Chapter 36 - Moving to U.A.

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Everyone, 38K+ reads, and 1k+ votes...that's honestly mind-blowing and I thank you all for making this book as popular as it is. Because of this to celebrate I decided to implement a couple of little things for you all.

"Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Iida. You five are the ones who broke the rules and rescued Bakugou that night." We all stand in front of Mr. Aizawa, I could feel the nervousness in the air. "L/N had an excuse rescuing Bakugou as he was a part of that investigation but you five had no business being there." Mr. Aizawa studies us closely, "Based on your reactions it seems like you all were aware of the plan and therefore equally as responsible for withholding this information. To tell you all the truth if it weren't for All Might's retirement I would expel you all on the spot. Except for Bakugou, Jiro, Hagakure, L/N, and Tenshi of course because they didn't know all of this was happening. Now, look alive, welcome to your new home." Mr. Aizawa says as he leaves.

Everyone was in a sad mood not even I was sure how to make everyone feel better, but I watch as Katsuki scoff and pull Kaminari out of sight before making him overuse his quirk and make us laugh. I see Jiro laughing the hardest at the sight of Kaminari and I smile glad to see everyone back with high spirits.

"Kaminari show them your dumb side," Bakugou yells as he leaves.

I could tell something is wrong with him and I want to go see what's wrong but I don't know if he wants space after everything. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Mina, "You should go talk to him, you two are really close after all."

Option 1: You go to Bakugou

"Yeah, I probably should, thanks, Mina," I tell her before jogging after Katsuki wondering how he's been holding up.

"Katsuki, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" He says while looking away.

"Can you turn around?"

I can see him tense up before hearing him sniff as he slowly turns around but doesn't even look at me. "There is this what you wanted to see? You wanted to see me look weak. If you're going make fun of me hurry up and get it over with already."

"Just because your crying doesn't make you weak. In fact, all the strongest people in my guild have cried more times than we can count," I hold my arms out a bit offering him a hug to which he surprisingly accepts. I could feel him relax in my arms, "Whatever you need to help you cope with I promise I will do it. If you want to vent to me or if you just want to sit in silence hugging like this I'll help you through it all. I care about you Katsuki and I want to help with all your troubles."

He pulls away as his face is a little red, I'm not sure if it was from crying or from what I said, "Yeah, sure. I might take you up on that offer so you better not go complaining or running your mouth when I do."

I smile at him, "I would never."

+ relationship with Bakugou

Option 2: You decide to stay

"No, I really shouldn't bother him right now. I feel as if he wants to be alone currently."

She seemed a little uneasy, "Maybe. But hey how have you been doing since that mission?"

"I've been doing fine, my scales haven't grown back but I'm sure it's fine."

"Maybe you should get that tested out, if they're supposed to grow back why haven't they?"

"I'm not sure but I've gone through some tests and everything came up just fine."

"Well that's good, hey would you like to hang out with all of us this weekend. We all plan to explore a bit and just have fun and relax."

"That would be nice, I need something to do to relax, and having fun with you guys would be a great way to de-stress."

She jumps on me and wraps her arms around my neck, and because I was so much taller than her I instinctively wrapped my arms around her so she doesn't fall. My wings pop out so I can rebalance myself from that random hug. She seemed to notice what she did as she lets go and looks away sheepishly, "Sorry about that I got really excited when you agreed."

"It's alright you don't have to apologize. I quite enjoy hugs so I'll make sure you won't fall if you jump into my arms again."

She laughs and gives a wide smile, "I'll keep that in mind for next time."

+ relationship with Mina


Once everyone got inside of the dorm Mr. Aizawa told us where everyone's rooms were, they were separated by gender. He also told us how the building works and gave us our assigned rooms.

We were allowed to change the room however we wanted as long as we didn't disrupt any of the rooms next to ours. Tenshi didn't like how small the rooms were and especially the room closet so she wondered if there was a spell that could teleport whoever enters the room to our house in the woods and back. I found a spell similar to that in one of the books dedicated to transportation spell books but it was more of a portal for the doorway. We asked Mr. Aizawa but it turns out due to recent events and new safety rules we couldn't physically transfer back and forth from our home.

"Wait Tenshi what if we were to only do your closet? Like what if we do the portal spell but it would make it so it's in your closet here connecting to your closet at home so we wouldn't be breaking any rules?" I looked at my tired-looking teacher, "Would that be okay Mr. Aizawa?"

"Yeah I guess so, you two aren't traveling place to place so it's not breaking any rules."

"This is going to be awesome! See Y/N your smart when you think!" Tenshi says as she starts flying and pulls me to her room.

"Tenshi I have my own wings! Better yet I can just walk!" I tell her but she ignores me as she continues to drag me to her room so we can figure the spell out.

I held the book in my hands as I looked at the small and empty closet as tried to imagine Tenshi's closet as I recited the spell. When I recited the spell I saw a portal form but it was still an empty closet, we both sweat drop, "I don't think that's supposed to happen."

"Obviously not!" She takes the book and looks over the spell, "Y/N it says the caster must have a perfect image of what they want the place to look like or they will get a defective portal.'


"Yeah oh indeed. Watch me cast this correctly." When Tenshi looks at the closet I stick my tongue out at her and make faces. She closes her eyes as she looks irritated, "You know I can still see you." I immediately stop and put my tongue back in my mouth.

After we were done with the spell I got my spellbook back and I walked over to my room to start packing and putting my room together.

Where would you want your room to be?

Also, would you all want another filler chapter or go straight into the hero training? Or would you prefer to skip the hero training?

I wish to get your guy's/person's opinion and preference for how the story should go.

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