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"yes son?"

"will mommy ever forgive me?" the man holding the curly grennete boy's hand, looked down upon shimmering green eyes. the man stopped in his tracks and went down on one knee, he grabbed his son small hands in his own and smiled.

"oh my boy... she gave you away... she was frightened of you" the boy looked down in despair, knowing deep down for the actions he did were on forgivable, yet he still had hope. "but" the boy looked up, curious to find out what his father had to say about it. "there might be a chance"


"yep..." the white hair male tangled his fingers in his son's forest green curls. "and if you let daddy fix you, you'll be able to go back home to mommy"


"yep! so, you up for it?" the little boy unaware of his father's true actions nodded, filled with happiness to see his mother but mostly his bestfriend, again.

so he happily walked with his father. not knowing what he got himself into. only knowing that one day he'll be able to see them again...

the little boy walked down multiple halls, his tiny pale feet hitting the cold marble floor as he held his father's hand. he looked around, filling with fear but knew he had to do this. so he tried to keep trembles to a minimum. but it still didn't stop the little shakes. they finally stopped at a huge metal door. he watched as his father opened the door, leading into a dimly lit room. he saw two other people in lab coats. the door shut with a loud bang, of course he jumped and looked around in fear. the man opened another door leading to the room the window in the front showed. "d-daddy, I'm scared"

"enough of that, I told you if you want to see your mother again you're going to have to push your fear aside" izuku looked down, still walking beside his father. then he was placed on a metal table. the poor shaking boy was tied down. "don't be afraid my boy, everything will be ok" izuku nods as he watches his father walk back into the room with the scientist. then another, he recognized him from the hospital. the doctor that examined him. he began to panic, as the doctor held out a needle with some white liquid inside.

"day 1, testing starts now" izuku shook his head, not wanting to proceed with which has been planned. the needle was injected into him. izuku, embarrassed at the little to no pain he felt, hiccupped as he looks at his thin pale arm. but the pain quickly began as he felt every muscle in his body grow, his bones ache, his mouth ache. everything in his body was in unimaginable pain. he screamed for it to stop begged his father to save him but he didn't. all his father did was bring him the next day... and the next...

Izuku tried to see the bright side to things for as long as he could, but he soon started to loose hope, the light in his eyes dimmed. he screamed, cried, bled,  still no one came for him, his goals becoming different. becoming not his own and only surfacing new feelings.

those new feelings, drove him to snap and break from his father's grasp once and for all...

the night was cold and dark, the snow piling onto the thick sheet of snow already there. the young Alpha looked at the heavy metal weapon he held in his left hand. he wasn't having second thoughts, just trying to prepare himself for the freedom he'll be able to have. he pushed open the barrel and put one load into one of the chamber's. he placed the barrel back into place. he then pulled the hammer back, hearing the click and seeing the bullet in place. honestly he wanted to torture the man for the things he's done to him, but he can't stick around for long. after all he has a flight to catch. Izuku got up, all dressed and ready to go. he walked passed the two luggage's he owned, and into the hall. he looked down the hall, hearing nothing but silence and crickets. he took silent but deadly steps down the halls. finding his father's room. he stood in front of the wooden door, hearing the muffled snores from the other side of the room. his heart was racing, he showed as if he wasn't in a hurry, but he was. he wanted to enjoy this though. not how it was with his mother, something else took over him, but this was different. he placed his hand around the handle and turned it. he let the door swing open slightly as he looks upon his sleeping father. with every step he took the more his rage swelled up, the more the shrieking screams of his younger self rang through his head, the pain, the sorrow. until he stopped right in front of the man. he took in a deep breath and pointed the gun to the man's head, but decided to point it to the heart. but things don't always go as planned. his father opened his eyes, clearly awake, and chuckled. "please as if you have the balls to do it" izuku's grasp on the gun's handle tightened. "I took care of you, I raised you to be the powerful Alpha you are today, so put the gun down now, and I'll forget this traitorous act" Izuku simply smiled, looking into his father's clearly frightened eyes.

"you're right... thanks" with a simple push of the trigger a loud roaring bang was heard throughout the house. smoke went up, as Izuku lowered the gun to his waist and watched as his father was looking at him in despair as he coughed out his own blood. Izuku stood there, watching the life drain out of his father's eyes, soon hearing his heart come to a stop. after a few minutes of standing and watching he turned around without a second glance back at the new corpse. his smile growing wider, his chuckles became hysterical manic laughter as he walked into the godforsaken home.

from that they he carried his own perspective and carried out his goals. though he found it slickening what his father did made some sort of sense in a way. so izuku continued it but not on children. that is until he receive exciting news, only for it to turn into something else.

Izuku walked into the empty bar. not even kurogiri was there, polishing the glass. so he sat on one of the barstools, and poured himself a drink. after a few minutes of silence Shigaraki stepped out and sat beside him. "... you know what you have to do after does kids are born right?" Izuku simply took another sip of his whiskey after blowing out a puff of smoke from his lungs.

"you know exactly my response to that will be Tomura"

"I knew chasing after that Omega will make you a softie" Izuku placed the glass down, the extinguished his cigarette.

"hmm... I'm letting you know just this once. if you lay, or if anyone in your command ever touches my family you are dead. and it won't be pleasant, there will be no mercy. let it be your only warning" Izuku stood, walking back to the door.

"you know I won't do that"

"I never knew you were this stupid Tomura... maybe if my father treated you the same way he treated me, you'd see things my way. see you soon, I hope on my side..."

"are you really going to do it?" the man looked at the intoxicating liquid in his decorative glass cup.

"it's something I can't pass up..." he held up a photo of two infants, placing his pinky against it, and watching it crumble to the table.

I stare out the window, looking down at the city, as I extinguish the cigarette I finished. someone knocked on the door, interrupting my thought process. I let out a sigh. "what is it?" the door opened. the light coming from the hall entering my room as one of my henchmen entered.

"everything is prepared sir" that took a while.

"good, book me a flight back home"

"yes sir..." the door closes. finally, everything is prepared and ready for you. I looked over at the picture frame containing the images of my little family. soon, soon I'll be reunited with you...

yo... I just realize in the prev chapter Toga was there XD she died in the "he's mine" chapter didn't she or am I thinking of another I wrote. idk I swear it's this one. oops. hahaha this is what I get when I rush and write to many things.

well anyway I hope you enjoyed, just a tiny back ground. we are coming close to an end on this book just a few more chaps and voila! so bare with me 😅

anyway adios!

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