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Katsukis pov

I tried to feed them again this morning, which worked, so that was a good sign. The little bumps only got darker. I have to see if this is reversible. They were already dressed and the hag is asleep. So no questions stopping me. I picked my little girl up, placing her in her car seat. I then placed my son in his car seat. I put on my jacket and picked up both car seats. Exercise without the equipment. I walked out of my room and down stairs. I placed the car seats down to put on my shoes.
"Hey Kat, where are you going???" I turned around to see Misa, with a bowl of cereal in her hands.
"What are you doing up so early?" She looked around then at me.
"Uhm I have school...?"
"Oh yeah... right"
"So where are you and the twins going?"
"... first of all it's none of your business. But we are heading to an appointment"
"Oh. That's sucks. Can I say bye?"
"Sure but make it quick" I turn back around and put on my shoes as Misa played with the babies for a second. I looked at her and saw my daughter biting my sisters finger, well trying to. "That's enough. I have to go"
"Alright. See you later, Kat" she wrapped her arms around my shoulder and pressed her cheek against mine. "Be safe"
"Stop with the cuddles and go away" I swatted her away which she giggled and ran back to the kitchen. I picked the car seats back up once I opened the door and walked out of the house. I walked to the hags spare car and placed the babies in the car.
"Bakugou..." I paused what I was doing then stood up. I turned around and faced the redhead. I shook my head and slammed the door. The hunger isn't gone. I walked to the other side of the car. "Wait!!! Bakugou hold on!!! Let's just talk!!!"
"About what?! About how you try to heal, how all of you try to heal and mend what has been down to me?! I am not broken!!! I don't need saving!!!! And I sure as hell don't need another Alpha!!! If you wanted to have me then you shouldn't have coward away" I opened the car door and got in. He stops me from closing the door. "Please, please I'm sorry. Let's just talk this through"
"No I have places to be" I slammed the door shut and started the engine. He knocked on the window. I looked at him.
"My keys" I looked behind me in the drive way and sighed. I rolled down my window and gave him the house keys.
"There at the console table near the entrance. Make it quick"
"Got it..." He turned with a defeated look on his face and walked to the house. So much for a clean get away. I looked up into my rear view mirror and looked at the twins as Itsuki tried to give Kazumi her toy. At least they're happy.

I parked into an alley. My hands shaking as I turned off the engine. "Ok, my little gerbils... these are some weird psychos... and I need you both safe... so, cry when you need me. It's not like I'm actually going to leave you two..." I opened the door and walked out into the alley. I opened the doors to the back and took my kids out. I walked down the stairs and knocked on the door. After a few seconds the door opened and toga greeted me with a gasp.
"Are those the babes????" I walked past her and went to the bar, placing the car seats down.
"Where the fuck is Shigaraki?!"
"With his stupid bonus. Now let me see the little babies!!!"
"Hell no. Now go get him"
"Hmm no" she crossed her arms and looked at me.
"Why the fuck not?"
"I just want to see them. At least let me look at them" I sighed and stepped aside. She smiled and hoped closer. I stopped her from getting to close. She looked at them in awe. "Oh, this one looks like the boss man and that one looks like you!~" she frowned a bit. "What's up with the little bumps?"
"It's what I'm here for"
"And what exactly is that?" I turned around and looked at crusty lips himself.
"What the fuck up is up with the experiments you did on Izuku?!"
"Actually it wasn't just me. So stop be so judge. Now what did you come her for so early in the afternoon?"
"I want you to tell me what's wrong with my kids!" He walked behind the bar and raised a hand. Signaling me to show him. I lowered down the top part of the car seat on both then turned them. His eyebrows raised and he tried to reach his uncovered hands. I turned the car seats around. He looks at me then looks back down serving himself a glass. "So?"
"I can't do anything about that. That's permanent. You just have to guide them"
"Fucking shit... it's your fucking experiment!!!!"
"That we worked with to have no cure. It was just to create"
"You can't be fucking serious"
"Very much so Dynamight"
"This is a waste of fucking time" he shrugs and takes a sip of the whiskey he poured. I picked up the car seats and walked out of the bar, ignoring Togas snickers. I put the babies back in the car and drove off. I don't know where just somewhere....

There you go weirdos!!!!

A bit short but oh well

I finally have where am I going with this and it'll definitely bring a second story.  Which I hope all of you will read. I still have hope that I will remake this one. So it can sound better. So hopefully I will update again much sooner.😋

Well until next time!!!

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