Chapter 7 - Acceptance letters

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I was training using my magic trying to still get used to this world without magic, I noticed ever since I came here that my magic power has pretty much depleted faster than ever. Is there a chance to bring more magic here? Maybe a specific area that could help me regain magic faster, I stopped my huge magic attacks and went into the house to do some light reading. After looking through a lot of magic spells and some that could be useful in the future I heard someone coming, I looked up and see All Might in his deflated form. "Oh hey All Might!" I yelled. All Might went from looking nervous and unsettled to being a bit confident with his usual frown on his face. "Oh hey kid I'm here to give you this since a mail carrier can't find your address."

"You mean those random people that bring packages?" I say confusedly. "Well yeah but your house never comes out on any gps so I was unsure if this was the right way to go, honestly I was feeling some weird aura in this area so I decided to follow it. Thank goodness I did or else I would be lost." I look up and smile, "Woah! You can sense magic energy!" I smile getting excited.

"Honestly I was just looking through my many magic books to see if I can bring more magic here, I've notice my magic spells are not as strong as they used to be back in Magnolia so I think if I bring more magic to generate my powers I'll me fully back in action!" I look up at All Might who seems to be sweating a bit, "You mean those attacks you've been producing are only a fraction of what you can actually do?" I nodded, "Yeah it's weird right, I thought there would be another Edolas effect where we cannot generate our magic at all but instead I could sense a small amount of magic being generated in this world. It's why I was able to use mine without another red pill."

"That's interesting actually, we can't really tell what's normal at this point so who knows. Hey the reason I came here was to give you these letters from U.A. it's going to tell you and Tenshi if you two got in or not." I looked shocked, "Woah I really hope I get into the same school as Midoriya, even though I don't know how he did." All Might nodded, "He did well now go inside it's late." I saluted to him, "Sure thing All Might." I then wen't inside with a letter in one hand and the magic book in the other.

I opened the door and Tenshi was sitting on a chair in the living room, "Who was that?" She asked barely turning her head, "That was All Might, he gave me these letters that will tell us if we got into U.A. or not." I handed Tenshi hers and set down my spell book before leaving, "Hey I'm going to go to Izuku's apartment, if I got my letter that means he got his." Tenshi nods, "Well if you're going I am going too I like Inko, she's like the mother I never had." I nod agreeing with her.

"Well then let's go!" I yell and Tenshi flies over and we take to the sky. We finally make it to Izuku's apartment and I went through his window again, like the first day, I saw nobody was in here so I waited on his bed until he came back. I heard footsteps coming to his door and it opens so I just raise my hand and say, "Hiya!" Really excitedly while he screamed in shock again. Tenshi ended up flying past Izuku to get to Inko because of all his screaming I'm guessing Tenshi is going to open her's with Inko. After Izuku stopped screaming and I uncovered my ears, "So we gonna open our letters or not?"

Izuku looked at me confused, "Letters? What letters? OH CRAP THE U.A. LETTERS!" Inko then came in the room holding his letter, "I have it right here after Tenshi came to me wanting to open hers I quickly ran to the mailbox and sure enough here it was." Inko handed Izuku his letter before leaving to see what Tenshi's letter held. Izuku and I wondered what his letter held inside and personally I hoped there would be good news in at least Izuku's letter I don't care much about me he ripped the envelope a bit and out came a little silver disk I really wanted to eat but I couldn't because it was important. The little disc started to glow and we see a closeup of All Might's face, "BOOYA I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION! I know it's been a while but with great power comes a great amount of paperwork!" Then he coughs, "Apologies young man the truth this I didn't come to this city just to fight villains you're looking at U.A.'s newest teacher." We see a hand on the projecting telling All Might he has to wrap things up and he had to do a lot of these recordings.

"Even though you passed the written exam you still got 0 combat points you know that."

"Wait so you got no points?" I question kind of shocked while he just nodded at me before tuning back into the video so I did the same. "Fortunately there were other factors but before we get to that here is a short clip for your viewing pleasure." We heard All Might say excitedly before a video shows up with a girl wanting to give some of her points to Izuku, apparently Izuku had saved her in the exam which is pretty cool if you ask me. "You have a quirk now yes, but it's your actions that inspire others. How could a hero course reject someone who is committed to save others no matter the consequences to himself after all that is what makes a hero. And that's what U.A. is all about, training those who are good so we have rescue points a panel of judges watches and they award heroic acts Izuku Midoriya 80 Rescue points! Ochaco Uraraka 45 Rescue Points! You both pass the exam."

"Is this some kind of joke?" Izuku whispers.

"Welcome Izuku you have made it to the Hero Academia." I was really excited about this progress and I hugged Izuku who was crying a little, "You made it!"

"Y-yeah I did," He was smiling super excitedly, "W-wait (Y/N) what about your letter?" I then looked at mine, "Oh yeah I haven't opened it yet." I say looking down at the letter in my hand.

"Well open it!" I then nod and open mine as well and a projection like Izuku's came up but instead of a video of someone wanting to give points it was a video of me eating the robots and using my different magic attacks. Izuku looked excited about seeing my fight against so many robots. Then at the end it shows me throwing Denki and Mina in the air then dash towards the girl that had her legs trapped under rubble, "Huh you were in a similar situation as me."

"That's cool! This girl had her legs stuck under that large rock which is why I chose to destroy it." Izuku nodded, "Looking at her features it seems as though she had a frog like quirk." I nod to confirm this, "She did ribbit like a frog." Then Inko opened Izuku's door to see us smiling, "Well it seems you all got in." My smile widened, "Even Tenshi?" Inko nodded to confirm this, "Even Tenshi, now come on let's eat at a restaurant to celebrate this news." We then all headed to a restaurant I ended up paying for everything because I felt bad for eating like three meals full but we had the best time together even when Inko and Izuku sweat dropped at how fast I was eating before Tenshi elbowed me and I felt embarrassed after that and ate slower like them.


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