Damn nerd

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Katsuki's POV

Saturday and Sunday were Deku's days to meet everyone and continuously hang around me. I found out what happened between me and Kirishima on Friday from Deku. It was embarrassing as hell! Who would want, the person they are interested in tell you that you almost had sex with your best friend/crush!? Right no one. Deku already made a group of friends with frog girl, floaty bitch, foureyes, rich girl, and half n half. (Tsu, Uraraka, Iida, Momo, Todoroki) I can tell floaty bitch likes Deku, but she ain't gonna even have a chance. If she tries anything funny I'm blowing her to bits!
It's Monday morning and I wake up to noises in my room. I peak my head through my blanket and see Deku rummaging through my things.

"What the fuck are you doing in here? And how did you get in?" He turned around and looked at me.

"Got any suppressants, kinda forgot mine. I picked locked your door." I shook my head no. What the hell?! Now he brakes into peoples dorms???

"I forgot to buy some this weekend."

"Damn." I raised an eyebrow confused. "My rut starts today and I have nothing to keep it at bay." Wait, we start on the same day....

"Well if you feel it coming then just tell the stupid teacher."

"Yeah I guess. Sorry for just coming in here."

"Whatever." I sit up and stretch.

"See you downstairs kacchan"

"Yeah." He leaves my room closing the door. I got up from my bed and grabbed my towel I slide on my slippers and walk out the room. I stopped before I bumped into Kirishima.

"Oh hey Bakubro." I hummed in response and walked down the hall to the elevator, with Kirishima behind me. I press the button so the elevator can come back up.

"This was an eventful weekend."

"Yeah." I rubbed my eyes.

"Nice bracelet, now that I see it up close it really those look nice."

"Thanks. Got any suppressants?"

"Sorry man, I only got two left for today."

"Tch. Damn nerd...."

"What do you mean?" Shit I said that out loud.

"Nothing." I'm not telling him that Deku and his godliness distracted me the whole weekend.

"Oh, ok. Bakugo?"


"About.... Friday night...."

"Nope, not gonna talk about it. If it did happen then yes I would've been all over you, prying you for answers, making sure you didn't release inside of me." I looked at him, his face was red as hell. I let out a little laugh.

"You should laugh more." I immediately went quite.

"Laughing is for weak extras"

"No it isn't, it shows that you feel something, that you're human." I looked into his eyes as they looked into mine. The butterflies started up again and I looked away. The elevator door opened and Deku was inside talking to someone on the phone. He looked at us and smiled.

"Call me later."

"Who were you talking too?"

"Some friend of mine dealing with an Omega we live with" he lived with an Omega... I couldn't help but have my mind flood with negative thoughts. What if he's with them? What if they mated? What if they marked? Does he like them?

"Kacchan you ok?" I snapped back into reality and nodded.

"Don't fucking worry about me"

"Ok." We went to the first floor, me and Deku headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, used the bathroom and picked a shower. After a few minutes I forgot the world existed and had a song stuck in my head and I decided to sing it out loud.

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