He.... came back

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Katsuki's POV

It's Friday, October 16, Kirishima's birthday. Mina somehow got a hold of Alcohol and snuck it into our dorms. The whole class was there, they also somehow encouraged Iida to turn a blind eye to the drinks. We celebrated his birthday, I drank a whole shit ton. I was sitting on the couch staring at nothing with a beer in hand. We're 2nd years irresponsibly drinking, If we get caught by Mr. Aizawa we're getting expelled. Someone sat down next to me. I smelled the familiar scent that teases me everyday, that makes me wish I wasn't an Omega, so I wouldn't like him.

"Heyyy bakubroo~" he was also wasted, but unlike me he doesn't give two shits about keeping calm. 

"Wat shiddy hair?" I take a sip from my bottle and look at him.

"Nuthing man just wanna say thank u"

"For wat?"

"Trowing dis awsome party for me"

"I just suggested"

"Still it means a lot." I felt my cheeks warm up and I looked away.

"Tch. Imma go to sleep."

"Ooo me too!" I looked at him then decided not to even waste my time to tell him to stay. We 'walked' to the elevator and I pressed the button multiple of times thinking it would make it open faster. We stepped in and I pressed the 4th floor button. I backed up and leaned against the wall having my hands grip onto the railing. Kirishima stood right next to me, the door closed and I felt something warm on my hand. I looked down and saw Kirishima's hand on mine. I looked up and he was inches from my face. We stayed silent, no words were passed, but it didn't feel awkward. His other hand held my chin up and rubbed my bottom lip with his thumb softly. I looked into his eyes as they're dazed yet focused on what he was doing. He leans in, lowering his thumb. He gently places his lips on mine, kissing me softly. I kiss him back. My heart fluttered with joy, the butterflies in my stomach were having a party. My Omega side wanted to take it a step further. I place my free hand on the back of his head and deepen the kiss more. He lowers the hand that was holding my chin up and holds my waist. We stop for a second to get some air then continued. He let go of my hand and pulled me closer to him, where our bodies pressed against each other. I placed my other hand in his hair, gripping it as the kiss gets heated. He stops kissing me.

"Jump~" I jump and he catches me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Are lips joined together again, he groped my ass and I gasped, he slipped his tongue in. I fought for dominance but lost, I felt his tongue explore every inch of my mouth. The elevator dinged and he walked out of the elevator, still carrying me. He opened a door and we entered a room. I heard the door close, our lips parted and I took off my shirt. He licks my neck, I let out a small moan as he starts to attack my neck with kisses. He puts me down on what I'm guessing is a bed. He stops attacking my neck and takes off his shirt. He leans in and trails kisses down my neck, I let out small moans. I feel his hands pulling down my joggers. Then someone banged on the door.

"Guys stop fucking! We gotta take some pictures!!!!" Fucking racoon eyes. She fucking dying!!!

"If you don't answer this door Imma go in!!!"

"Don't you dare fucking do that!!"  I sat up and looked at Kirishima. He looked tired but his eyes were filled with lust. I kissed him then got up, pulling up my pants and went to go find my shirt. I noticed he brought us to my room. I opened the door and leaned against the frame.

"Come on! We got photos to take and cake to eat!" I rolled my eyes and spotted my shirt on the floor, I picked it up and put it on, walking out the room. That fucking bitch! Interrupting for stupid food.

"Maybe next time Kiri, maybe next time. But bakugo looks pissed that he couldn't get fucked like the little needy Omega he is~" she snickers to herself. I turned to her and was about to blast her face when Kirishima stopped me. 

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