Chapter 24 - Finals

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We got Tenshi back into the system of U.A. and I was so happy that we were together again, she did also get mad that I became a 'Horny Tornado' in her words which made my situation sound worse than it truly was. Nezu and Aizawa both agreed Tenshi didn't have to take the same exam as us but she does get a smaller version of the exam since she left and came back, it's her choice to do the practical with us and she agreed to do it.

I grab my backpack and I'm wearing my comfortable clothing, "See you later Tenshi there's breakfast on the stove still hot and I left some money so you could buy lunch anywhere."

Tenshi nods her head, "Make sure you actually study and don't get distracted." as I see her fly to get the breakfast I left for her.

"Oh come on believe in me a little."

"I will if you pass this test better than you midterms."

"I'll do it!" I say before closing the door and running to Momo's place.


When I make it there everyone greets me before Sero pushes the button and we hear Momo's voice, "Welcome everyone! Come on in!" Then the gates open and we all step in and sit down on some fancy chairs, once we get some food and drinks we start studying. Slowly everyone started to leave as it was getting late, I decided to help Momo clean and ensure I remember everything correctly since I cannot study tomorrow seeing as it's my only full shift during the weekend to get extra money.

"Thanks so much for this Momo," I say and smile at her.

"It was really no problem, but may I ask why did you ask to study extra when you could have just studied tomorrow?"

"That's the thing, I can't study tomorrow." She looks at me questioningly, "I have a full shift, someone asked for the day off tomorrow so I asked to cover for them for a little over time."


"Yeah it's so I get more money by the end of the week, Tenshi and I are living together again so I need to have enough food in the fridge."

"Oh, right." Momo looks away a little sad finishing up cleaning the table. "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure, ask me anything."

Momo still looks away while tightening her hold on the towel in her hands, "Are you and Tenshi together?"

I looked at her shocked but I calmed down, "Oh no, we aren't together. She's actually dating another exceed named Pantherlily."

Momo looks at me before blushing in embarrassment, "Oh sorry I shouldn't have assumed."

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and smile at her, "Nah don't worry about it you were just curious." I get a little serious, "But the reason as to why we're living because we've lived with each other for so long it would be really weird if we suddenly stopped."

"I get it." I let go of her and stood in front of her.

"I am really thankful for your help, if you ever need or want something just ask."

"Actually..." Momo looks to the side again, she's been doing a lot of that but what could she be nervous about?

"Is there something you wan--" I get cut off from Momo putting her lips onto mine, I couldn't help myself but to kiss her back. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer and before we knew it we pulled away. There was no doubt in my mind I was blushing red and I was trying to fight myself from marking another person without their permission, mainly because Ryuko and Tenshi would definitely beat me up if they knew I marked another person.

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