Chapter 38 - Celebration

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//// Skipping the Rescue section ////

I hold my new license in my hand before taking a picture of it and sending it to Ryuku. 'Look Ryuku I got my hero's license!' I then take a picture of Tenshi's and send it to her too saying, 'And Tenshi too! We both passed!'

It was a couple of minutes until Ryuku responded, 'That's good. I'm proud of you both, once you get back to U.A I can take the both of you to a restaurant to celebrate.'

I smile and text back, 'That would be amazing I can't wait!'

"Hey Y/n who are you texting?" Tsu asks as she makes her way over to me.

"Oh I'm texting Ryuku, ever since I had my internship with her and she took me under her wing she's always wanted an update on my hero training and stuff. So not only was this a big deal for me but her too."

"Wow that's cool, I didn't know you were close with pro hero Ryuku. Wait are you her son?"

"Huh? Oh no I'm not, I'm technically an orphan if you think about it."

"...Oh, uh sorry." I can tell she was awkward after the idea of reminding me of my parentless status.

"You don't need to worry I've never known my parents but the members of Fairy Tail filled that role. So if you think about it they were my parents."

"That's pretty cool, I haven't been able to thank you properly for visiting me in the hospital."

"Of course I would visit you, you're really important to me."

Tsu starts blushing and stutters a thanks, "O-oh t-th-thank y-you." She covers the bottom half of her face with her gloved hand and says, "You're important to me too."

Before we could continue talking Iida starts yelling to us, "Come everyone we must board the bus now!" I start grumbling to myself about how much I hate transportation. Before I reached the bus I felt someone hold my hand, I look to see it was Tsu who was blushing but tried to hide her nervousness.

"Thanks, Tsu." I smile at her and she smiles back as we board the bus, I ended up sitting next to her as well.


Back in U.A. Tenshi and I got ready to go out, I wanted to wear something nice but comfortable. And it seemed Tenshi thought the same seeing as she wore a yellow dress and a white headband flower crown that held fake sunflowers on it. She was sitting on my bed as she watched me with amusement seeing as I don't dress up often, or at all. I examine my outfit in my mirror, I wore a tight black shirt with an unbuttoned f/c flannel and jeans. (This is for the indecisive people so if your not you can wear whatever you want)

I look in the mirror to see if I should change but then I heard a knock at my door, I walk over and open the door seeing Izuku, "Oh you're dressed nicely, wait I mean that's not what I came to ask. I came to ask if you were doing okay."

"Hm? Yeah, I'm feeling great why?"

"Well, I noticed you didn't use your magic during the rescue portion of the test even though you could and so I guess I got worried over nothing."

'Of course, he would notice,' I think to myself before giving him a gentle smile, "Don't worry I'm doing perfectly fine. I don't need you stressing over me when the only stress you need is this whole becoming a hero situation."

He rubs the back of his neck, "I guess if you say so. I'm going to sleep early tonight so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Izuku," I say as he gives me a final smile before retreating to his room.

I turn back into my room and see Tenshi flying over to me, "Well we should go shouldn't we." I nod and we both make our way to the ground floor. There were a couple of people still awake but they were busy hanging out in the common room before we were forced to go to sleep. Tenshi and I make it outside without getting stopped by our classmates just in time to meet Mr. Aizawa. It was mandatory for our teacher to take us to the gate and ensure we are going with the right person.

As we get closer to the gate I catch Ryuku's scent, I could tell she was waiting at the gates seeing as not just anyone was allowed in even if you were a pro hero. We stand in front of Ryuku who smiled at us kindly, I turned to Mr. Aizawa silently asking permission if I was able to go with her now. He gave us a nod and Tenshi and I ran to Ryuku and hugged her, "I'm proud of you both, it must have been hard adjusting to everything and still proving yourself worthy of gaining a step in becoming a hero."

Aizawa speaks up, "Yeah but that doesn't mean you two can go immediately into danger, just because Ryuku is with you doesn't mean you two can fight with her. U.A. still has to approve when your internship is."

"Yes sir." Both Tenshi and I say to him. We go into the car and drive to the restaurant.


We were all having a great time, talking about how the year has gone to even answering questions about Magnolia. I'm not sure how much Ryuku knows about how Tenshi and I got here, so I'll assume she knows everything.

There is a sudden ring from a phone cutting our laughter out. Ryuku pulls the phone out of her pocket and looks at the caller ID, "Sorry I have to take this."

She answers it and seems a little panicked, "I'm sorry to cut this short I just got a call from the office, I'll drop you two off at U.A. then I'll return to work."

"It's fine we had a great time with you," I tell her as Tenshi nods stuffing her face with a little more sushi before we leave.

"Yeah, we had a lot of fun!"


"Before you two leave I have a present for you both." The two of us perk up in wonder. "You see after the whole camp situation the government wished to monitor your magic usage constantly instead of those weekly tests with U.A.'s nurse. At first, they thought of just wearing ankle bracelets but they were so bulky and obvious I went ahead and changed the design of both monitors." Ryuku hands a small box to each of us. I held it gently not wanting to accidentally drop it and break it. "Go ahead open it." She encourages us. Tenshi and I open our presents and I pick up the bracelet that's in it. I examine it more and I see there are two dragon charms and a cat charm dangling in different areas of the bracelet. Then there is the screen attached to the bracelet that lights up and the first thing that pops up is a small graph with a bold line close to the top of it.

"The graph is both of your magic usage, it's to remind you of where your limit should be without having a forceful limit since that could put the two of you in danger." Ryuku helps me with the bracelet and I notice that Tenshi is putting on a necklace. It looked like my bracelet except instead of a small screen she has a locket where I'm guessing her monitor is in. The car stops where I'm guessing U.A. is and I hug Ryuku, "Thank you for everything."

She returns the hug, "No problem my little dragon."

I let go and I see Ryuku hold her arms out for Tenshi who hugs her, "Thank you Ryuku for taking care of us."

"Of course, and I'll continue to do so. See you later my little flyers." She says as she ruffles our hair before Tenshi and I leave and walk back to U.A.

Tenshi puts her head on my chest as she looks up at me before saying, "You know even with all these restrictions to becoming a hero there are really good perks to it too." I nod in agreement as I continue to enjoy the peace I didn't know I missed.

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