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Katsuki's POV

They took me to the bar and I got cleaned up and changed my clothes. I sat on one of barstools watching Kurogiri polish the glass cups. Dabi was at the end of the bar table smoking while Hawks sat on his lap drinking. Twice was bothering compress and spinner was polishing his blades. Shigaraki was off someplace else.
"Want a drink?" Kurogiri asked
"No... But do you know where Deku is?"
"Well fuck, they were hoping you knew" Dabi said.
"No... They said he disappeared after my little death"
"That explains why he was all moppy and got extra drunk last month" hawks said.
"He was here?"
"Yeah, but he never said where he'll be heading off too"
"Oh..." My phone started buzzing, I look down. I let out a sigh and answered. "Hello?"
"Katsuki where are you?!"
"At the store"
"This late?!"
"Yeah, what's it matter to you?!"
"You can't be leaving and not letting me know that you are!!! You have kids!!! You can't just leave!!!"
"What? Worried I'll get taken by him again? Good let him do it, I prefer to be beaten then spend another day with you" I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket.
"Let me guess, overprotective mother?"
"Tch... She's been like this since my sister was born" I got up and headed for the door.
"Before you go" Shigaraki said walking down a hall. "Would you like to join us? As an official member?"
"I'm so happy, no he's not" twice said. Fucking weirdo.
"Didn't think you'd answer quickly"
"It benefits me in a way"
"As some, well Deku designed a suit for you I'll show it to you next time"
"Ok" I opened the door and exited the bar. I walked up the stairs and breathed in. I will use this for a chance to look for deku, and maybe if he came here once, maybe he'll come back.

A week later

I made breakfast for the family and one annoying red head. Nothing on the news came up about the guy I devoured so I was safe.
"Thanks Kat!!! It's so delicious"
"Yeah bro!" I rolled my eyes and handed him another pancake. He thanked me, I turned around to the stove and flipped the pancake. My body got hot but I brushed it off as being in front of a stove and it being hot outside.

"Get on your knees and beg~"
"Deku?!" I turned around to only not see him. Kirishima and Misari looked at me confused and worried.
"Naughty puppy~" the sound of whips and chains rang through my head. Fuck. My body went straight to being in full blown heat, used to be pleasurized way to quick. I put down the stuff and turned off the stove, quickly made my way out of the kitchen. I stumbled up the stairs, taking off the apron I leaned against the wall. I was panting, the scent of the unmarked Alpha got closer. I heard Deku calling for me in my room. I continued to walk to my room. Deku was there holding a whip in hand.
"Deku~" he turned around and smiled. My heart leaped for joy as I made my way too him, but when I was about to hug him he disappears. I held onto the crib looking down in pain.
"G-go away"
"A-are you o-ok?"
"My pheromones a-are affecting you"
"That doesn't m-matter"
"Just go!"
"Fine, I'll check on you later" the door slammed. I took off my clothes, got on my knees and crawled to the bathroom. Everything hurt, it hurt so much. Maybe just once... No, I'm not allowed. I want my reward. But the punishment~ I bit my lip, remembering the punishments, the pain. Just once.

