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stuff being blown up

Mitsuki's POV

I paced back and forth with my phone in hand.
"Mitsuki stop freaking out, she will be fine. You have to let her go. She can't be locked in here for the rest of her life"
"I-I know Inko but, W-what if a villain attacks her school?! What if we get in a car accident?!"
"She will be fine, Eijiro promised she will be safe"
"Yeah, on my honor as a detective I will protect little Bakugo with my life" I gave him a smile.
"Thank you, but I just can't help but worry"
"It's understandable" it is. My son and husband died in a span of 7 days, and now I have a daughter and it's her first day of school. I heard little excited footsteps go down the stairs.
"Ready momma!!"

(Misari)🔼🔼She spun around showing off her light blue uniform shirt

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She spun around showing off her light blue uniform shirt. Black shorts and pink sneakers. It reminded me of Katsuki's first day of school.

"Katsuki come downstairs!!!!"
"Ok ok!!" He ran downstairs in his little kindergarten uniform. He had a bandaid on his nose because he got in a little fight with some boys at a park.
"Oh look at you, my little man is off to his first day of school!" I picked him up and gave him a whole bunch of kisses.
"Stop it that's gross!!!!"
"Mitsuki calm down" Masaru said.
"I am! I'm just really happy"
"Nasty" Katsuki grumbled. I put him down and the door was knocked on. I turned around and opened the door. Izuku and Inko. Izuku had his normal monotone dull expression but when Katsuki came into view he glowed to life. I giggled when he ran up to him and tried to hug him but Katsuki pushed Izuku back.
"Be nice to Izuku, Katsuki!"

Oh, how I wished I noticed the signs sooner. I smiled at her as she puts her arms through the sleeves of her backpack.
"Thank you, auntie!"
"Your welcome sweetie"
"Let's go, mommy!!"
"Alright," she grabbed my hand and Eijiro.
"Let's go, big brother!" She calls him big brother because he's always around and he would tell her stories about Katsuki. Of course, she knows that's not her real brother. I let out a breath and prepared myself to let her go.

Katsuki's POV

I let out a sigh of boredom. Deku rubs circles on my back as I nuzzle my nose into his neck. 

"what's wrong, love?"

"I'm bored" he lifts my chin up and gives me a sweet kiss. I pushed his face away. "I don't feel like doing that"

"ok then, wanna go out?"

"on a date?" 


"mmm... ok, where?"

"dinner first" I got off of him and walked to the bathroom. halfway through my shower Deku hopped in. "do you have somewhere in mind"

"if I could blow up something big, after dinner then yes"

"what do you want to blow up, my love?"

"is there an amusement park open or even a small one?" he hugs me from behind, planting kisses on my shoulder.

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