Who Is He?

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All Might pov

Izuku Midoriya, 16 years old, moved from America after his father was incarcerated. he was homeschooled but there is no record of his tutor. There might have been abuse, he does have multiple scars but it could have been all from training. The reason I'm looking into his file again is because of his quirk. I want to know why his quirk is just like All For One's. the only difference is that he has to ask for permission from the other person. Maybe he just asks permission to not seem villainous. his combat style seems awfully similar to one of All for one's proteges. I'll have to train with him and find out. overall, he's showing so far that he is a good student and gets along well with his classmates. 

The bell rings signaling for the beginning of class. I looked up and saw Aizawa sit up from the couch in his bright yellow sleeping bag.

"you should really get more sleep during the night Aizawa"

"Jeez, I should try that" He looks at the papers scattered all over the coffee table. "Why are you looking through Midoriya's file?"

"no reason, he just seems... familiar"

"hmm" he gets down from the couch and starts slithering his way to the door.

"how constant do you wash that thing?"

"I have multiple, now get this door for me would you?"

"or you get out of that and do it yourself" he turns around and glares at me. I sighed and got up walking to him and reaching out for the door. he slithers out of the room only to be picked up and thrown over Present Mic's shoulder.

"good morning All Might!! thanks for finding him for me!"

"no problem"

"let me go Hizashi!!!" he tries to squirm out of his grasp but it was no use. Present Mic turns around and dashes down the hall. 

"good morning ALl Might" I jump when someone spoke to me out of nowhere. I looked at the opposite side and saw Midoriya smiling. 

"Hello young Midoriya, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that"

"sorry" he lets out a chuckle and rubs the back of his neck. "well see you later All Might" he waves goodbye and walks away. 


Aizawa's POV

After Hizashi finally put me down in my class I got out of my comfy little home and took roll call. everyone was here except Midoriya.

"Does anybody know where Midoriya is?" the door slides open and Midoriya shows.

"HERE!!! so sorry I'm late, it'll never happen again!"

"You're damn right it isn't, and just for that, there's no review before the quiz" everyone's pleading and crying brought joy to my heart as I took out the stack of papers.

"take your seat" he put his head down and walked to his desk apologizing to everyone. 

the bell rang and as I was collecting the test I saw Bakugo sleeping. I went up to him and called out his name.

"Bakugo?" he didn't wake up. I put my hand on his shoulder and shook him. he tensed up, his eyes shot open in pure fear. "Bakugo are you all right?" I take my hand off of him, thinking that that was probably what triggered him. he looked up at me and sat up. he got up and gave me his quiz.

"I'm fine insomniac, I ain't no fucking weakling" he was still shaking but he's trying to keep it under control. I took the quiz and gave Bakugo one last look.

"Alright... but you can talk to me if you want"

"there's nothing to talk about, now leave me alone" I wanted to talk to him but he's extremely stubborn and wouldn't say a word. I'll leave him be for now. I walked away to the podium and put the papers away and exited the class. 

Izuku's pov

I tapped Kacchan's shoulder and leaned in. he turned around and looked at me.

"are you ok Kacchan?"

"I'm fine Deku, there's no need to worry. just got a little spooked" I looked at him with a worried gaze. I hated that my cousins did that to him, I should've just killed them, make them examples for the rest of the family.

"ok... just don't shut me out ok? I'm always here for you" I could see a light blush spread across his cheeks. I gave him a small smile of reassurance and he turns around, crossing his arms.

"yeah whatever nerd" I was happy he still loves me after all this time, so, this was going to be a sich. I look at Kirishima as he glares at me. I simply gave him a smirk. I put my knees on the seat, hoisting myself up and throwing my arms around Kacchan. everyone snickered and cheered. 


"why?~ you're so cuddly~"


"Sorry!! sorry!!" 

last period (All Might pov)

I explained the training we are doing today and sent the first team off. The students were to be paired up and try to either escape or capture the teacher. they all had different plans and strategies, they all learned what they had to improve on and to turn the negative into positive. when it came down to me, Midoriya and Bakugo they weren't cooperating.



"NO, YOU CAN'T!!!!" young Bakugo wanted to fight but Midoriya wanted to find help. a good plan especially if you know your opponent. when I punched Bakugo in the stomach he flew back and stood there. something in Midoriya triggered and he changed his tactics. he puts on his gas mask and looks at me. I can't believe it... no I have all the proof that I need... but nobody else will believe it...

"Cold feet young Midoriya?! Never stall!! it gives the other side an advantage at times" he didn't respond just started running. I ran towards him to charging up my power in my right arm and pulled my arm back forming a fist and as I was bringing my fist down he disappeared and a second later I flew forward with pain coursing through my back.

"I wasn't stalling All Might, just preparing," he said my name with such hate. He has to be him, has to be. but I can't accuse, I don't have enough evidence. he ran off to Bakugo as I got up, he left a cloud of gas behind. then the sirens sounded throughout the area. they made it through.

I can't believe it AFO's son is in U.A. and I can't do anything about it. I need evidence and fast!!

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