No cure

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Here you go weirdos ⚠blood⚠

3rd person

Katsuki was let out of the hospital only because he promised to go to therapy after a month. Katsuki walked up the stairs with one of the car seats holding his son. he walked down the hall and looked at the door with signs, scratch marks, burnt marks, and scuff marks. he lets out a sigh as he turns the cold doorknob and pushes his door open, the room was just as he left it. 

"I'm gonna put Itsuki in the nursery," Kirishima says.

"no, she stays with me"

"ok" I walk into my room, placing the car seat on his bed, lifting the blanket out of view. he was met with his son chewing on his hand with his bright green eyes looking up at Katsuki. Kirishima places the other car seat down. "do you need anything?"

"I need you to leave"

"Alright, call me if you do" he backs away from the angry Omega and closes the door behind him leaving his friend alone with his kid. Katsuki removes the blanket from his daughter's car seat, she was still sleeping soundlessly. looking back at his son as his bright eyes look around his new surroundings. 

"I'll let you out in a second handsome, just need to create the nest" Katsuki picks up the car seats, placing them on his desk. He creates the base of the nest with the blanket and pillows on his bed then grabs other blankets to finish the nest, creating two little spots for his babies. after he was done he took off his sweater, tossing it to the side, he took off both his shirts, placing it on both of the spots. he walked over to his desk and took out his sleeping daughter first, carefully placing her down. he then grabs Kazuku, placing him against his bare chest coating him in his scent. he grabs the baby bag then sits down in the nest. he places down a lime green blanket with little white flowers on the nest and places Kazuku down. "ok time to change you because you decided to take a shit" Kazuku lets out a giggle as he continues to bite down his hand "jerk..."

"how do you feel?"


"would you tell me what happened your first year with Dekiru?"


"Did he force you to participate in his crimes?"


"did he possibly force himself on you?"


"did he lay his hands on you?"


"How are your kids?"


"ok... see you next week"

Katsuki walks around his home after finally putting his kids to sleep as he held the baby radio. he wanted to go back to his home, he wanted to see Izuku, he wanted to... he hears the front door open, ignoring it he continued to look through the family photos. then a smell filled the air, as he breathed it in he ran quickly to the front door.

"oh Katsuki, we went to the house, I know you're not supposed to smell in his scent but if this makes you feel better and I figured for the babies as well"

"thank you..." he grabs the bag and makes his way to his bedroom, closing the door behind him, standing there for a second. the scent was weak in his mind, he wanted to be suffocated by the smell. Katsuki rummaged through the small bag and takes out a very familiar green silk button-up. 

"so what do you think?" I looked up from the book I was reading and saw Deku posing, too show off his new shirt.
"meanie" he walks to the bed and grabs the book from my hand, tossing it to the side. "I'll return it if you don't like it, but too bad, you could've worn this one~" jerk. I looked into his eyes as I grabbed his gold chain I stole for him, pulling it to me.
"let's see how it looks on me first~"

he buried his face into the shirt inhaling the intoxicating scent. Alpha... I miss you... a single tear falls onto the soft fabric, darkening the color more. getting on his knees, he sat there hanging his head low, as he cries silently.

"how do you feel?"


"would you tell me what happened your first year with Dekiru?"


"Did he force you to participate in his crimes?"


"did he possibly force himself on you?"


"did he lay his hands on you?"


"How are your kids?"


"ok... see you next week"

it was a sunny yet chilly afternoon as Katsuki and his mother exit the hospital for the 5th time this month. 

"Katsuki you have to stop doing this to yourself" he gave no reply as he walked beside her. "it's not good for you or the babies, you can't just risk your life just for the pleasure of it!" He continued to stay silent as he watched people walk alongside each other. it sickened him to the core that he couldn't have his Alpha by his side while these weak Omegas clung onto their Alpha's as if they will stay forever. 

"you're right hag, I'll stop, I'll let you know when I get the urge."

"thank you, that's all I wanted" she places her hand on the back of his head, rubbing her thumb against his head gently. 

nothing still nothing, their expressions weren't good enough! Alpha will never be satisfied with this. Katsuki thought as he walks all over the crimson liquid, wiping off the blood from his face and dropping the knife on the blood, leaving the torn bodies where they won't be found for a while. he changes out of the clothes and walks to a trash can outside, placing the bag of blood-stained clothes inside and lighting a match. dropping the match into the trashcan he watched and listened as the flame began to consume everything it touched as it sang it's quiet song. 

" you can't ignore me every time Mr. Bakugo, please just cooperate, and the faster you won't have to suffer this illness now, how do you feel?"


"would you tell me what happened your first year with Dekiru?"

"tortured me"

"Did he force you to participate in his crimes?"


"did he possibly force himself on you?"


"did he lay his hands on you?"

"I asked for it"

"How are your kids?"


"do you still believe he'll come back for you?"

"... yes"

"Alright thank you see you next week"

"one more thing, what if there is no way to cure something that isn't an illness?"

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