Chapter 35 - We saved him

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I didn't take my eyes off of the League as I continued to talk to Katsuki but they looked like they were conversing as well. I try to listen in on their conversation but it was constantly blocked by the fighting All Might was doing with All For One. I suddenly felt a shift in the wind and I looked to see All Might being knocked towards us. I quickly grabbed Katsuki and flew out of the way as All Might hit the ground. I was concerned for All Might and let my guard down that I narrowly dodged a couple of attacks from the League thanks to Bakugou shoving me out the way.

'Damn I could have gotten caught there.' I thought to myself as I continue dodging attacks and using my magic to give some distance between me and them. Katsuki and I were now separated as I was dealing with Shigaraki, Twice, and Toga as Bakugou had to deal with Spinner, Magne, and Compress.

"I'm getting sick of this," Shigaraki says as he runs straight for me. I could sense the malicious intent behind this attack, if I used my wings Twice could capture them or Toga could cut them but if I stay Shigaraki will definitely disintegrate my scales.

I take a peek at Katsuki noting that he's in a similar predicament. 'What do I do? How do I keep Katsuki safe? Should I risk taking him out of here now?'

I stare straight ahead looking for any opening, 'Dammit. What do I do?' A wall to the east of us is suddenly destroyed which causes all our attention to fall on it. I'm surprised to see Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Momo there. Shoto makes a large ramp out of ice and Izuku, Kirishima, and Iida launched themselves in the air.

Kirishima holds his hand out, "Come on!"

I get my wings ready, "Katsuki go!" Before launching myself on the air and out of Twice's and Toga's reach. As Katsuki goes to Kirishima I head over to Shoto and Momo before grabbing them and run up the side of the building as I dig my claws into the concrete. I fly up and over to the four before trying to carry all of them in my claws.

"Why are you five here!" I yell as I continue flying to safety.

"We're here to rescue you!" Izuku yells out as it's hard for him to hear.

Iida looks at me, "Y/N why are you here?"

I sigh knowing there's no point in lying, "I was assigned to help secure Katsuki. The heroes and police had a hunch he was in the base but they needed me to make sure they weren't wasting time by busting into a random abandoned building."

"That's surprising since your one of the most impulsive classmates. I would have thought Momo would be one to help the heroes more." Iida comments.

"Yeah well, I didn't give Aizawa a choice honestly. I would have gone to Katsuki regardless."

"Remember I didn't need your extras help! It just so happens to be that you all were my best bet at escaping."

"We know Katsuki." I tell him with a fond smile, "We know."


"Those five," Aizawa's eyelid twitches as I report what happened, "I would expel them if what happened to All Might didn't happen." I stiffen as I remember All Night's retirement clearly. "But I can't because it did happen and that means villain activity will become more common. Villains are going to become bolder knowing the unstoppable hero is now stoppable."

Aizawa takes in a deep breath, "Why couldn't I have normal kids." He mumbles as he slides his hand down his face and over his mouth. Mr. Aizawa looks at me, "You can go do whatever you want now. Take a break because you're going to need it for what's going to happen soon." I nod to him, "I just need to know, did you know what they were planning? And don't even try to lie, I can tell when someone is lying."

I shake my head, "No I didn't know of their plan, they even masked their scent so I thought they were just bystanders fleeing the scene when I arrived."

"I see. Then you won't receive any sort of punishment like the rest of the class, Bakugou as well, now go take your break I have more meetings to attend to." Aizawa tells me as he turns back to his desk.

I leave him to whatever he wants to do as I walk back home, I realized that Tenshi had no idea what I was doing because everything had to be a secret. I hope she isn't too worried about me.


I open the door to our house, it seems like I haven't been here in forever. "Tenshi are you here?"

"Y/n your back!" She yells as he hugs me. "Where have you been? You leave so early in the morning before I wake up and come back super late! Then the night All Might fought that villain you didn't show up back home! Do you have any idea how worried I was! I thought you had died or something!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Tenshi. I just couldn't tell you at the time, I was helping the heroes rescue Katsuki and we couldn't risk the villains finding out."

"I guess that makes sense but promise me that you'll tell me something, anything to let me know you're okay."

"I promise if there is another situation like this I will tell you that I'm okay. I probably won't be able to tell you that I'm on a mission but I can tell you that I'm doing alright."

"You better." She cries.

I feel terrible for leaving her like this, "How about I make you some sushi that always cheers you up."

"Sure, can you show me how you make sushi again?"

"Yeah. I can do that."

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