Love & Death

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[There is going to be shitty ass smutt in this chapter so beware]

Mitsuki's POV

I cradled my baby girl as I walk around the house, Masaru was preparing dinner. I looked down at her as she bites onto her teething toy. it's been 3 months since Katsuki's appearance. I walked down the hall to go downstairs but stopped at Katsuki's door. at the top, it had the warning tape and had a board saying 'fuck off' the surrounding area of the doorknob was ruined by explosions. the bottom had scuff marks and burn marks from when he was smaller. Misari, my daughter, reached out for the door. I smiled and opened the door. his faint smell still lingers even after I cleaned his room. Misari's eyes travel around the room. his room was simple, what he needed was here, what he wanted was put away neatly somewhere. I entered his room.

"This Misa is your big brother's room." she made a little sound. "I wish he was here to see you... he would have loved you, so much" I heard a scream from Masaru and ran out of the room, shielding Misari from getting hurt. I ran downstairs, into the kitchen. Nobody was here, Masaru was on the floor looking at the small tv on the counter horrified. I looked and heard what it said.

"Hero in training, Bakugo Katsuki. found dead this evening in ****** park, his body brutally torn apart." I couldn't believe what I was hearing... I didn't want to... everything didn't seem right. I heard Masaru sobbing on the floor shouting that it wasn't real, that they know where he is and they aren't giving him back. I pushed away my feelings and attended the Omega. I got on my knees and comforted him. Misari started crying. Masaru looked up and smiled, he took Misari and cradled her in his arms.

"it's ok, see you're here now. they lied, you aren't dead Kat"

"hun, that... that isn't Katsuki..." he looked at me confused.

"of course it is, this is our son. look at his beautiful..." he looked at Misari in complete despair. he handed her back to me and got up. he went to the stove and continued cooking. I stood in the kitchen, to make sure he doesn't... make sure he's ok.

Katsuki's POV

I turned off the tv after watching them announce my death. I was confused, I wasn't dead, yet they found my body? How is this possible? Deku? But why would he do that? I shook the question out of my head. If he did it he has a good reason. I looked back down at my Nintendo switch and continued to play

(he's playing whatever game you like, idfk 😅)

"FUCKING FINALLY!!!!" I let out a breath and throw my arms up to stretch.
"Shit that was hard" I was about to put down my arm down but then something pinned my hands to the headboard of the bed. I looked up to see Deku smirking at me, he released his pheromones and it was just full of lust. "Deku?" my Omega side went crazy and I could feel my heat rise. Something appeared in his hand, I looked down to see what it was. He had a fucking gun, what the fuck is he going to do with that shit?!
"That was so painful doll... Cutting the fake you, ripping apart the fake you, shooting the fake you... It just made me think what will the real you do, or say. What kind of face you'd make. Oh how I want to see that~" he's fucking crazy! Who gets fucking horny out of killing someone they love!? Yet again he is fucking psychotic.
"Why did you kill the fake me???a-and that's going to kill me!!" He let out an insane laugh. "Oh doll your already making such a good expression~" he leaned in and gave me a single kiss. God he sounds so fucking hot, insane but hot. My body started to get warmer by the second. "I did it so they back off of what's mine, and for the gun I only have one bullet in the chamber~ so a 1 in 6 chance you'll die! But don't worry love~ I'll make sure you live~" he put the end of the gun underneath my jaw and made my head go up. "You're so beautiful~" my face flushed red, he dragged the cold piece of metal down my skin, looking at me with pure lust. "We're going to have so much fun tonight~" he pressed the end of the gun at my chest. My heart rate picked up my breathing became uneven. "I'm thinking... 3 times the charm~" he's going to pull the trigger three times, I'm basically asking to be killed. But I didn't argue, my whole body wanted to feel the rush of something dangerous pointing at me. Just like that fencing thing me and him did a while back. I wanted to feel the rush, I wanted to know if I live or die. My life was in his hands, and I fucking loved it. "Ready?~" he had a twisted smile on his face. I nodded. He lets out a chuckle. I heard a click come from the gun, but I didn't know what made the sound, I just stared into his eyes as he stares into mine. My breathing was out of control, I started to swet, my heart banged against my chest, I started to shake.

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