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*short chapter*

Katsuki's POV

Why would he leave? Why would he take me out and just dump,that on me???  I looked up to see Deku sleeping. I gently traced his freckles. He smiles and opens his eyes.
"Morning" god he sounded hot. Jerk, pretending he was alseep.
"Tch" I sat up and passed my fingers through my hair.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah..." he shuffled around then his arms wrapped around my waist and his head leaned against my shoulder. I held his hands and we stood there for a while. Eventually, I got up and used the bathroom. I handed Deku a toothbrush and he used the bathroom after me. When I went back into my room and Deku into the bathroom, I saw the shark plushie on my desk. I went downstairs and smelled the eggs and bacon in the air along with other foods. I walk into the kitchen. The hag was cooking WHILE the old man read the newspaper, he looked up from the newspaper and turned around. His sense of smell is heightened since he's pregnant and all.
"Morning Katsuki" I gave him a wave.
"Morning brat!" I hummed. I sat down next to the old man. "So, what happened?" The hag asked. I didn't bother to look up.
"One minute you were hanging out with Kirishima the next Izuku was carrying you home."
"I said nothing fucking happened! It doesn't even fucking matter so let it go!"
"....ok" a few seconds later Deku walked into the kitchen and sat down next to me.
"Good Morning," he said, they said it back to him. The hag put down me and my father's plate in front of us.
Deku stayed for a little while until he got a call. He said it was from Auntie and he had to go. So he said bye to all of us and left. My parents decided to go to the store to start shopping for their new unborn child. It's way too fucking early but whatever. They had to drag me along. The rest of the weekend was fine, I guess. When we went back to school it was weird.
"Kirishima, Eijiro" no response. A little piece of me hoped he was kidding and he would show. But I guess he didn't.
"Not here. Uhm, does anybody know where he is?"
"He's not coming, I guess you haven't received anything yet Aizawa. He dropped out" everyone gasped. I don't blame them, you wouldn't think he would drop out.
"That's too bad he had potential" I looked out the window watching the rain hit the window and nothing but darkness outside. it was soothing. for the rest of the day, I didn't get bothered and my "squad" was moping around without Kirishima there being a complete idiot. for some reason, I couldn't find Deku. so I stayed at the table of the former happy cheery group. our class tried to cheer us up but it didn't work. I don't know why but I felt like something was gonna happen. 

then there it was the school's alarm. red lights flooded the room.


heheheheeh cliff hanger cause why not? a short chapter sorry.....

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