Chapter 29 - Worried Dragon Slayer

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"Y/N I promise I'll be okay," Izuku tells me as he continues walking down the hallway with Kota in his arms.

"I don't trust him." I huff while glaring at the kid.

"Come on he's just a kid, he's also asleep so he can't do anything to hurt me." I huff not wanting to admit that he doesn't need my protection, I look away from the two of them only to feel a kiss on my cheek I look at him surprised, "I promise I'm okay, go and relax while you can Mr. Aizawa will be pushing us all to the limit tomorrow."

"Fine, but call me if you need me," I tell him looking at him directly in the eyes.

He smiles up at me, "You know I will." He starts walking away and I stare at him before I tear my eyes off of him and go back hoping to relax a little bit to make Izuku happy.

///// The Next Morning /////

We are all standing outside getting ready for actual training when Aizawa starts talking to us, "Good morning class today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength, our goal is to increase your skills exponentially so that each of you earns a provisional license. This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness, proceed carefully." Aizawa tosses a softball at Bakugou, "Try throwing that."

Katsuki easily catches it and doesn't think much about it, "Yeah sure it's just like in the fitness test."

"That's right when you first started school your record was 705.2 meters, let's see if you've improved." Katsuki then walks a couple of meters away from us to create some distance.

"Oh I get it we're checking our progress!" Mina says excitedly to see what Katsuki can do now.

"A lot has happened to us the last three months maybe he can throw it a lot farther now." Kirishima hypes Bakugou up and Katsuki smiles menacingly before yelling, "Go to hell!" and throwing it far.

I look at him amazed, 'That's my Katsuki.' I think in my head.

"That was 709.6 meters," Aizawa says bluntly, Katsuki definitely didn't like how he only increased by 4 meters.

"You've had a single semester at U.A. and due to your various experiences you all have improved but those improvements have been limited to mental powerlessness and technical skill with a little bit of stamina thrown in along the way. As you can see your quirks themselves have not improved much on a fundamental level. That's why we're now going to be focused on improving your power, this will be so hard you'll feel like your dying. Let's hope you all survive."

///// Timeskip past all the training /////

"Hey, Tenshi how's the flying and combat training treating you?" I ask concerned about my exceed partner.

"I'm tired but it's not as bad as yesterday." She says as she rests in my arms.

I see Aizawa walk up to Tenshi and me, "Y/N instead of participating in this game I want you to fly around the perimeter, and if you find something weird or unusual come back to report it."

"What about me sir?" Tenshi asks.

Aizawa looks at Tenshi with the same dead expression, "Your call you can either help Y/N since you also have wings or you can play the game."

Tenshi thinks about it, "I want to help Y/N keep everyone safe." Aizawa nods then walk away.

I turn to Tenshi, "We're practically doing an easy quest here." I hold out my fist with an excited smile.

Tenshi fist bumps me, "This is going to be easy since we both have wings now." I nod and agree with her, for once happy I have my wings and my flying training with Ryuku paid off. Even though I don't really like the fact I'm more dragon than human I can only thank Mirajane for the transformation magic lessons.

While everyone get's ready for their courage game I hug both Midoriya and Katsuki before being forced to leave and start flying through the forest to make sure the game runs smoothly and there's no suspicious activity. Tenshi and I keep a steady pace almost making an entire lap around when I'm practically shot down from the sky, "Y/N!" Tenshi yells as she dives down to help get whatever is wrapped around my wings and body. Tenshi is able to get a paw on the rope but I stop her while trying to slow down my way down, "Go warn Mr. Aizawa something is here, we have to protect everyone."

She seems as she's about to cry, "But what about you?"

I smile at her, "Don't worry about me just go make sure everyone is safe, I'll be okay." She nods and starts to fly away yelling, "I'll come back for you!"

I hit the ground hard picking up some grass and dirt as I slide half a meter, I attempt to get the rope off of my body but the rope starts to tighten hurting my wings further. "Crap," I seethe in pain, "that really hurts."

"Good it's supposed to." A random voice is present, I look over trying to find the source of the voice before I make eye contact with a man in a lab coat with large goggles. I can tell this guy was not on my side. I only growl at the person pretty pissed off at myself for not being able to get myself out of this predicament, "You know for someone in the top school made for heroes I would think you would be smarter at not getting yourself caught." The weird guy smiles at me while getting closer, "Someone who appeared out of nowhere and being one of the best fighters Japan has ever seen wants to be a hero, I wonder why that is. Is it for fame? Money? Or possibly trauma." He laughs while reaching his hand out and grabs my forehead, my vision turns white.

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