me. He sat there for a couple of minutes, I finally started to feel my hand move again. He saw that and looked at me. Then agonizing pain of a million needles stabbing into me all simultaneously made me scream. The pain came from my throat. The collar has to be a shock collar. Then the pain stopped and my body twitched.
"Kacchan, I did warn you. Next time won't be so pretty. You will join me, or stay here and I'll have you no matter what" the electrifying pain coursed through my body and stopped before a minute. He got up and walked away, leaving me to twitch.

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