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Izuku's POV

I looked at the ceiling, exhausted. After Kacchan made his insane declaration of love. Well, I couldn't help myself. He was off over his head, covered in blood, and was claiming I was his. Plus he was still naked and had my shirt on, so yeah. But holy fucking shit he was hot. I look down at him as he tried to cuddle closer to me. Cute. I marked him again. Which my family has done to their mates for generations. But I don't think they have ever marked them in all places. I closed my eyes, preparing to go to sleep when my phone started buzzing. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it. I answered the call and put it against my ear.
"Boss we have a problem"

"Why do I have to come with you too???~" Kacchan whined. He was on my back because his legs were still a little shaky.
"Because I need you to do something for me"
"But I'm too tired, I just wanted to cuddle after that amazing night~"
"I know doll, me too but this is important."
"My sleep is more important" it was risky taking him out of the house, but I wanted to check how far is he willing to go. I walked down the stairs and knocked on the door to the mini base. The door opened, revealing Dabi. I walked inside and put Kacchan down. He struggled to keep his balance, but he got it.
"Blue bird~" I look behind me and Hawks stepped out with only shorts on. Right, Hawks and Dabi, forgot about that shit. Wait... He looks up and sees Kacchan. His eyes widen. I teleported to him and put a knife against his throat.
"You say a word about this feather brains and your dead"
"Kill him and your dead" I looked at Dabi as his hand radiate heat and starts smoking up.
"Try anything funny, and I'll blow your ass up so bad that they'll be piecing you back together for weeks"
(Sorry!!!!😭 I had to okay!!😖)
Kacchan threatened, with his hands sparking up. We all focused on the target and the person about to kill us.
"I'll stay quiet kid, no need to point a knife at me" I looked him in the eye and lowered my weapon. Dabi lowered his hand but Kacchan didn't. I walked to him and put my hand on his wrist.
"It's ok, he wasn't going to hurt me" he gave one final glare at Dabi then put his hand down. "come on there's something I need you to do" I took his hand, he stood there glaring at Dabi before walking with me. I guess the adrenaline is making him walk easier. when I was walking to the interrogation room I passed by a glass display holding something very important to me. I threw my arm around his shoulder and faced the case. 

"look at it, it's proof of the fall of heroes" All Might's head, frozen in time. 

"Why do you wanna get rid of the heroes?"

"to rid of the bad in the world, Heroes don't exist in my eyes. they are just regular people that get paid to be saving people."

"but what about the villains"

"no Kacchan, there's no such thing as villains. we all must do what we have to to survive. Why are people defining what is good and evil? I'm just using what was given to me. what's a better way to use it than putting this world through the change it needs?" he looks at the head in disgust. shit. I didn't think it actually worked.  Alpha's don't bite their Omegas twice, it's kind of an unspoken rule. but when the first Midoriya Alpha did it, he found out that marking his Omega twice has the ability to change the way they see things. though Kacchan was already seeing and sort of believing in my cause, I just helped push him more towards it. we continued walking down the hall. I opened the door to a dark room. Kacchan paused. he looked at the room in fear.

"I-I'm not g-going back in t-there! I did nothing wrong!! I'm s-sorry for killing her I-It was an accident!!!" I cupped his face and kissed him.

"doll, this isn't for you, no need to worry." he nods. I continued walking, holding his hand, and closing the door. Kacchan's hand gripped tighter around mine. I heard muffled cries of help. I turned on the light to reveal a man that dared to defy me. his face had a black eye, probably from the knockout. he looks at me in fear, guilt painted on his face.

"I gave you way to many chances. I'm tired of letting such a rat live in my world. I let you into my family, what do you do? take advantage, steel, go behind my back." he shakes his head no and tries to plead with me like he always does. I turn around, grab two throwing knives and pierced it into his hands. he screams in agony. I turned to Kacchan, I walked behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"my love?"

"yes?" I smirked.

"I need you to kill another~"


"now your morals are acting up?"

"I can't kill someone! they did nothing to me!"

"toga did nothing to you"

"she acutally called me a slut, becides she tried to take you from me" he looked at me with a straight face.

"this isn't any different. he hurt me, he was trying to stop me. to stop us. do you want this one man to take away everything we worked so hard for?"  

"... no" I raised my hand to his face, rubbing my thumb against his cheek.

"I want to know, how much do you love me? this man tried to kill me, he ordered the jump." his eyes dialated. he looked at the rat.

"he hurt you?"

"hmm, if you don't want to it's fine, I'll do it myself"

"no, I'll do it"  I let go of him and he grabs the sharpest object on the table.

... my queen

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