Chapter 9 - Battle Trials

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I go through all the normal classes of course not without accidentally holding another book upside down. I was called to read again and I picked up the book on my desk you could tell I was having trouble then Bakugou looked at where I was having trouble then said, "You're holding the book upside down again idiot." Most of the class sweat dropped at me flipping the book the right way again before reading with little mistakes.


"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" Everyone get's really excited at this, even I do honestly, I feel like a little kid wanting to go run up to his father and tell him the smallest achievements

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"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" Everyone get's really excited at this, even I do honestly, I feel like a little kid wanting to go run up to his father and tell him the smallest achievements. All Might reminds me too much of my dragon father Godai.

"I can't believe it's really all Might." You can hear Denki say and red haired Kirishima say, "So he is a teacher, this year is going awesome."

"Is he wearing his silver age costume?" Tsu says.

"I'm getting goosebumps this is so retro." Tail guy says out loud.

"This is the most important class you will be taking all year! Think of it as heroing 101 here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good. Let's get into it! Today's lesson Battle Trails! But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good!" All Might says while pushing a button which made cases come out from the classroom wall. "These are the costumes you sent in your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started." Everyone get's excited at the fact they'll be finally be wearing their costumes. "Put your costumes on and meet on Ground Beta." I quickly grabbed my case and went to the locker room quickly to finally get out of these clothes everyone here wears. I put on my normal Magnolia attire the only difference is I don't have the gloves just long cuffs, that was really the only change I wanted.

 I put on my normal Magnolia attire the only difference is I don't have the gloves just long cuffs, that was really the only change I wanted

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(You won't have your hands gloved the cuff will end where the golden band is, also you can change the color of the blue. That will be (F/C) but the black, gold, and white will stay the same)

After I put this on, "Ah finally it almost feels like I'm back home again," I say stretching my arms out feeling my old clothes I constantly wore for jobs and just hanging around the guild. Izuku turns to me and smiles, "I bet it feels nostalgic huh." I just nod, "Definitely I wonder if Tenshi is also going to wear her Magnolia clothes." I say out loud and thinking about Magnolia and how much I miss my guild I start getting a bit teary eyed while Izuku puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles gently at me. I then start walking out with Izuku following behind me, "I'm sorry it's not like I don't enjoy this world it's been an experience I just miss my family." Izuku looks at me confused, "I thought you said you didn't have any siblings or parents?"

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