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>murder<\ another short chapter

Izuku's POV

when the bell rang for lunch I slipped away without being noticed. I am so done being mister nice guy. Kirishima is out of the way, finally. I need #1 hero out of my damn way. my father was too weak to finish him off, I walked to the teacher's lounge. I loosened my tie and unbuttoned my top buttons. I didn't care, I wanted Kacchan for myself already. I opened the door and saw All Might there on the couch sleeping. I smiled at how easy this was. I silently walked up behind him and took off my tie. I would have gone more bloody but whatever, I put the tie over him. I wrapped the ends of the tie around my hand and pulled the tie cutting off the air. he woke up and tried to fight me off. eventually, his movements slowed down and his legs were still kicking.

"sorry All Might, you just were in my way that's all"

"you.....won't........ get.......away........ with......this"

"hmm sure about that?~" after a few more seconds his body went limp and I twisted his neck just in case. the door slid open and Aizawa walked in. he looked up and his expression changed to horrified. before he could use his quirk on me I summoned a gun and shot him in the shoulder then the leg. he screamed in agony, someone would have heard the shot. I walked up to him, but not too close, he has way too much willpower to die just yet. 

"you could've just come a minute later, but no, your sleepiness took over" I walked back to All Might and took his remaining quirk. I shot Aizawa again in the arm. I watched as the droplets of his blood fell on the floor. I heard heroes running over here. "goodbye sensei~" 

Aizawa's POV 

I can't believe it. Midoriya is a villain. how?! I looked up at the fallen hero. he killed him in cold blood. I got up trying to ignore the pain. Hizashi stormed in.

"I heard a gun fire what- SHO!!!!" he ran to me and helped me stay stable. "w-what happened?!"

"I... need to get... to Nezu's... office"

"in this condition?! You're crazy!!!"

"I am fine! just take me there!!!"

"no! just tell me what happened!" I sighed knowing I wasn't going to win this one.

"Midoriya killed All Might..."

"what? no, he wouldn't do that"

"yes, he will, if he's determined then nothing will stop him. something has to be driving him. warn the students" he nods and someone else holds me up. then he runs out of the room.

Present Mic POV

Adrenaline flooded through my body as I ran to Nezu's office. I slammed the door open. he was having tea and I ignored him as I ran to his desk and pressed a button to reveal the emergency button. I slammed my hand on it. I turned on the speaker.


Katsuki's POV

Deku? no, it can't be him. he can't be a traitor. the teachers that were in the lunchroom gathered the students and started exiting them out of the building. when we went outside it was still raining. the water started to soak my hair and clothes.

"THIS WAY, KEEP CALM!! JUST FOLLOW THE HEROES" I didn't know what to feel. gunshots were fired and students ducked down. I looked up and saw the teacher that was just speaking collapse on the floor, Deku was behind him. my eyes widen in shock, I was scared, I couldn't get up and face him. I felt sick when I saw the blood soak on the floor and I felt excitement... how can I feel happy when someone just died in front of me?! I looked back up and saw Deku walking towards me, everybody was still they all looked confused. I could still move though, Heroes surrounded us. 

"kacchan~" I looked into his dull green eyes that only showed insanity and longing. "oh how I longed for this day to come~"

"what the fuck did you just do Deku?"

"I eliminated All Might, he was in my way" I was horrified, All Might was weak but he could still beat the shit out of people. Yet Deku was able to take him down.

"now, I'm able to take you for myself~ hmm? what do you say, would you like to come with me?~"

"Hell no!!!! you literally killed two people without any remorse!!! what the hell happened to you?! you were sent away to get this fixed not to embrace it!!!!" in a split second he grabbed my jaw and pointed the gun to my head. I'm going to die... I'm going to fucking die!!! my Omega side begged to be shot. I felt sick. 

"I wished you would have come peacefully, we would have been happier. but I guess it can't be helped" from the corner of my eye I saw him raise the gun, I tried to use my quirk but it wasn't working. I panicked I looked into his eyes and...

...everything went black...

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