Chapter 12 - Fieldtrip to the USJ

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"Alright class listen up, today I have two announcements." Aizawa says finally standing in front of us as we sit silent wondering what we are going to be doing today. "The first one is most, if not all, of you have noticed the empty seat next to Midoriya that is because Tenshi has decided to drop out of U.A." You can hear some gasps from some people and I can feel people staring at me but I don't want to show any sadness so I just cover it up with a stoic expression. "And the second announcement is we are going to be training but today's training will be different. You will have three instructors, All Might, myself, and another faculty member, will be keeping tabs on all of you." Mr. Aizawa tells us all in a bored expression.

Sero raises his hand, "Sir what kind of training will we be doing today?"

"You will be doing some Rescue Training, handling disasters and other stuff similar to that. What you wear is completely up to you, I know you're excited about costumes but keep in mind you haven't gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities." Aizawa pushes a button and all the different cases come out of the wall. "This training is off campus so we'll be taking a bus to get there, that is all everyone so go get changed and meet me outside." We all grab our cases and walk to the locker rooms to change.

Once I'm done changing I walk out and Izuku comes up to me, "Hey (Y/N) where is Tenshi?" I froze at this question but shook my head to get rid of my nervousness, even when I knew this question was coming I was still hoping it wouldn't be so soon. "She decided to go back to Magnolia," Izuku looks shocked and surprised, "Woah so she found a spell to go back?" I nodded to confirm what he was saying, "Wait then why are you still here?" I looked back at him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, "I couldn't just leave you all by yourself! Plus I can just go back later if I want," I look down while we stop seeing as we are all outside, "I just, I would really miss you all so I decided to stay. Plus Fairy Tail already has four dragon slayers and a demon slayer."

Izuku's jaw dropped, "There's more dragon slayers!" I just nod, "There are also two dragon slayers in Sabertooth, and a god slayer in Lamia Scale." Izuku starts muttering which causes me to sweat drop.

I hear a whistle being blown and I look to see Tenya yelling, "Gather around clas 1-A! Using our student numbers form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!" I walk up and put my arm around Tenya, "Everyone make sure you have fun!" I then whisper at Tenya, "Ya know you can calm down with the orders Tenya." Iida blushes and puts his hand on his face, "I see but we are the students in the most prestigious academy we must maintain structure."

"Yes but we are also teenagers, live a little." Then I let go of his shoulders and start walking through the gates, "Now if you excuse me I'll be walking—!" Then a scarf wraps around me.

I giggle a bit and say, "I'm in danger." as I'm being pulled back to the class.

"You especially will be going on the bus." I just shake my head rapidly.

"No, no way! Please! NO!" I start digging my fingers in the ground trying to avoid getting on the bus. "Come on the bus isn't that bad you're the rep—." Denki says but get's cut off by Mina, "Remember what happened on the bus on our way to the entrance exam, he got really bad motion sickness." Denki then sweat drops, "You're right I feel really bad now." Mina nods her head in agreement while they seeing me getting thrown in the bus by Aizawa who ends up sighing in relief now that was done and over with.

I sit my head on Izuku's lap as the bus starts moving trying the best of my ability to not throw up, Izuku looks at me with concern, "Can't you just use that motion sickness spell?" Izuku says trying to be quiet while saying things like that. I feel my body rock upwards so I groan before shaking my head, "N-Natsu g-g-got i-immune to i-i-it s-s-so I d-don't..." I cover my mouth rapidly making sure I don't throw up, "w-w-want to b-b-beco-ome i-i-immune t-t-oo." Izuku nods and starts petting my hair trying his best to help me.

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