Chapter 25 - Our Time to Shine

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"Team Asui and Tokoyami. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!" The announcement sounds and we see Ectoplasm making many copies of himself surrounding the two. Without wasting much time Tokoyami uses dark shadow to throw her near a wall where she attaches herself to quickly using her tongue and launches Tokoyami to the floor above her.

"An escape only the two of them could pull off!" Izuku yells excitedly.

I look at Tenshi with a pleading look and immediately she says, "No."

"Awe I wanted to know how it feels to fly like that."

"You can already fly!"

"Yeah but I want to do it without wings!" I pout.

"Well, maybe we can try using my quirk," Ochaco says.

"Really!" I say looking at her excitedly.

"Yeah, we just have to pick a date where we're both free."

"This is going to be awesome," I say to myself as Tenshi shakes her head in disappointment and Izuku smiles at us trying to hide his jealousy.

Recovery girl enters the room and looks at the screen, "That's good communication. They're talking to each other, it may not seem like much but it's important. I don't mean having a sidekick or teammate that you know you match well with; real heroes need to be able to communicate with anyone."

Recovery Girl and Izuku continue talking about their strengths and weaknesses, which I couldn't understand much about what they were saying, I continue watching the cameras and seeing Tokoyami and Dark Shadow being able to keep their distance while fighting and Tsu jumping everywhere and attacking when Tokoyami needs it or when she needs to help herself. I then see the camera with Ectoplasm in it and he creates a giant version of himself that takes a piece of the area both Tokoyami and Tsu were in leaving them somewhat immobile, really only Dark Shadow could move which is why the final didn't stop for them.

We could see Dark Shadow attack Ectoplasm as a resort to try to get through the Exit, soon though Dark Shadow retreats to Tokoyami. Maybe Tokoyami has a different plan or approach well whatever it is I hope they still pass. When Dark Shadow attacks Ectoplasm he was ready and sent a kick hitting Dark Shadow directly on his head and he slams to the floor but when some arisen smoke clears there is a cuff on his leg or peg.

"Wow, they leg cuffed him!" Ochako says a mixture of surprise and excitement is laced with those words.

"That means they passed right," Midoriya asks getting confirmation from Recovery Girl.

"Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed the exam." The announcement says.

"Woah! That was so cool!" I say then got an idea and looked at Tenshi.

Tenshi met my stare then sighed before yelling, "I'm going to kick you out of this monitor room if you keep getting stupid ideas!"

"You could have just said no," I muttered while looking away from her.

"Team Iida and Ojiro. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!" We see Iida and Ojiro stand there as earth practically explodes from the floor upwards. Ojiro climbs on Iida and holds on as Iida runs across the platform, each step Iida takes earth falls right afterward. 'Just imagining the earth moving makes me feel nauseous.' Power Loader comes up beneath the earth to stops the two from taking a step further but they don't stop instead Iida jumps and Ojiro wraps his tail around Iida's leg and Iida launches Ojiro to Power Loader who attempts to capture Ojiro but he easily deflected that and passed through the gates with that added momentum. "Team Iida and Ojiro have passed the final." The four of us cheer that they passed. When the smoke clears up we see Iida stuck beneath the Earth and I laugh so hard I'm holding my stomach.

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