Kirishima POV

"He needs to move on, I can't see him in pain anymore" Mitsuki said.
"I know" Kazuku started to pull my hair. "Hey that's not to pull, little man" I gently took my hair out of his little grasp. I grabbed one of his teething toys and held it up to him. "Here, have this instead" he grabbed it and started to chew on it. He looked at me and smiled.
"You are so good with kids and a wonderful Alpha" I gave her a smile. "He seems to like you"
"It's probably because I smell like Bakugo"
"Can you go check on him?" I looked up.
"H-he's in heat"
"I trust you" she smiles and places Itsuki down in the crib. She took Kazuku and cradled him. I let out a breath, got up and went upstairs. I was scared, what if I couldn't control it. I had to, I had to control it. I knocked on the door.
"Bakugo?" Nothing. I knocked again. He still didn't respond. Probably sleeping. I turned the doorknob and opened the door, covering my nose and mouth. I stepped into his room, he wasn't in bed. The door to the bathroom was open and a dim light shined.
"Bakugo?" I heard a low gasp. I walked to the entrance. "I'm coming in" I stepped into the bathroom, A single candle was lighting the room. Blood covered the floor, I didn't want to look, but my eyes looked into the tub. My breath hitched, my heart pounded, my body shook.
"Bakugo..." Something was rapped around his throat and hands. I quickly went to take the cloth out of his throat. I took him out of the tub, laying him on the ground. I undid his wrist.
"Please be ok" I felt for a heartbeat. "Dammit" I started to perform CPR. It only took me a few tries but it felt like an eternity. He sat up gasping for air. I wrapped my arms around him as he starts crying.
"N-nothing's working *coughs*"
"So you tried to kill your self?!"
"I-I need him, everything hurts. It hurts so much"
"You don't need him, he hurt you, he manipulated you" He buried his face into my neck.
"Help me~"
"I... Can't" I looked down to see blood oozing down his leg. A word was carved into his skin. I picked him up, placing him on the counter. I grabbed a towel covering him.
"Can't concentrate?~"
"Bakugo please don't tease"
"But you like it~" I cleaned up the blood, trying to only focus on the new wound. "Your hands are so soft and warm... I haven't felt that in a while" I looked up at him. He looked exhausted. I bandaged his leg, he wraps his arms around my neck and puts his head down He let out his pheromones, suffocating me. I pick him up and carried him to his bed. "Your kids miss you"
"My babies?..." He sounded tired "where are my babies? I want my babies"
"Ok, I'll get them for you"
"Don't touch them!!!"
"Bakugo calm down"
"Kiri... Why? Why did you leave me?"
"Kiri, Where's my Alpha?"
"... Let me go get the twins" I put the blanket over him as he mumbles things to himself. I exited the room and let out a breath. I was relieved that I didn't let my instincts take over but now I was questioning, why did he asked; why I left him? A lot of possibilities crossed my mind, but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I walked downstairs and entered the living room.
"Why you took awhile" She said with a smirk but didn't look up.
"Not what you think... Uh, honestly I think he likes being near death for uh sexual reasonsー"
"That's something I don't need to know"
"Oh uh, I said it because he almost committed suicide" she looked up in fear.
"I preformed CPR so he's all good" she put a hand on her chest and breathed out a heavy relieved sigh.
"T-thank god"
"Sorry... I'm gonna bring the twins up to him"
"Wonderful idea" I walked to the crib where Kazuku was clinging onto his stuff toy and Itsuki sucking on a pacifier. I pick up Kazuku carefully, Mitsuki picks up Itsuki placing her gently in my arms. I walked back upstairs and into his room, he was balled up in his blanket crying. I rushed over to him, placing the twins down in the little spot made for them.
"Bakugo, what's wrong?" I touch his shoulder, he was asleep. I shook him lightly. "Bakugo, Bakugo wake up" he jumped as his eyes shot open. He looked at me in fear. I held his hand and released calming pheromones.
"You're going to be allright" he removes his hand from mine and looks at the twins.
"Oh my little fallen angels, I missed you" he kisses their heads and curled up next to them.
"Nobody will hurt you"

Those should be yours, he should be your Omega
What the hell am I thinking?!
He is right for the taking, claim him he's in heat.
Hell no!!! I want him but I'm not going to force him like Midoriya did!!!!
He looks at me with lust yet his body only showed to care for his kids.
"Night, Bakugo" he hums, I walk back a few steps, turn around and head out the room closing the door behind me.

Updates will be a little slower this time around, because I haven't written future chapters and I'm writing another fanfic. But don't worry I will be finishing this story. I'm so flipping happy on how much attention this is getting, like 11k??? Woah... Thanks you guys😆 goodbyeeee

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