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Katsuki's POV

I walk down into the kitchen wearing nothing but Dekus white button up. I had the last buttons buttoned just because I didn't want my shit just showing. He was in the kitchen, shirtless, only wearing some pants. Damn is he is so fucking fine, he had a cigarette between his soft pink lips, and he was cooking breakfast. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind, putting my hands down his pants.
"Can't get enough can you?~"
"Who could?" He hummed and continued to flip the pancakes. I looked outside and watched as the leaves from outside fall to the ground, making the tree lose it's former beauty. Soon it'll be covered in snow once again.
"My love?"
"A friend of mine is coming over, she needs a place to stay until she's in the clear" I froze, Deku is bisexual so of course I'll fucking worry.
"And who is she?"
"You might know her, Toga?"
"Crazy bitch?!" I removed my hands from his pants and backed away. "Isn't she into you?!"
"Yeah but you don't have to worry about that, you're the only one"
"Im not fucking worried! I just don't want her here, she's annoying as fuck!"
"She can be sometimes but you don't have to worry about her"
"Yeah the fuck right" I was pissed I didn't want to share Deku, in a blink of an eye I was pinned down against the counter, his grip on my jaw was tight.
"I know your not talking back to me my love" I was terrified, his eyes dull. "Hmm?"
"N-no, never Alpha"
"Good, I thought I was going crazy" he smiled and leaned down, kissing me gently. "I love you, you know that?" I nodded. then the door bell was rung. He looked up, he smiles and kisses me once more. He lets go and walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. I sat up and rubbed my jaw, hearing an annoying ass voice.
"IZU-KUN!!! I MISSED YOU~" horny ass slut.
"Missed you too" the fuck does that mean?!?!?!? I turned around and saw her looking around in amazement, her eyes landed on me. She smirked, Deku came into view.
"Baby don't be that way~" he walked up to me and pulled me in by the waist. He kissed my cheek, I faced him making him kiss me on the lips. I looked over as I deepened the kiss at the little bitch and smirked. I pulled away and got off the counter grabbing a plate, then a slap was heard and I let out a moan at the stinging pain on my ass. I looked at Deku as he smirks and gives me a wink. My face flushed red and I looked away focusing back on grabbing a plate.
"I'll be out for the whole day, so play nice." He was automatically changed.
"Ok!!!" He walks up to me, grabs my jaw and kisses me one more time. He lets go and walks away. Once the door closed she spoke.

"Slut" I stopped what I was doing and registered what she just called me. I turned to her in pure hate.
"You better fucking watch your filthy ass mouth Bitch"
"Your the one with the filthy ass mouth, sucking dick is all your ever good for"
"Really? Cause I fucking swear the dick I be sucking is from the same man you want to fuck your stank ass pussy" she looked at me enraged. I grabbed my plate and walked up the stairs. I came downstairs to cuddle with my physcothic boyfriend, but no. I wake up to this shit. Worse day ever. I spent the whole day in my room forgetting the crazy phsyco is still here. I decided to go get a tub of ice cream. So as I was walking down the hall I stopped when I heard the crazy bitch talking to her self.
"I'll show him, I'll make Izu feel so much better then what that whore ever can! He'll toss him aside, or maybe kill him. Izuku will love me, I can't wait to show him what I am capable of! He helped me during heat, now I'll help him get rid of that slutty Omega" deku... No, he said only me. That he needs nobody else but me! I kicked open the door. She looked up from her knife. I fired an explosion at her, causing her to fall back from the heat and drops the knife. I ran up to the sharp object and pick it up. She looks at me and gets up with ease. She pulls out a combat knife from her pocket and points it at me.
"What are you going to do with that hero?" She smirks "you aren't even as skilled as me, you can't defeat me!" She lunged straight at my heart. I dodged, she quickly regained balance and I kicked her down. I didn't need to know how to fight with knives, just how to bring them down. She was about to get up when I pinned her hand with my foot that held the knife and got down at her level. I love that I got my fexibility back on track. I looked down at her in pure rage.
"You'll never go near my Alpha again. He's mine, and only mine!!!" I pierced the knife into her chest, I continued to stab her. Feeling the pressure of pushing down the knife on unmarked spots felt so relieving. Blood poured out of her slowly and stained the white marble floor. I smiled as the life in her eyes fade. He's mine. Only mine. He needs me like I need him. I'm the only one for him like he's the only one for me. Nobody else can have him. Nobody. You will never be in my way again. Deku will only love me!!! He has to! He just has to!!! Other wise all the pain was for nothing. I cut off her head and let out a breath. Then I heard the front door open. Deku. I got up, grabbing her head, still with the knife in my hand and exited the room.
"Guys I'm back, sorry I'm so late. I hope you guys got along" I went down the stairs. Hearing the blood dripping from the head and the knife onto the floor. I walked down the stairs hearing bags shuffle around and the cabinet doors closing. I walked quietly into the kitchen.
"I'm kind of in the mood for something sweet" he said to himself. He turned around, I placed the head on the counter. He had a monotone expression on his face.
"Kacchan, why did you do that?"
"She was in my way. All of these goddamn Omegas are in my way!!! You belong to me Deku!!! And only me!! I'll be damnd if any other Omega tries to take you away from me!!!" I walk closer to him, pointing the knife to his heart. Tears flowed down.
"I need you! You can't leave me for some... Some bitch that wants to get fucked! You marked me!!! You can't get away from me!! I am the only one prefect for you! You are the only one prefect for me! She wanted to take you from me, I couldn't let that happen. You understand right? Hahaha of course you do, I mean you did the same thing for me." I pulled the collar of his shirt so we were face to face. "We're just meant to be" I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I smiled. "Your only mine"

Izuku's POV

Just as planned

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