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Katsuki's POV

After the party, and incident... Everything went back to normal. The only people that knew were Deku and Kirishima, and it better stay that way.

I got home that afternoon, trying to forget what happened the other night. But then I remembered Deku calling me his and his love. My heart fluttered and my face burned up. Stupid feelings!!!! Deku came with me back to my house because his mother told him to. I unlocked the door and stepped in, I took off my shoes and Deku closed the door behind him.

"Hag I'm home!"

"Come over here quick!" I sighed and walked to our living room. My folks were sitting on the same couch while Auntie Inko sat on our recliner, looking at a photo happily. They were happy which made me want to gag.

"What the fuck happened?" The hag looked at me as the old man grabbed the photo from Auntie.

"Sit!" I went to go sit down. "I and your father have a little surprise."

"I fucking hate surprises." I grab a cupcake from the coffee table and bit into it.

"You're going to be a big brother!" I chocked on the cupcake, Deku handed me a water bottle and I chugged it down. I wipe my mouth and gave Deku the bottle back. I gathered my thoughts and looked at them. The old man gave me the picture Auntie was looking at earlier. I took it and almost dropped the photo. There it was... A baby... Deku "awed" at the photo, but I couldn't believe it. They always said they didn't want another kid, that I was hard enough as it was. I looked at them.

"How the fuck did this happen? You two are ancient!" She stood up and slapped me in the head.

"Mitsuki did you really have to do that?"

"He was being rude."

"Katsuki, I know it's a bit late for having another child. But when we found out, it filled us with joy, besides having you gone all the time, we kind of miss having a child around" I couldn't be mad, how could I? My parents were happy out of something that isn't really alive yet. I looked at the photo, hoping one day I'll be holding one of my own. I put the picture down and got up, walking to them. I sat in between them and hugged my father. He was the Omega so he carried the future Bakugo. Then I felt an arm wrap around us.

"I love you guys...." I said in a barely audible whisper. But they heard because they said they loved me back. Deku congratulated them, we celebrated for the rest of the evening.
I was outside enjoying the cool autumn breeze on my face.

"Hey, Kacchan." I looked back to see Deku closing the door behind him and smiling.

"Hey, nerd."

"What are you doing out here, it's a little cold don't you think?"

"... It's comforting." He walked up to me and stood beside me crossing his arms. We stood there in silence for a few minutes then he spoke.

"I'm sorry for not coming sooner...." I knew what he was talking about, I looked down at my feet.

"It's fine, the room was soundproof. You wouldn't have known."

"Still, that should've never have happened."

"It's alright nerd, really." I take my hands out of my pocket and wrap my arms around Deku holding him tight. He didn't hesitate and hugged me back. His scent was so comforting and addictive, I wanted to be surrounded by it every single day, but I knew that couldn't happen. Then I remembered something. I let go slightly but he still held on.

"What quirk was that demon looking form?" He tilted his head in confusion but soon realized what I was talking about, he let go of me. He looked at the horizon as the sun's final rays shine for the last time today.

"It's nothing really, I'll tell you another time...." He wasn't smiling, he had a straight face. His eyes were filled with pain but his face didn't show it. I wanted to say something, to do something but I couldn't. The door opened behind us and Auntie came out.

"Oh, hello Katsuki, Izuku honey we're gonna go now."

"Ok, mom" he smiles at her. Is Deku ok?... Fuck I messed up, why did I have to open my mouth?!

"Bye Katsuki, have a goodnight," Auntie said while giving me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Good night." She let go and walked down the steps. Deku hugged me again.

"Night Kacchan!" I hugged him back.

"Night, nerd." He smiles at me and leaves. I walk back into the house and locked the door.

"So, had fun at the party?" I looked up at my dad, as he smiled holding his cup of tea.

"... Yeah..." He frowned.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, don't worry about me, I... Night." I walked upstairs to my bedroom.

"Night..." I opened the door to my room and went inside closing it again. I didn't bother to change I just plopped down on my bed and sighed.

Mitsuki's POV
A couple of hours later

I woke up from explosions in the house, so did Masaru. We heard Katsuki screaming. We got out of bed and ran into his room. Katsuki was kicking at nothing and using his quirk against nothing.

"LET ME GO!!!!" he's having a nightmare... "STOP!!!!" He laid there hyperventilating, we ran up to him. Tears ran down his cheek, he started mumbling. I put my hand on him, his eyes shot open and he panicked. He sat up and moved to the corner of the bed, hugging his knees and putting his head down. My heart shattered seeing my baby like this.
"Katsuki, hun what's wrong???" He rocked himself back and forth mumbling. He gripped onto his hair tighter. I put my hand on his arm, rubbing my thumb against his arm.
"Katsuki, it's ok, it was just a nightmare" his hand loosens it's grip on his hair and peaks his head up.
"What's wrong?" Masaru sits on the bed with me. Katsuki looks away from us.
"I-I d-don't want t-to talk a-about it"
"Katsuki, you're hurting and I will feel shame as a mother if I leave you like this"
"Is it about the party?" Masaru said. Katsuki tensed up.
"What happened?" He stood there quietly not wanting to say anything as we stood there patiently.
"You can tell us son" he broke down, trying to wipe away his tears. Me and Masaru hugged him, trying to comfort our son.
"I-I *hiccups* told t-t-them to s-stop *hiccups* B-but they k-kept going *hiccups* they t-tied me to t-the bed a-and *sobs*" I hug him tighter anger flowing through every inch of my body.
"It's ok baby no one can hurt you know" I kissed his head and put mine on top of his.
"I-I should've l-listened *hiccups* t-to Deku a-and K-Kiri, I'm sorry I-I'm so sorry"
"No, no don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault!" Masaru said.
"I-it was! D-Deku warned me *hiccups* n-not to g-go out! K-Kiri offered *hiccups* to g-go with m-me but I-I said no! I'm so fucking weak!!" I cupped his face harshly and made him look at me.
"No your fucking not Katsuki!! They took advantage of you and that was uncalled for, but it doesn't mean your weak!" I pulled his head against my chest and patted his hair down and wraps his arm around me.
"I'll talk with Izuku and Kirishima and see what happened on their side. Ok? Now you get some rest, I'll bring some hot chocolate, I love you."
"L-love you" he let go still shaken up. I move his hair out of his face and kiss his forehead then his cheek. Giving him the mom kisses he always hated, and for the first time accepted them. I ruffled his hair and got up walking to the door.

Katsuki's POV

I felt a little better. when my father was about to exit the room I called out for him and he stops.
"C-can you stay with me... Until I fall asleep?" My face flushed with embarrassment. He smiles and nods. I happily scooched over as he walked towards the bed and sat on the space I provided him with. I hesitantly laid my head on his lap.
"Thank you...."
"No problem kiddo" he combs his fingers through my hair. Making me doze off. He releases a calming scent of coffee. I closed my eyes as he hums a little tune, the last thing I heard before I fell asleep was,

"I love you"

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