Deku...(Escape P1)

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Katsuki's POV

I groaned in pain as I open my eyes. where was I? I sat up, my legs were bare so I looked up my legs, I was only wearing boxers and a plain white over sized shirt. I looked around. the room was plain but cozy, I could hear nothing but me shuffling around and breathing. I got up from the plain full sized bed and walked around. I felt around the walls trying to find a door it was weird, why isn't there any doors or window. The only door there was one to a mini bathroom

"damn..." I continue to walk around the room. Then the room filled with a familiar scent I turned around.

"morning sleeping beauty" 

"Deku... where am I? why did you take me?!"

"well first of all we're in my basement and I already told you. I wanted you "

"you're crazy!!!"

"thank you~"I looked at him in anger, he was in a green silk button-up, black vest, black dress pants, and black loafers. his hair was split down the side and he has eyeliner on. if I wasn't in this situation I definitely would've drooled over how fucking hot he looked. but I kept those thoughts to myself. "I brought you some food" He showed me the bag and smiled.

"I'm not hungry," I said as he put the bag down on the bed

"sure you aren't"

"you're not my Alpha so stop treating me like you are"

"really? then who is?" he caressed my cheek while saying that and it almost made me melt into his hand. the Omega in me wanted to be touched but I didn't. I swatted his hand away. he sighs and lowers his hand, he starts to walk away.

"well Enjoy that, because this is the last time I'm bringing you something big to eat"


"exactly I do, behave and I'll let you out of this room. don't and well, stay in here starving" he smiles. he loves me being tormented in any way possible. he opens the door and turns off the light. I ain't fucking staying here, good luck with that! 

"see you tomorrow my love~" he disappears. the smell of Katsudon filled my nose, my stomach rumbled in hunger, I wanted to ignore it, to go against him but after a minute I found myself eating. I hummed in satisfaction. it tasted so fucking good, the perfect amount of spice. after I was done I pushed it to the side and thought of multiple ways I can escape. I thought of multiple ways all my plans can go wrong. now to wait and see their schedule.

I got up and started doing little stretches and simple exercises. I started to feel uncomfortable so I tried to use my quirk but nothing. I looked around and tried to see if there's any quirk canceling boxes, but nothing. Deku... he took away my quirk that has to be it. there goes 90% of my plans. I layed down trying to think of what happened to him in his years away. I didn't realize I knocked out until I breathed in an unfamiliar scent way too close to me. my reflexes went to kick the person in front of me, I definitely hit someone. I opened my eyes and saw a female beta on the floor. she looked at me in pain. I looked at the opened space in. well shit. I got up and started to run she tried to stop me but I escaped locking her in there. I ran down the hall and up the stairs. I opened the door and looked down the hall. definitely not the house Deku took us in before. but I tried to make due. I carefully ran around the house trying to find an exit. but then I ran into something. I fell back and looked up. my eyes widen in fear. the twins from before. I scooched back. they looked at me in anger and lust.

"well, brother, he's come back for more~ and this time he's ready~"

"We really shouldn't, we finally got our shit healed and regenerated. I'd prefer not to get shot again."

"your brother is right Kaito" they freeze and turned around revealing Deku. he sighs and walks to me I try to get up to escape. "stop it doll~" he used an Alpha command and I had to stay still. "how upsetting... and I just came back from getting my room ready for you. I guess you can stay down there longer" he picks me up.


"This is your new home Doll" he took me back down and let the little beta out. he placed me down on the bed. he grabbed my jaw and looked me in the eye. "try that again doll, and you won't just be starving."

"fuck you!"

"and I love you. you have to learn that you cannot escape, that it's hopeless, that your only option is to stay with me. that I am the only one you need. Kirishima doesn't want you! Alpha's just want to use you! stop fighting me! you'll be so happy with me if you just stop fighting"

"NEVER!!!!" he lets go of me.

"we'll see about that"

"they'll find you!"

"I doubt that anyway, better get comfortable, your heat is going to start up soon, isn't it?" he smirks and pulls out a folded piece of cloth from his inner pocket and puts it down next to me. he got up, turned on his heel, and walked away not giving me another glance. he closed the door leaving me alone with his intoxicating scent that filled the room. he purposely did it too. I looked down to where he placed the folded cloth. I picked it up and held it up to my nose to only smell more of him. dammit. my body felt heavy and hot. fuck him.

Mitsuki's POV


"Mrs. Bakugo I promise you we are doing everything we can to find him. just please be patient"


"We know ma'am we are going to get him back soon, your son will be returned to you" I cannot believe this is happening he's been gone for two days now. how could Izuku do this?! I thought he was stable! if he murdered the #1 hero and another in front of a whole bunch of students who knows what he can do to Katsuki. the villains before are no threat to him but Izuku, he knows everything about him... he can do worse than any villain could. I just hope they find them.

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