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Polyamorous Ending! I honestly didn't believe that any of you would want this but I'm glad you did!


I looked at my surroundings expecting to be in the middle of the street again except I find myself in front of U.A. with nobody else around me. I wanted to look for Tenshi and Pantherlily but at the same time, I wanted to see Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto.

With the help of my canes I wobbly walk to the dorm rooms. It takes me a lot longer to make it to my class dorms than it usually would.

I was able to make it to the front door of the 1-A dorms and open it and walk in. There was nobody in the main room, "What time is it if nobody is here?" I question myself as I continue into the building looking through all the floors looking for anyone in the building before deciding to retire to my room.

My room is different, and it smells different too. I start getting frustrated by trying to pinpoint what scents they are, "Oh if I wasn't still injured I could figure this out no problem!" I say as I pull my hair out of frustration.

As I continue scanning my room I find a shirt, my gym shirt to be exact, on the edge of my bed. And my hoodie was also on my bed. 'Who would go through my clothes?' I think as I wobble to my closet and open it. I notice that my closet is almost empty of my clothes.

"What?" I question myself before closing the closet door again. I attempt to walk back to my bed to sit down seeing I was extremely tired. I continue sitting on my bed and look at my desk when I noticed another weird thing.

I pick up my canes again and walk to my desk and pick up a picture frame. For some reason, there are three people, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya all together. Izuku is smiling like always, Katsuki has a mad face--I can tell he's happy, he just doesn't want to show it--, and Shoto has his normal face but his eyes show that he's happy in the picture.

"How long have I been gone?" My smile starts to fade as I start to overthink, "Has U.A. already forgotten about me? Have they already forgotten about me? Have they moved on?"

My door opens and I see Izuku, he's looking at my closet before he looks to where I am standing and sees me. "Y-Y/n?"

"Hey, Izuku," I say with a small smile.

Izuku starts crying while hugging me tight, "Y/n I. I never thought you would come back!"

I hold him with a smile feeling guilty, "But I did come back. That's what matters."

Izuku smiles wide and wipes his tears before turning to the door, "Kaachan! Todoroki come in here!"

I look and see Katsuki and Shoto at the door confused. Katsuki had a calm look on his face and not his usual angry one, "What do you want you, damn nerd..." His voice softens as his eyes widen in shock while looking at me.

Shoto came in after probably wondering why Katsuki stopped talking. "Y/n." Shoto sounded like he was out of breath, possibly holding in his breath.

"Hey, you two," I say with a small but guilty smile.

I see that they are arguing with themselves on what to do. I just hold my arms out for both of them so we can have a group hug.

Shoto immediately went in my arms. He was being careful to not hurt Midoriya in any type of way.

"I missed you Y/n," Shoto tells me.

"He wasn't the only one," Katsuki muttered as he reluctantly hugged me with everyone else.

"So what happened while I was gone? You three are weirdly friends?"

Shoto nods, "We are frien--."

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