Chapter 10 - Problems

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I'm walking to school by myself today since I woke up way too early and couldn't go back to sleep, I cleaned the water again and saw two fishes in the lake which made me smile, I then cleaned the entire house—which was easy since I could blow all the dust out of the house— I recharged the lacramas, warmed up the house, then I decided to take a quick shower and walk to school since I didn't do my job until later in the afternoon. I hear a loud ruckus the closer I get, "Hey kid what's it like being taught under All Might?" Then I'm surrounded by everyone with cameras, I thought for a moment and said, "Well it's nice he's a good teacher even when he's new I bet he'll be the best teacher once he get's the hang of everything." Everybody starts recording all this, "Hey wait a moment." A new voice chimes in, "Aren't you that kid that popped out of nowhere in the middle of traffic?" I looked at her, "Oh your that lady that called Tenshi a cat!" I say towards her, "Isn't he also the kid that got arrested during that slime villain attack? What is he doing here at U.A.?" Then there is a new murmur and they start asking more questions.

"What are you doing in a school like U.A.?" I look and speak in the microphone, "I'm learning to be a hero, do you mind if I eat this I haven't had breakfast yet." The microphone get's slowly pulled away from my mouth. Then I am randomly asked questions like "Where did you come from."

"What do you want to do in the future?"
"What do you hope to achieve?" And a bunch of other stuff like that, eventually I got tired of this and I said "I'm hungry bye." Then used my shadow dragon to travel underneath and to the cafeteria to hopefully get something in my stomach.


"Nice work everyone on yesterday's class, I saw the video feeds and went over everyone's results." Aizawa tells us as we are in our assigned seats, I hope we get to do more training today. "Bakugou you did well so stop sulking like a child, and Midoriya I saw that you only won my hurting yourself severely get that quirk under control. All right the next task will design your future." Everything get's tense for a moment and I get a little excited thinking it's training, "You all need to pick a class representative." The tense air get's replaced with relief while I just complain and shrink back in my chair that this is normal school things.

There is loud, "Pick me guys I wanna be class rep!" From Eijiro Kirishima.
"I'll take it." Denki yells after.
"Yeah you're going to need me."
"Someone with style will be best." Aoyama tries selling himself only to be cut off my Mina, "Oooooh! Pick me!"

I then scoot back a bit and say rather loudly to Izuku trying to understand this whole representative stuff, "Hey doesn't the people in power pick the best person to represent everyone?" Izuku just tells me, "Not really people get to choose their representative." I then think about it, "Huh usually only the strongest get to be in power." Izuku looks down thinking about who could be in power, "Are they like S class wizards?" I just shake my head, "No way not even close they are way stronger than a S-class wizard like Erza." Izuku get's even more scared just thinking about it.

"Silence everyone please! It's the representatives duty to lead others that is not just something anyone could do you must have the trust of every student of the classroom therefore the most logical way to do this is democratically we will hold an election to choose our leader." Iida states quieting down everyone.

"Is this really the best idea?" Denki says out loud.
"We've only known each other for a few days how do we know who we could trust." Tsu tells everyone.
"Besides how do we know who we could trust? Everyone will just vote for themselves." Kirishima tells Iida.
"Most people will but the person who ends up with multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job, it's the best way right sir!" Iida tells everyone the first part before getting confirmation from Aizawa who just wants to take a nap. I decide to vote for Izuku since he's helped me out since day one so I just casted that in and sat down waiting the results wondering if people were going to pick Iida or Momo since they seem like leadership worthy.

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