Chapter 6 - U.A. Exam

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Updated: Some choices the reader can be with are Momo, Mina, Tsu, Katsuki, Shoto, or Izuku. You can read the endings to all of them later on but I wanted to know which one was more favorable so I can write it first!

10 months have officially has gone by, 10 horrible months of cramming as much English, Japanese, math, and training as we could so I could at least pass the written test of getting into the U.A. guild, well school as they keep telling me to call it. I just hope we will treat each other like family or else I might just leave if Izuku doesn't make it in the class as well.

I finally finish the last page of the text book I was supposed to study as well as finished writing all the answers, that I'm 90% sure are correct, at the same time I hear a scream of triumph from Izuku. We both came here seemingly at the same time, him to finish cleaning the beach and me to finish the last half of the textbook we both were exhausted but also proud of ourselves at how hard we worked. For the last couple weeks I could actually contribute to the writing we were studying, solve math equations easier with no help, and continue holding my own against everyone in school—which I always could but I had to gain the trust from the government before I could fight back or else I would be in big trouble. Apparently they originally thought I was a villain tricking people or something but then All Might explained how I could barely do math and I held a book upside down when I tried reading on my own, yeah the time in class wasn't the last time I held a book upside down. Katsuki also didn't bother Izuku too much and always blushes whenever he looks at me or we make eye contact. He never asked why I marked him or how he can become unmarked.

Izuku falls backwards after screaming his head off and before I ran to catch him I smell All Might was here so I let them have their father and son bonding moment. "You exceeded my expectations with only a couple hours to spare." All Might says in a really proud tone of voice, "He wasn't the only one finishing work." I say bringing the large textbook and packet full of answers to each equation. "(Y/N) you too? My boys you both did wonderful and for that I applaud the both of you." He turns to Midoriya, "Now young Midoriya it is time for you to gain your new quirk." I smile at him, "You definitely deserve this after everything." I tell him while All Might pulls out a piece of his hair, "Now eat this." He says while holding it out to Izuku, I fall on the floor too tired to deal with this bull.


"(Y/N) come on wake up now." Izuku calls to me but then Tenshi clears her voice I got this, "(Y/N)." She says making her voice sound like Erza.

"YES ERZA MA'AM!" I yell getting up instantly saluting. "Wait Izuku? And Tenshi? But I heard Erza." Izuku starts laughing, "I think you mind is playing tricks on you." Tenshi tells me and I just nod, "Okay then. Is the test starting soon?" They both nod their heads and so we start running to U.A. well I had Tenshi take Izuku flying and I was running trying to keep the same pace, it was difficult but we made it with time to spare. We both looked at U.A. "Woah it's almost as big as our guild!" I say excitedly towards Tenshi. Then I hear a voice behind us say, "Get out of my way before I set you on fire." I see Bakugou walking towards us and Izuku is freaking out about this but I chose a different route, "Hey Bakugou you got this in the bag!" He smiles confidently, "I know damn well I can pass this exam and maybe you will pass this exam too. But Deku, I'm going to enjoy wiping the floor with you." Bakugou says staring at Izuku before walking off.

"Don't worry about this test man you are going to do great!" I slap his back again and get a light 'Ow.' Again, "Yeah your right I can do this." Then he starts falling. I quickly put my arms out to catch him but before I could catch him I see that he's floating, "I'm sorry I used my quirk without permission but I hope you don't mind." A girl with a brown bob says while Izuku was trying to get in the right position I quickly set him up straight and the girl released him. "My names Ochaco and I hope you both pass!"

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