Chapter 28 - Summer Training Has Begun

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Finally, the time came for the training camp and I was as hyped up as could be for this trip, that was until Aizawa said we had to take the bus that was when I wanted to go back home. I was given time to perform the spell to stop feeling nauseous but I knew it wasn't going to last the whole ride so might as well enjoy as much free time as I can.


The bus stopped and Aizawa pulled me off the bus using his scarf, "Thanks Aizawa." I muttered trying not to barf and I kneeled on the floor.

"Hello everyone!" We all turn our attention towards two cat ladies that did a dance and started say stuff but I couldn't listen all that much since I was recovering from my motion sickness, I don't understand how Natsu could immediately come back after getting off of a train.

I start listening back to everyone feeling better and my stomach isn't doing laps anymore, the red cat lady starts to speak, "We own this whole stretch of land right here, the summer camp you're staying at is there at the base of the mountain."

A lot of the class responded with, "That's far!"

Ochako was first to ask, "Then why did we stop all the way up here?"

Tsu spoke up putting two and two together, "I believe we both know the answer to that." Some of my classmates didn't want to believe what they thought and Sero thought of the idea of getting back on the bus and everyone and some of them agree but they don't leave as we hear the red/pink cat speaks again.

"The time is 9:30, if your fast about it you might make it there by noon."

Kirishima starts panicking, "No way!"

"Holy crap guys!" Mina screams.

"Everyone safe yourselves!" Almost everyone starts running back towards the bus. I refused and backed up then there was a litter earthquake and I fell while covering my mouth before getting swept away from the moving earth, we all get pushed off the cliff and land on the floor.

The red cat woman looked over the edge down at us and yelled, "Good news since this is private land you all can use your quirks however you want to! Except for you dragon boy, the only restriction you have is not to fly all the way to camp and leave everyone behind!"

"I wouldn't do that anyways that's not the Fairy Tail way!" I yell back at her.

"Well everyone good luck! You've got three full hours you should make it to the facility in that time, that is if you can make it past the Beast Forest."

Kaminari looks at the forest with fear, "That's like a name straight out of a fantasy game." Everyone starts collecting themselves and I get up quickly helping Katsuki and Izuku before going on helping everyone else up and healing them if they need it. As I was doing that Mineta ran full speed into the forest and he was met with a giant monster, Koda yelled at the monster trying to control it but I guess it was immune as it still attacked Mineta. Katsuki, Shoto, Tenya, Izuku, and I launch at the monster each taking hits easily taking it down, it turns out it wasn't even alive.

"Wow, you guys took it down so fast," Kirishima tells us surprised.

I hear a low roar and heavy footsteps from different areas, "Be careful everyone there's more coming." I tell them and they each get ready for more to come, we hear something fly over us before dropping down, soon the heavy footsteps get louder signaling they are here.

Kaminari seems shocked at the number of large monsters straight off the bat, "Hey come on don't you think this is unfair."

"Do we run?" Mina asks.

Sato started pointing the obvious, "This isn't good if we don't make it to camp fast enough then we won't get anything to eat."

Momo looks at the beasts made out of rock and earth, "He's right we have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route!"

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