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So this chapter can be confusing for the first bit. In the first chapter it began with katsuki in an interview.
I could've done a back and forth time thing but that can be confusing and spoiler and I didn't feel like it.
[Blood, gore, cannibalism]

Katsuki's POV

"...So that's what happened" I said as I leaned back against the couch.
"Hmm... May I ask one more thing before you go?"
"Do you still think Dekiru might come for you?" I cracked a smile. For almost a year I've been searching, I've been going through Alpha withdrawal for the whole period I was 'saved'.
"... No, he clearly moved on. Though I still have my hopes" as if I fucking believe that, I just don't want to be here.
"That's good. Have a nice day"
"Whatever" I got up and walked to the door, I opened the door and exited the room. Kirishima looked up and smiled.
"Done already?" I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall.
"Wait up!"
"Why do you insist on lingering around me all the time shitty hair!?"
"Cause bro, it's my job to keep you safe!"
"I don't need your protection. Your not my Alpha"
"Still, I'm your best bud!"
"Best buds don't ditch one another" he stood quite. We exited the building and entered his car.
"Take me home, I need to get to my kids"
"Of course" I could feel their need for me growing. Itsuki may not cry but Kazuku will. "Bakugo, are you really ok?"
"Why wouldn't I be ok? I have wonderful kids, an annoying mother and sister. I almost forgot about Deku" he nods.
"You know those marks can be removed right?"
"... Yeah"


"Whatever" I walked up the steps, I unlocked the door and entered my warm home and close the door behind me.
"Hello Kat!!!" His little sister peaks her head out
"Hey, where's the hag?"
"Oh she's upstairs with Zuku and Tsuki"
"Thanks, uh what are you doing?"
"Homework!" I nodded and headed upstairs.
"..." I felt hungry and sick, and my throat was dry. I leaned against the wall. Food I need food. What's happening? the three scents in the house were so suffocating.
"Sweety what's wrong?" I turned around, auntie stood there worried.
"N-nothing just hungry and light-headed"
"Oh, you should lay down then, I'll make you some food"
"Thank you" she helped me too my room where the hag tried to calm the twins down.
"Katsuki thank goodness, they are perfectly fine just missing you" auntie put me on the bed, in my nest and left. I started to take off my clothes only leaving my boxers on. the hag placed the twins in the little area made for them.
"So how was the visit, to the doc?"
"You mean the ride with Kiri. I already told you I'm not ready for another Alpha, can you please go. I'm so tired"
"Fine but we'll talk about this later" she left the room closing the door behind her. Kazuku was balling his eyes out while Itsuki was on the verge of crying.
"It's ok, I'm back my little evil spawns..." I released calming pheromones placing my hand in between them, they grabbed my fingers and started to calm down.
"... You two... You're just like your father" Itsuki looked at me trying to put my finger in her mouth. Kazuku was already asleep.
"... You look just like him... You wanna see him?" She blinked and put her other hand in her mouth. I grabbed my phone from behind me. It's the phone Deku gave me, I was able to get it from the house. I wanted to stay there but they wouldn't let me, said it was unsafe. I opened it and went to my gallery. I pulled up a cute photo.

"See, that's your daddy" She let go of my finger and tried to reach out for the photo

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"See, that's your daddy" She let go of my finger and tried to reach out for the photo. This isn't fair... They should be growing up with him. Tears flowed down my cheek as the empty feeling in my chest gets bigger. I turn off my phone and wiped away my tears.
"We should sleep" I caressed her cheek with my thumb and smiled. "I love you"

My eyes fluttered open to a dark room and the soft breathes coming from the two sleeping. I carefully sat up, not wanting to wake them up. I got out of bed and put some clothes on. I saw a plate of food on my night stand. I walked to the plate. A simple sandwich and a bottle of water. For the first time a sandwich never looked so fucking disgusting. But I was so hungry, my body refused to grab it. My body moved on it's on, like it knew what it wants. I couldn't stop, so I just let it happen. I left the house and roamed around. The sun was setting and a light summer breeze shuffled the trees leaves. I walked in silence, listening around me and smelling the air and what scent lingers. I wandered to a bad part of town. I smelled a drunk Alpha, on his own. I looked to my left down the alley, he walked towards me. When he finally notice my presence he smirked and checked me out.
"A little Omega like you shouldn't be wandering around all alone."
"I got lost"
"Well maybe I can help you find your way back home"
"It's fine, you look tired I won't bother you"
"Nah it's fine, really"
"Fine whatever"
"Great" I led him to an abandoned building. "Is this where you live?" I didn't respond. Nobody was around and no cameras either. I pretended to trip, he caught me.
"Whoah you have to be more careful"
"Sorry... Just haven't ate"
"I know a mini-mart a few blocks from here, we can maybeー" I turned around and bit right above his scent gland, ripping out a chunk of his flesh. He couldn't scream, just spit out his blood, looking at me in horror. I was disgusted with what I was doing. Deku did this...
The red liquid oozed down his ripped throat, squirting a couple drops. I looked at the torn muscles covered in the red substance as I took the chunk of his neck out. I threw it to the side. He stumbled back tripping on his own feet, falling harshly on the floor. Excitement and adrenaline coursed through my body as I tore his body apart.

Blood was everywhere, it covered my clothes, my hands, my face. The torso was ripped open, chunks of organs surrounded me. Blood, bones, and muscle was all I saw. In the hollow torso.
"Well look at that, I guess it can be passed by pregnancy" the raspy voice sounded familiar. I turned my head to see a Beta male, light blue shaggy hair that reached his shoulders, a black overcoat and a fake hand covering his face.
"You made quite a mess, Dynamite" I snorted at the name I made up as a teen and got up. "C'mon the bar isn't that far from here, we can get you cleaned up"
"Sure whatever, but what about him?"
"Don't worry about it"

Well shit, hope you enjoyed😋

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