Chapter 41- What?

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The doctor and Tenshi walk out of Y/N's hospital room and everyone stands up to hear the news, "He used too much energy and has fallen into a coma." This one sentence made the air in the room tense. "We don't know if he'll ever get better and wake up." The doctor finishes while having a solemn look on her face.

"Does that mean he'll stay like that until he dies?" Izuku asks.

"From what we have gathered yes." Everyone in the waiting room was tense and sad knowing that this would possibly be the last time they will be seeing Y/n.

Tenshi speaks up, "There's a way to have him healed up." Everyone get's happier except the doctor.

"Well then what are you waiting for do it already?" Aizawa says frustrated but then takes notice of Tenshi's look.

"You don't get it, he used too much magic energy, your world isn't safe for us wizards to live in long periods unless we continuously bring magic into this world." Tenshi takes a deep breath to calm herself down and speak clearly after Y/n's near-death experience, "What I'm saying is...I have to take Y/n back home." Tenshi finishes and that's when everyone starts to tear up.

"Can...can he ever come back?" Izuku asks still wanting to see his first friend that stood up for him and stayed with him even when he was quirk less.

"It all depends on Y/n but everyone in Fairy Tale won't be happy if he does want to come back because of the consequences. So I cannot give a straight answer but I would say your goodbyes if he cannot come back." They all nod their heads and one by one everyone came in, gave their final condolences and promises, then left.

Finally, Izuku went in and he couldn't hold his tears back anymore. He felt as if it was his fault that Y/n used up so much magic, if only he had been stronger. Y/n's body was laying on the hospital bed looking as comfortable as could be, he has finally relaxed something nobody saw. Upon saying their final goodbyes Tenshi performed the spell to take them back to Magnolia. A magic circle appeared on the floor and Y/n's body as well as Tenshi's starts glowing a faint golden color. Everyone who was there stands there shocked when Y/n's and Tenshi's bodies start to fade.

Izuku starts running over to them not wanting this to be the end of their journey together. Aizawa reaches out to catch Midoriya before he made another irrational decision but he couldn't catch him in time because of his injuries. Izuku was so close to touching Y/n's body but it disappeared along with Tenshi. Midoriya was too late to go with them.

In the hospital air, you could feel some sort of strange aura coming from where the dragon slayer once laid until, like him, it slowly disappeared until they couldn't feel it anymore. The room was left with despair and the cries of piers. The pain was similar to the one at the camp but this time everyone wasn't getting their hopes up on getting the dragon slayer back to them.

/////Time skip to the dorms//////

"Hey welcome back you guys!" Izuku and Kirishima hear Mina say while they walk through the common room doors. They look up from their sour full expressions and see all of class 1-A was there and waiting for them.

"Guys you waited for us?" Kirishima asks surprised.

"Yeah, we heard the news that you guys would be coming back so Mina wanted all of us to wait for you all," Jiro says from the couch.

"Wait where is Y/n?" Momo asks and at that moment everyone notices the dragon slayer was not with the duo. Both Izuku and Kirishima got back to their sad expressions.

"Oh my god did he?" Mina says out loud and everyone got sad.

Izuku starts crying thinking about his last moment and another person that was in his reach that he couldn't save. "He fell into a coma and the doctors said he wouldn't wake up." Izuku manages to finish so Todoroki does his best to try and comfort him, this pushes Ochako and Tsu to do the same.

Ochako and Tsu saw everything so they know better than everyone else the amount of guilt Midoriya is feeling.

The doors open and the class turns to see it was Mr. Aizawa, "You should all be in bed by now. Please give Midoriya, Ochako, Asui, and Kirishima some rest. They had a long day." Class 1-A nodded and proceeded to go to their rooms sad and disappointed and sad they might not see Y/n again.

Yes, this is the end of the book.

You all don't need to worry I promised different routes for every character option and you're getting them!

Thank you all however for this journey and you all turned me into the passionate writer I am today.

You are all crazy simps for sticking around for this long!

Also, I noticed only a small percentage of you are actually following, so if you want to see more books written by me go ahead and click that follow button on my page it would really mean a lot. And you might as well hit that vote button and comment again which route you would like to see first.

Both votes count if you voted in the beginning and comment here so don't worry if you changed your mind or if you just want to see a specific person's route first.

Also another Bonus for you Simps.
(These are only affected on each person's route)

Katsuki: "He saved me and I couldn't even return the favor." He tells himself as he cries on his bed looking at his hands that were once held by Y/n.

Izuku: "Why did he save me? He still could have been here with me." He cries as he looks at the night sky.

Momo: "I wasn't able to show him how much I loved him." She cries holding the gemstone Y/n had given her.

Mina: "We weren't able to have that date we planned together..." She starts tearing up as she holds her phone flipping through all the pictures she had of him and her.

Tsu: "How could have things gone like this. We were supposed to have all of our U.A. years to figure out our wasn't supposed to be like this."

Todoroki: "He's gone...the one person I loved is gone..." He says sitting on his bed feeling numb and empty, something he had forgotten ever since talking to Y/n.

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