Chapter 8 - First Day of U.A.

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(D/H) = Dominant Hand

I was walking with Izuku to school once again but a different school this time, I am definitely so glad I made it this far with Izuku, Tenshi was flying above us as we continue walking to class 1-A and occasionally making comments about hero history or even plain old math we were doing this so I didn't end up dumber than a rock. It's weird because sometimes I still hold a book upside down thinking I'm trying to read in another language. We were finally in front of class 1-A's door and it was about three times the size of me, "Do they have giants here or something?" Izuku mutters really scared. I looked at the massive door and shrugged my shoulders, "Eh Tenshi and I have seen bigger." And opened it to see my favorite snack giver being yelled at by the kid who made a big scene during the entrance exam.

"Bakugou!" I say excited while I just hear a groan coming from him, "What do you want (Y/N)?" I just smile at the name, "Well I'm a little hungry now that I think about it."

"Hell no!"

"Wha- Oh come on I won't ask for the rest of the week!" Bakugou looks at me and sighs, "Fine come here." I smile happily and run over while he pops some explosions and the blue haired kid watched as I devoured the explosions from Bakugou. "Y-You can eat explosions? What kind of quirk is that?" I don't answer him as I'm way to busy eating while Bakugou looks away with a bit of red on his face, I get up after finishing up the explosions I burped a bit and a little bit of the smoke and fire from the explosions came out, "Excuse me." I then look over to the door that opened and incomes Izuku with a brown haired girl the blue haired kid went towards the two but I didn't care much enough to say anything, I went to the desk next to Bakugou and waited for our teacher. 'Izuku never explained if we were going to have the same teacher or not but maybe because it's a different school our last teacher won't be here.' I thought to myself.

"Hey (Y/N) what are you thinking about?" Bakugou says from next to me so I look over at him, "I was just thinking about if we were having the same teacher or not Izuku never really explained how schooling works and back at Magnolia you would have to find a person to teach you but they costed a ton of jewel just for a couple sessions even for a wizard." I blabbed on gibberish again, at least that's what Bakugou thinks, "I don't care about your life story! I just wanted to know what you were thinking." He says irritated, "But you have different teachers every year." I just groan, "More names to learn..." I mumbled while Bakugou just laughed at my reaction. Then a door slams open and I hear a thud in the front of the classroom.

"Shut up and get to your seats." The remaining students who were standing practically ran to a seat, Tenshi was seated behind me next to Izuku and the person in a yellow thing came out and said, "It took you 8 seconds to be quite you lot aren't rational enough, I'm Mr. Aizawa your home room teacher, no questions just put these on and go to the field." I just followed the class where we needed to go and we ended up to what Izuku explained was a locker room where we will change into our different clothing, everyone was quick to pick their locker so mine ended up being in between a bird guy and Izuku which I didn't mind at all. We put on these gym uniforms and left to a large grassy area and we stood in front of our teacher Mr. Aizawa as we waited for everyone to show up, soon some French blonde guy who radiated glitter finally came out so Aizawa spoke up.

"Bakugou come up what was your score for a softball throw in middle school?"

"About 67 meters." Bakugou tells him, "Try with your quirk." Aizawa then throws a ball in which Bakugou catches it and walks over to some circle with other lines drawn out into it pointing in the direction away from us, "Anything goes just as long as you stay in the circle." Bakugou sets himself up then throws the ball while using his quirk screaming, "DIE!" He got 705.2 meters and the entire class was excited about these tests.

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