Chapter 22 - Day 3-5

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Today was another hard day of training, Ryuko wanted me to try and use two different elements at once that I normally don't use so I can expand my range of spells and attacks. Then after doing a bunch of those Ryuko wanted to try three elements at once, I was very unsure but I didn't want to let her down and I tried thinking of different ways to use the different elements at once. I know Natsu used fire and lightning together before what if I were to try that along with light, I wasn't sure if it would work but it was definitely worth a shot. "Fire, lightning, and light dragon roar!" I yelled and the target and which I was aiming for was practically obliterated after that attack.

"Okay, maybe we shouldn't work with three elements at once if it's going to kill someone." Ryuko sweatdropped.

"I agree," I say while looking at the small fires that are slowly being put out with nothing else being able to light on fire.

Ryuko looks down at her watch, "Well we should start courting lessons as it will be time for dinner in two hours. So go quickly take a shower and I'll meet you outside." I nod my head quickly and go do what she instructed me to happy I would finally be able to relax my muscles even if it's just a little.

I get out with some sleep clothes that make me comfortable and go to the classroom like room except there are no desks just two mats to start the lesson. During the lesson, I continued getting hit because of how dumb my answers were and how I didn't even do anything that you're supposed to, except for the healing and bringing food part. It was now dark and I wasn't getting any good feelings, in fact, I continued to look out the window and at some random times I felt a calling, "Ryuko I need to go." I say while standing up ready to jump out the window but she pulls me back.

"Where are you going you can't leave randomly."

I growl then I feel another pang in my chest, "He's in danger, real danger please you have to let me help."

She looks at me studying my face before she sighs, "Go get your hero costume on then come back here, we'll take off from here to wherever it is we need to go." I nod my head rapidly and take off to my room and quickly put on my costume and allow my tail and wings to come out again and fly back to the room where we are leaving.

"You ready Little Dragon." I nod my head excited to finally leave the first time in three days, "Well then keep up." She turns into a dragon herself and takes off and I quickly follow. It takes more time to keep up with her since she's a full dragon but this is good training to get me to fly faster and better.

"Over here!" I call turning in a direction feeling stronger danger signals here.

"This is Hosu city," Ryuko tells me next to her seeing different fires erupt as we move past those and go to where I caught Izuku's scent.

"He's over here," I say flying faster than before to more of a secluded area, we fly down and see Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya along with a hero.

"Go to your friends I got the other hero." I nod and ran to the trio.

"Man I have no idea what happened but I got to stop worrying so much about you all," I say while smiling as the danger signals finally calmed down and I can think clearly again.

"(Y/N)?" The three of them shout/ask.

"How did you get here?" Tenya questions.

"Dragon's nose is never wrong." I say, "But it seriously smells of blood here let's get out please."

"Wait we must tie up the Hero Killer," Shoto says and I nod as Shoto goes to look for some rope, Iida was about to do the same but I touched his shoulder.

"Lay down you need the most healing with all those opened wounds." He looks at me shocked before complying, I quickly get on with my magic trying to close his wounds as fast as I can so he doesn't lose any more blood, "Next time you go for revenge please make sure I'm there so I can knock you out."

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