Chapter 40 - Do I say Anything?

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TRIGGER WARNING // Mentioning of Blood

My head is killing me. I let out a groan as I hold my head in my hands. I could smell and feel the blood dripping from my head as I stumble trying to get up. I look around and see that the scarred man had left. "Crap, who was he?" I notice my phone on the floor and pick it up. I look at the time and see that only an hour went by but an hour gives the guy enough time to make it out of this city.

"Damn it..." I put my phone in my pocket. I hiss as I stretch my wings and begin to heal my head. 'It's been a while since I had to heal something as complicated as the brain.' I think as I'm flying as fast as I could to my dorm. Hopefully, nobody is there waiting for me.


I fly over the gates and far past the sensors and land on my balcony and walk into my room. I look in and find that everything remains the same. The note was still on my table so I pick it up and crumble it, I walk outside before lighting my hand on fire to burn the note. The wind takes the embers of the remained note away.

I go back to my room and change out of my bloodied clothing, I throw my shirt stained with blood in the trash and I grab a new shirt. I walk over to my desk and look through several drawers and pull out a first-aid kit and pull out some cleaning wipes I had in there. I look at my reflection and start cleaning all the dried blood on my face. I throw the now stained red wipes and throw that in the trash as well.

//// Major Time skip ////

We are all standing with heroes and policemen alike. Ryuku turns to us, "You ready my little flyers?" Tenshi and I both nod and Ryuku turn to our other partners, "You ready girls?" Tsu, Nejire, and Ochako all nod.

"Everyone in position?" I hear from Ryuku's radio. Slowly everyone responds saying they were in position or just giving a simple yes if they didn't need to say who they were. "Alright everyone storm the building make sure nobody can get away."

Instead of storming the building immediately like we planned police and riot officers were battling against, of what we assume are, members of the Hassaikai. Ryuku told me to go and follow Eraserhead and their group seeing as I can smell anyone who attempts to ambush us.

I follow her command and catch up with Eraserhead and Nighteye's group before everything started reshaping and forming. I did my best to hold a straight face but I couldn't help myself get pale during the situation of everything moving.

As we try to make our way through the hallway we were stopped by several walls which forced Mirio to go ahead of us. Our goal is to get Eri and hopefully Mirio can do that. We only make it a few meters when walls separate me from everyone else. Luckily the floor was no longer moving so I can function better, but the remnants of motion sickness still linger throughout my body. One of the walls falls and I look over and see more members of the Hassaikai on the other side. I stand up straight and a smile can't help but reach my face, "Good that you came. I needed to relieve some anger."


I cough as I try to clear my lungs from all the fire I've been breathing out. The walls around us finally fall and I see that everyone had to deal with somebody. Everyone's eyes fell on me and the number of people I had to fight, I could tell all but Eraserhead underestimated my magic. "Uh, hi," I say as a little bit of fire shoots out of my mouth and smoke follows.

Nighteye starts running, "Come on we wasted enough time already." I look around noticing Fatgum and Kirishima are gone, 'I hope they can handle what they are against.'


I stagger as I push myself further wanting to win this battle, there was no way I'm allowing Overhaul to kill Midoriya. We stand on the street in front of Overhaul. Midoriya was currently holding Eri who was petrified. She was willing to sacrifice herself so that we could stay alive. I focus my magic and bring out my wings and fly up facing Overhaul. "Deku get Eri out of here," I tell him seriously knowing what I'm about to do would harm anyone in the surrounding area. I do my best to turn into a dragon, one that would have enough strength to battle Overhaul.

"No! Give Eri back to me!" Overhaul yells as he tries reaching for her, I dig my claws into his skin and fly up pulling him with me away from everyone trying to get as much magic power knowing I'll need everything I have.

Overhaul starts trying to pry my hands off of him but I don't let go. I fly further up until I have enough magic flowing within me. I prepare the spell and bite down on his shoulder tasting blood, "Ultimate Dragon Slayer secret art! Dragon's Cataclysm!" A loud explosion erupted and all I hear is his screams as I try to hold back mine. This spell was a double edge sword, one that could bring any wizard down. The only downside was that the more powerful the person the more magic it drains as well as there is no guarantee that I'll make it out of it alive. I feel myself start to transform back into my usual self, "Funny... that's never happened before." I give a low chuckle as I continue to fall. Overhaul falling faster than me but in an equal position as me.

I look up and see the ground.

The ground?

I guess I'm upside down.

It's getting closer...

I can't move...

Is this how I die?...

I can't help but shut my eyes in pain as I start tearing up knowing my time is going to be up sooner than I would have hoped.

I don't want to die...

Not when I haven't shown the person I love how much they mean to me...

I'm sorry Love, I'm sorry I couldn't live longer for you...


"... You'"

"It's...I got...Come on....come on!"

I open my eyes a little bit and see Midoriya's face, I feel his finger on my neck and so I grab it. I see him tense up and start crying, "I'm.....sorry..."

"No don't be you saved me, you saved Eri."

"Midoriya...listen...someone messed with my magic during the camp..."

"What does that mean?"

"I...I don't know if I'll survive..."

"What?" He starts sobbing more, "No, no you have to be alright, you're going to be okay. I-I can't lose you too!"

Bakugou End:

"Midoriya...please tell Katsuki...that I love him."


I nod my head, "Please, I'm sorry...that I couldn't tell him myself."

Izuku End:

"Izuku...I-I love you. I'm sorry that it ended like this."

"I love you too. You're going to be alright. I promise you're going to live and we can be happy together."

I give a painful laugh, "Don't regret...becoming a hero. Never regret what once made you happy."

Mina End:

"Mina, she was amazing. I liked her a lot, possibly the moment we met." I feel myself start to lose consciousness. "Tell her for me would you?" I managed to breathe out right before I felt myself pass out.

Momo End:

"There was someone that helped me a lot. Momo was there on the sidelines but she was always there for me when I needed someone. I started to fall for her..." I begin to close my eyes, "I-I wish...I could have made it up to her..."

Todoroki End:

"Shoto, scar and all I still saw him as beautiful. Breathtaking even. I only wish I could have shown him how much he meant to me."

Tsu End:

"Tsu was very special to me. And although I couldn't spend as much time with her, she's someone I would love to stay with forever."

I succumb to what my body desires and close my eyes...

I'm sorry...everyone...please don't be mad at Midoriya...

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