Chapter 11 - Back to Magnolia?

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Tenshi looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I found a spell that could take us back to Magnolia."

I didn't know if I was hearing this right but I unintentionally started smiling, "That's amazing why would you hide that from me?" Even as I'm smiling I had a pain in my chest, I missed my family but I felt like I belong here. I have more people my age, I finally felt like I had a family again, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.

"Because you've been having so much fun here, it's as if you completely forgotten about Fairy Tail." I looked at her shocked, Me? Forget about Fairy Tail? I would never forget about them, "Tenshi, I haven't forgotten about Fairy Tail. They're still my home, my family who I hold dearly."

"Yes but you look like you're having so much fun, you practically belong here." Tenshi sighs then looks at me, "I'm not going to force you to come, in fact it's the opposite." I look at her and I start tearing up, once I realized that she's leaving.

"Tenshi, make sure you say hi to everyone okay." Tenshi smiles and flies to me and we continue hugging each other and we continue smiling all the way until we head to the house. I get all the best sushi I could afford and we eat one more time before she leaves, we go and pack her clothes and she changed into her Magnolia clothing, when we finish everything we go outside to the back and I give her one last hug before she does the spell. I see a small magic circle encasing her before she leaves I see her smile before disappearing, I allow all my tears I've been holding back fall. I start wiping my tears roughly, "Man I'm seriously going to miss her." I started feeling something though in this area, I smile and look up, "Magic energy." At least I don't have to worry too much on getting more since the forest is now radiating with it. I decided to train to hopefully get my mind off of everything, maybe if I try transforming into a dragon and stay as it for longer than 10 minutes that should be fine.


I groan after going back into my human form, "No matter what I do I still can't get my mind off of Tenshi and how she left." I look down at myself, I need to change and go to my job. I take a quick shower, change into my all black outfit, and then leave to go meet up. I have a black scarf around my neck to cover the bottom half of my face I'm not sure why but that guy said I should, so now I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt and some ripped cardigan of some sort, that's what the lady in the shop told me at least, that barely covers my (F/C) Fairy Tail guild mark.

"I look like I'm apart of a dark guild." After checking myself in the mirror, my (H/C) is successfully covered in a black beanie to match my outfit. I walk out and cover the bottom half of my face I continue walking into the normal alleyway and meet up with the boss.

"Great kid your here there are extra packages I need you to deliver, and of course you'll get extra pay for these. Here are the addresses and packages." He hands them to me and so I nod my head and go to deliver the packages. As I deliver the last package and collect the money I go to the alleyway my boss was waiting at to collect my pay for the night. "Here you go kid." I get the pay and was about to leave before he speaks again, "Kid any trouble tonight?" I look back and shook my head, "No I didn't have any trouble why?" I fully turn around to look at him.

"And you didn't have anyone following you?" I cocked my head to the side, "No. Why are you asking me all these questions?" The man took off his glasses so I was able to see his face clearly, "Do you seriously not recognize me? Come on I'm one of the best recruiters all over the underworld."

"Uh no but I have school tomorrow so I really have to go." I then hear a gun sound, "I really didn't want to do this kid but you're way to valuable to let go now." I look at him confused then he shoots the gun so I quickly dodged to the best of my ability, I didn't get hit with whatever it was he shot at me but I crashed into some trash cans so I fell. "Come on we never have these stupid things lying around." I then feel a rough foot on my chest, and I try and push his foot off my chest, my ex-boss points the gun to my face, "You really shouldn't have done that those darts cost a lot of money." I just glare at him and put my fist up, "Iron dragon club." I mumbled under my breath and immediately my fist turns into a club and uppercutted the guy, he fell back dropping his gun.

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