50k Reads Special - What If: Y/n Lost His Memory and Was Found by the LOV

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Artist link : https://rouge-heichou.tumblr.com/

The italicized text means 3rd person P.O.V.

I open my eyes and I'm scared and confused. I just wanted to find a new home but Tenshi told me to stay here until she got back to me. It was raining now and I'm freezing. The rain washed away the tallies I left in the dirt to count the days I've been waiting for her. 'She'll come to me, I know she will. I just need to keep myself warm and wait for her.' I say to myself. My body continues shivering as my hands and wrapped around me trying to conserve any body heat I have left.

I see a silhouette of a person but they are too tall to be Tenshi so I look back down. Hopefully, they don't hurt me, I still can't use my magic that well, not without Tenshi. "Please don't hurt me. I don't want to kill you by accident." I mutter to myself hoping that the person will just go away.

I hear a deep sigh before I see them walk over to me, "Hey kid. Y/n right? What the hell are you doing here?" The tall, now that I can see them, man with black spiky hair and matching dark clothing says to me.

I now shake in fear of seeing him. He's way more intimidating than I thought he would be. Those burn marks, and those staples keeping his skin together. 'Tenshi please help me. I'm scared.' I say as I stare wide at the man.

Dabi looks at the once confident and annoying teen shake in his boots, 'I shouldn't be talking to him but what Shigaraki doesn't know won't hurt him. Plus I won't give out anything to him.' He reasons with himself.

"I-Is that my name?" I question while looking at him.

I see the man was surprised but he covers that up and goes back to look intimidating, "Uh, yeah I think so."

I was scared to ask but I had to. I'm so cold and I want to get out of the rain, maybe he knows where Tenshi is, "Do. Do you know where I am? I was with Tenshi going somewhere but then she told me to stay here and wait for her. Do you know where she is?"

"I don't know where your friend is but what I do know is that." He suddenly stops talking and I look at him curiously, "Wait can you tell me what happened to you first."

I nod, "Well I was trying to find a home with Tenshi and then she told me to wait here then everything went black. I think I fell asleep I'm not sure."

"How long of you been sitting here?"

"Eight days. at least that's what I marked on the ground until the rain washed it away." I say as I point at the ground.

The man looks worried, I don't know why he's worried. Maybe he just realized the time and he has to go home? He then looks at me, "Well it seems like she abandoned you."

"What?" I say before crying

"I know it's hard to accept that." He looks at me before getting confused, "W-Why are you crying?"

I continue crying as I still shiver from the cold, "Because, Katara left me. And-and now Tenshi." I continued sobbing, "I don't want to be left alone."

The man sighs in exasperation, "Well if you don't want to be alone then follow me." The man starts walking away and I am quick to get up and run over to him. I start walking close to him because he was really warm.

"Will you stay with me?" I ask while looking up at him.

"Sure kid." I smile up at him and hug him. "Hey! Hey! Don't touch me!" I look up at him a little sad. He sighs in defeat, "Fine just this once." I hear him grumble.

I smile happily and continue hugging him, "Thank you. By the way, what's your name."

"Dabi. Now come on let's get you out of this rain."


Dabi walks in front of me in a weird metal-looking house. He steps in and yells, "Hey I'm back and I brought someone!"

I look around seeing all the dust around. It looked like a storage place. I then see a ghost monster, a lizard monster, and a man in a weird gray and black suit. I start getting scared again so I hide behind Dabi. I look up at him silently asking if they were nice or if they won't hurt me.

"Go on meet them, kid, they won't hurt you."

I nod as I walk up to them. As I'm getting to know them I hear someone different say, "Dabi. A word." Before I go back to playing with Twice and Spinner.

Dabi walks over to Kurogiri who was just sitting watching over Twice, Spinner, and Y/n from a ways away.

Dabi walks close to Kurogiri and whispers, "Hey he lost his memory so don't go bringing up U.A. or his past." Kurogiri nods his head in understanding. Dabi then remembers another important detail, "Oh tell Twice and Spinner that too. It doesn't seem like Toga is here yet so inform her later."


"Dabi! Shigaraki yells.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"


Ideas for the Tsu, Momo's, and Mina's
ending would be appreciated.

Just know if you put ideas I may not use
them so please don't get mad if I don't.

Thank you all for reading!
And especially thank you all for 50k reads!

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