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Here y'all go just a little bit of something not much. I'll probably be out of writing for a couple months, but hopefully by then I go to where I'm heading with this story. Enjoy😶

Katsuki's pov

A little too warm for my liking. I was about to head out to that stupid hangout that the idiots invited me too and I was forced to go but then as I gave the twins their goodbye kiss they felt a little warmer then usual. They might be coming down with something. I left the room and grabbed a thermometer, rinsed it and went back to the room. Kazuku was already crying his eyes out, I caressed his head and tried to call him down with my scent which worked a little. I placed the tip of thermometer in his mouth under his tounge which he tried to remove.
"I know it's uncomfortable but hang on for a few seconds baby" the little device beeped, I removed it from his mouth. It was a little above normal temperature. I did the same to Itsuki she also was the same.
"Katsuki what are you still doing here?" The hag asked, not bothering to knock and Misari stormed right in to look at the twins.
"I ain't going anywhere the tw8ns are sick"
"What? They were just fine a few hours ago"
"The miracle of illness, now,both of you leave"
"Aww but I wanted to,play with the babies!"
"And they are sick so leave Misa"
"Katsuki, you should still go, I'm sure it's a minor fever, I'll call you if it gets worse"
"Or I stay here and prevent it from getting worse"
"And how are you going to do that?"
"Go to the fucking hospital"
"No, it's unnecessary, trust me now go have fun. I can handle them"
"Im not hanging out with some lunatics when my kids are sick"
"And Izuku wasn't a lunatic?" I snapped my head to her direction and let out a low growl, she glared at me. "I'm right, there's no denying it, now go out and have some fun you fucking need it" I look back at the twins and sighed.
"I'll be gone an hour, no more! Then I'm coming straight here"
"Stay longer"
"You desperately need me gone that bad? I guess he was right. He is the only one that cared" I stormed out and slammed the door as she yelled at me.

I slammed the door to the car as I got in. Startling Kirishima as he looked at me with concern.
"Bro you alright?"
"Just fucking drive" he nods and drives out of the neighborhood and went to this nightclub that I didn't care to learn the name or where it is. We parked in the parking lot and went inside, don't know how he got VIP nor did I care. My attention where on how my kids were doing, nothing more. We met up with the rest of the idiots and they all tried to hug me but I stepped away from them.
"Sorry guys he's still a little nervous around crowds"
"Well once he's drunk that won't matter. Nice to see you again man" soy sauce said.
"Whatever, I am jot staying here, even If I have to take your xar shirty hair I am leaving in an hour"
"Oh c'mon!!! Stay, this will be fun!" I rolled my eyes and looked around. Getting lost in the crowd those sound fun... Whatever.

We were here for almost an hour and I was getting up to leave.
"Hey wait bakubro! Let me drop you off"
"You're drunk as fuck, I'm taking myself back"
"But I need my car"
"Have one of these losers take you"
"Hoe about I stay at your place,to night, I'll leave in the morning"
"Uh no"
"Pleaseeee or maybe drive yourself home and I'll drive myself back home!"
"You know the possibility of you getting into an accident is very high"
"Oh shit"
"Ugh fine c'mon"
"Yay!!!" He said goodbye to the others and I escaped the crowd of drunks. I walked to the car with Kirishima stumbling behind me. I was about to open the door to his car when he placed a hand on the door. I turned around and looked at him. He wasn't giggly anymore, he was dead serious and his eyes roamed my body as he just got closer.
"Shirty hair what in the hell are you doing?"
"Claiming what's mine~" he was about to lean in for a kiss when I covered his mouth and kept him away.
"Nice try shitty hair but I already have an Alpha and kids" I felt his fingers grazing my neck, he looked at the healed skin then back at me. "Stop messing around I have to get back home" I pushed him off, and as I was about to turn around he grabs my wrist, pulls me in and lands a kiss. On his end it was a passionate kiss and before I would've melt but now I just wanted to rip him into pieces and feed. I pushed him back, harder this time. He landed on the ground and snapped out of it.
"Bakugo... I... I'm sorry, I was justー"
"Save it! You said enough" I turned around and got into the car. Pressed the butron, to cause the engine to roar to life and put the car in reverse leaving him there before I really do go into a frenzy. I drove away and pulled into the drive through. He'll come back for it, by then I'll be in the right mind. I,stormed into the house to hear both of the twins crying their hearts out. I ran upstairs ignoring my sisters greeting then ran into my room where the hag was just about to enter with their bottles. I took them and ran inside my room, they were sitting up as they cried their eyes out. I touched their forehead to only feel them burning up, and two little bumps. "When did these two red bumps get here?"
"Half an hour ago, why? They're just bug bites" yeah bug bites that are aligned and on both of them.
"Yeah... Thanks... Goodnight"
"One more thing they are refusing to eat" she closes my door and leaves us alone. I looked up at them and sighed. I tried to give Kazuku his bottle bht he slapped it away, same thing with Itsuki.
"Fuck..." I set up my nest, then I pucked up the twins and placed them on their little spots. I sat in front of them and pricked my finger with my Omegan fangs. I waited until a little ball of the red liquid form then I just wiped it off on Itsukis tounge. She cries for a few more seconds until she realizes what's in her mouth and she stops her crying, still hiccuping. This isn't good... Isn't too early?! I did the same thing with my son and after an hour of me rubbing around the little bumps and singing to them they fell asleep. I laid down, I didn't think this was going to happen until they were older. Stupid all for one and Shigaraki! Stupid experiments! I have to find out what's going to happen to them. For now at least they are asleep... I wish he was here to let me know what to do. I closed my eyes to only think about what Kirishima did. His taste wasn't bad... Ugh... As long as he stays away he won't get killed. I shook the thought out before I went into a frenzy. I decided to force myself asleep. I'll talk to crusty face tomorrow.

Ok... 25k??? 😵 and new followers??? And 1k votes?! Woah, like... Woah😔 never thought this would happen...

Let's take a minute and say Happy Birthday to the Blasty boy!!!!!!

Let's take a minute and say Happy Birthday to the Blasty boy!!!!!!

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(Creds to the amazing artists!!!!)

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(Creds to the amazing artists!!!!)


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