Counting days

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Hope you had a wonderful holiday😁!!!!!

short chapter /slight torture\

Katsuki's POV

1st day...

It was just like he said... Punishment... He would press the scalpel blade against my skin slowly, waiting for the blood to run down my body, then he would slowly bring it down. I held my screams in as much as I could. He would light a cigarette and when he was almost done with it he extinguished it on my arms. He would use this quirk that makes my body feel all different kinds of pain. Anything you could think of the quirk made me feel. I screamed in agony until I could no longer.

2nd day... Of punishment

I don't know how long I've been here. The door opened then closed behind me. He talked to me. Tried to convince me to stay, tried to tell me I was his and his alone. He would use that stupid quirk every time I disagreed. He would try and feed me but I refused to eat. If I wasn't going to escape physically then I guess death is the only way...

3rd day

Fucking kill me... Oh god... No there is no god... Just myself. Alone. With an Alpha set on being one.

6th day

My heat came... He did nothing to me. He just stood there releasing his rut pheromones, knowing that was enough torture. I begged for him. I begged for him to kill me, to fuck me, to leave the room. But nothing he sat there staring at me as I was in pain. He had his gas mask on so he wouldn't breathe in my pheromones.

30th day

... I... I just... I can't... The floor was covered in blood. My body with multiple scars. I hang my head as everything was ripped away. My freedom, my sanity, my dignity, my ego, my quirk, my life. He just took it all away, with no remorse. I was tired, my arms felt numb, my legs felt stiff. Thoughts running through my head. I should just give up...

58th day

............... He's so hot. The pain of the scalpel, electrocution, random beatings. Hurt like hell but bring a new entire feeling. I, mean the feeling has always been there, but it's starting to get stronger. So now he's sticking with the quirk.

Mitsuki's POV

It's been another 2 in half months. Masaru is due in 2 more months. The heroes and police found the house Katsuki was staying in but no sign of him. Kirishima comes around to help out in any way he can. He told me everything and that he regretted everything. I believed him of course. He's such a sweet guy, it wasn't his fault Izuku was insane. I finished putting the frosting on the small cake. I put the number 17 on the cake and lit it up. I picked up the cake and walked to the living room. Masaru sat down on the couch, Inko sat on the opposite one with Kirishima. I placed the cake down and saw Kirishima looking at the shark plushie he got Katsuki. I sat down next to Masaru. I looked at the cake as it read "Happy Birthday Brat" like it always did for 17 years straight. He hated having parties and gifts. But I still can't help but give him at least one gift and a cake. Masaru took my hand. I looked at him, he wasn't ok. An Omega that loses a child is never ok. Just like any other parent that loved their children. But what they feel is stronger. I looked back at the cake.

"Happy birthday my little brat..."
"Happy...." Masaru couldn't finish the sentence. I held onto him.
"Happy birthday Katsuki..." Inko said.
"Happy b-day bro, from me and the Bakusquad" I smiled, that Katsuki finally had friends that cared for him and appreciated him. I leaned in and blew out the candles for him...

Katsuki's POV

The smell of a burning candle filled my nose. I look up to see Deku in front of me holding a cupcake. It had a black candle in the center. Orange frosting with black sprinkles. He gave me a smile.
"I can't forget my love's birthday now can I?" I look back at the little cake. "Make a wish Kacchan!" He said happily. A wish... My wishes never came fucking true. It was stupid. But whatever... He held the cake closer So I can blow out the candle. I couldn't. My lungs hurt, it's hard to breathe as it is.
"Want me to do it?" He smiles, breathes in, and blows out the candle. "Happy Birthday, Love you Kacchan"

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