The party P3

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>warning rape😭 and injury?<

Katsuki's POV

After the party I let the hag know that I was staying with Deku. Frog girl and bird boy left, so did Sero and Jiro. The rest of us stayed. So did that crazy aunt of Deku's, a few uncles, and cousins. I got changed to a tank top, sweater, and shorts. We were in the second floor.

"Ok here's the situation. Since I still have family over I don't have that many spare rooms. I only have 3. Now we can split you guys in girls and boys or by whoever wants to share a room." They nodded. "If any of you are  in rut or in heat by tomorrow I suggest separate by second genders." He looked at us.
"Nobody?" They shook their heads no. "Okidoki then. How are we gonna split it?"

"I wanna be with the girls!" Denki yelled out.

"Ok, Shinso are you joining Denki with the girls?" He shrugged. "You can swap if you'd like during the night. But like I said earlier avoid any of the twins in the house. The two kids that Kacchan and Kiri met earlier are harmless as long as they don't try to experiment."

"The fuck do they mean by expirement?! That Damn brat turned into me and the other was about to do that!" He looked petrified.

"I-I'll check t-that out r-right now. B-but girls and you two are in this room" he's freaking me out, he's stuttering and his hands are shaking. "Guys y-your in here. K-kacchan come w-with me."

"I'm coming too!" Kirishima said.

"Fine w-whatever!" Deku sped walked down the hall and opened a door. He turned on the light and we went into the bathroom. Its the size of my dorm room!

"Please take off your clothes kacchan." My face heated up.


"I need to make sure they didn't put anything on you. You don't have to take off your boxers." I sighed and took off my sweater, then my tank top, then my shorts. Deku looked at me, he grabbed my arm and starting checking everything. He left nothing unchecked.

"Good, they weren't able to do anything."

"What were you so DAMN worried about?"

"Just make sure they don't do that again. They like cutting people open and putting bugs and stuff inside." I was disgusted, who the fuck would do that?! Then I remembered what Deku did when we were kids. Maybe his whole family is crazy. But bugs?! I almost felt like throwing up.

"B-but if they're not a-actually touching y-you then how are they able to put it in?" Kiri was stuttering?? He never stutters!

"It's a linking quirk by turning into the person they are linked, and they can do whatever they please."

"Shit, It's not as cool as my quirk, but fuck it's disturbing."

"Yeah..." Deku looked down, he looked stressed.

"Deku you ok?" He looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Uh do you mind sleeping with me tonight Kacchan, safety reasons." I felt my face heat up and I turned to Kiri and grabbed my clothes from him.

"I... Uh yeaー"

"Wait I thought you were gonna play videogames with us?! Midoriya aren't you busy?" Kiri said. He's acting so fucking weird today.

"Uh yeah. I guess it's fine. Make sure to lock the room and whatever you do, do. Not. Leave that room during the night. I mean it please, kacchan."

"Ok, ok whatever."

"Thank you. See you in the morning." He hugs me and quickly lets go running out.

"What was that about?" I asked. Kiri shrugged.

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