The beggining

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Katsuki's POV

"Let's start from, the beginning." I look at her as she puts her pen down on the clipboard, focusing on me. I look down at my hands, passing my phone from one hand to another. A ding comes from it, I flip it over and turned it on. It's from my mother. The therapist cleared her throat.

"What did we say about your phone, Mr. Bakugo?"


"Right, sorry." I turned it off, putting it back in my jacket pocket. I look outside the window, wanting to get out of this stupid room. I sighed and closed my eyes, collecting my thoughts. 

"It started when we were 6..."

3rd person

"DEKU!!! LOOK!!!" katsuki ran to his little greenette friend. The little boy got up holding his spotted ball. Katsuki stops in front of his friend, showing him what's in his hand. The little boy looked in awe. It was a white rabbit with a black spot covering one eye.

"Whadaya think?! Cool isn't it!?" The little boy nods. Katsuki watches as his best friends emerald eyes shimmer in the sun's rays, showing the freckles dance across his cheeks and nose.

"Can I hold it Kacchan?" Katsuki was about to speak when someone called them.

"Izuku, Katsuki we're leaving soon!" A woman in her 30's, with forest green hair reaching her shoulders. The same emerald eyes as the little boy.

"Ok, Auntie!" Katsuki said

"Ok, momma." Izuku said, softly. 

"Fine, you can hold it. But only this one time Deku!" Izuku nods, he bends down and places the ball down. He takes the fussy rabbit from under its little arms and looks at it. The rabbit continues to kick at Izuku trying to break free. Katsuki picks up Izukus ball and was about to walk to Izuku's mother; Inko Midoriya. When he had a cold feeling go down his spine. Katsuki looks at Izuku, he just stood there staring at the struggling rabbit with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Deku?" Katsuki said curiously. Izuku grabs the rabbit's arm holds it up by that arm. Izuku smiles, he wraps his fingers around the rabbit's neck and squeezes.  

"Deku, why are you doing that?" 

"Because it's fun" he watches closely as the rabbit struggles to get out of his grasp. Katsuki wasn't scared, just fascinated as the rabbit loses air. Katsuki watches as the rabbit kicks its final kicks. Katsuki didn't notice someone came up to them until someone gasped in horror behind them. Katsuki looks up at Inko.

"Come on Deku we got to go." Katsuki walked away. Izuku turned around, smiling innocently.

"Look what kacchan found!... It was getting annoying so I made it go to sleep." Inko looked at her only son in horror. Izuku just dropped it like it was nothing and hugged his mother.

"Love you momma." He lets go and runs after Katsuki. She stared at the lifeless rabbit in horror, she picked it up and put it behind the bush. She walked away from the horror scene, mixed emotions ran through her head as she walks to the two boys.

Katsuki's POV

Auntie was too scared of what would happen to Deku if she told a psychologist what happened. So she kept a close eye on him, hoping it was just a faze. It was a mistake a huge mistake and she realized that soon enough.

3rd person

Izuku turns the doorknob quietly, opening the door with a slight creak. He steps inside the room and looks at his mother soundly sleeping. He lowers his arm that was behind his back and shows the kitchen knife he held tightly. He walked up to the bed, climbed on the upholstered bench, he gets up on the bed, crawls carefully to his mother. She turns around, laying on her back. He gets on top of her. He holds the handle of the knife with both hands. He raised the knife above his head and smiled. Inko wakes up out of discomfort and freezes in fear when she sees Izuku on top of her holding the largest knife they had, about to pierce it into her. He brought it down and she stopped the blade from piercing her heart. He still tries and pushes it down. She clenches her teeth in pain as the knife slices her hands. With one shaky hand, she holds the knife, the other hand pushes him back. In a split second, she was able to move out of the way, the knife piercing the bed. She held Izuku's hands away from the knife, put the knife aside, and holds Izuku down as he struggles to get the knife back. Adrenaline still pumping through her veins, she shakes in fear, tears fall from the relief of being able to see another day. He screams and shouts trying to get out of her grasp. After half an hour of struggling, he knocks out of exhaustion. Inko cradles Izuku in her arms, knowing what she has to do. Inko reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone. She turns it on, her hands shaking, unlocks it, go to contacts, clicks on the man she loves yet fears. The ringing, the waiting felt like an eternity. Finally, her call was picked up.

"Inko, my love~ why are you calling so late?" She stays silent, hearing his voice brought shivers down her spine. Made her stomach turn yet feel like she had butterflies.


"Hisashi.... It's Izuku.... You..... You were, right." He hums lightly, she can picture his smirk perfectly. Knowing he got what he wanted. 

"I'll be there Tomorrow night my love." He hangs up and Inko lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She looked at her child, hoping she did make the right decision, hoping everything will be fine.

Katsuki's POV

Deku's shitty father picked him up the next night and left the same day. I never saw him again. It ruined me, he was my only friend, the only person that knew me best. My best friend was gone and to block the sadness I let my ego take over and take in the praise I got for my quirk. I was gonna be a hero like Me and Deku wanted, to be greater than All Might. So that's what I set my mind to. I was always top of my class, though not the top when it comes down to behavior. What do you expect me to do? Let those extras surpass me? Yeah never gonna fucking happen. A week after my 13th birthday my first heat started. It was hell. I hated it, but my parents wondered why I didn't act like an Omega. We then found out I was a rouge Omega. An Omega that can only have one Alpha, I can like a million scents but I will only go to one. Once I'm marked there are no takebacks, not like other Omegas where their marks can be removed. 2 years later I took the entrance exam for U.A. and passed. This group started following me around, but there was this one Alpha that peaked my interest. He had red spiky hair, ruby-colored eyes, a scar above his eye, and is a total Dumbass. When he's around he can do whatever he wanted to me and I won't care, but to keep up my reputation I push him away. He still kept coming back. It was so damn annoying, but I loved it.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo.... Was Katsuki Bakugo. I'm in love with a psychopath."

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