Chapter 4 - 'Training' With All Might

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I wake up pretty early, earlier than normal and I have no specific reason as to why and then it hits me, "I'm going to be seeing Izuku today!" I quickly get up and change I also grab some clothes for Tenshi to change into once we are with Izuku and I quickly make breakfast. After I'm done making breakfast I quickly pack it up and go back upstairs to get Tenshi. I was almost into the city but then I forgot I have to let my employer know I have to be going to school and stuff like that, I continue to carry the food and Tenshi who was still asleep surprisingly.

"Hey kid got another round." I nod, "Hey I have to start going to school and whatnot I can still make rounds everyday either before or after that, whichever is fine with you." He nods, "Get here before 7 every morning and I'll tell you whether you have to come back in the afternoon for a run." I nod and take the package in his hands, "I'll be done with this one quickly since I have to be somewhere soon." He nods and I quickly head to the usual spot and making sure not to get caught by people. Soon I meet the person I'm supposed to give this too and he hands me the money and I hurry my way back to the man and give him the money the guy gave me. My employer gives me $70 and I start running following Izuku's scent.

I end up in front of an apartment building and I follow the scent all the way to a window and I jump through, I see nobody in there so I wait until someone comes in as I hear footsteps coming towards the door, "Mom I promise I'll be safe I'll pack some extra clothes just in— AHHH!" Izuku ends up screaming, "Hiya!" I raise my hand up and smiled at him.

"O-oh it's just you (L/N)—."


"R-right (Y/N) sorry. How did you find out where I lived?" I point to my nose, "Dragon Slayers have stronger senses remember so I just followed your scent here." He nods, "Oh right, well how did you get in?" I pointed to the window.

"I should really learn to lock that." He sweat drops.

"Can you be quiet I really want to rest..." I hear Tenshi, "Sorry Tenshi, oh this is Izuku the guy I helped yesterday." Tenshi nods her head, "Nice to meet you. Now (Y/N) why are we here?"

"Well All Might said I needed to go to school with Izuku so I figured I needed to come to him." She nods, "Well I guess that's a reasonable explanation."

"Izuku honey are you alright in there?"

"Yeah mom! I'm great!" I then exit Izuku's door, "Hi Miss Midoriya!" I walk through the house like no business while I hear Izuku scream behind me.

"Oh hello, I didn't hear you come in." I nod "You two have a nice house."

"Why thank you, do you want to stay for breakfast?" I shook my head no, "I made breakfast for me and Tenshi here, that reminds me Tenshi when do you want to change?"

"After breakfast." I nod and set up everything on the floor for the two of us to eat, both Izuku and Miss Midoriya sweat dropped at our antics like it was completely normal to eat no the floor. Tenshi looks at the breakfast and her mouth waters, "Sushi~. My favorite!" I nod and continue eating (F/F) (favorite food).

After eating I give Tenshi the back with her new outfit and she takes it and starts flying, "Where is the bathroom I can borrow?" They both point to the door and she flies over and closes it while I pick up all of the dishes and pack it all up. "So you have a flying and talking cat?" Miss Midoriya tells me, "She's no cat, she's an exceed! And she's learning how to control her transformations as well." They both nod their heads and Midoriya seems to be taking notes of everything.

"Well (Y/N) I have to get to training now—." Izuku begins to tell me before I quickly interrupted him, "OOOOH TRAINING! Can I come?" He puts his hand behind his head, "I uh guess so." I smile, "HELL YEAH! WELL WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR LET'S GO!" I grab his hand and drag him outside the door.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Inko looks at the duo and smiles, "I'm glad he finally has a good friend to hang out with." Then she hears the door opening from the bathroom, "Hey where did everybody go?" Inko smiles sweetly at her, "Well they both left to train."

Tenshi seems kind of sad, "Man (Y/N) always trains even back at Magnolia he never stopped training." Inko then nods, "Well where is this Magnolia?"

Back to Training with Izuku & (Y/N)

"Well boys we can start training with this!" All Might points at the different piles of trash that's littered on the beach, "Oh yeah I'll get done with this in a second." I say smirking, "I like your enthusiasm but you cannot use your powers for this, it's all about physical strength until I get you the right things to catch up on your studies."

My raised arms quickly went back down as I sulked, "Awe I thought I would be able to use my magic." All Might looked taken aback, "DID YOU SERIOUSLY FORGET WHAT YOU TOLD ME YESTERDAY!" I sweat dropped, "But that was only to not get in the vehicle." I then claps my hand over my mouth, "Just thinking about a moving vehicle makes me want to barf."

"Ahh... right, well Izuku come on you need to gain muscles." All Might tells Izuku after sweat dropping at (Y/N)'s condition, Izuku looks at All Might with a determined look, "R-Right!"


"So let me get this straight 3+3 is 6 but if you put the x it turns into 9?" All Might and Izuku nod. "Okay so I think I get it," (Y/N) tells the two they both sigh in relief. "Mind if you take a test to see if you do well?" Izuku tells (Y/N) who quickly nods.

After the tests are finished both Izuku and All Might check to see how much he got right. "Well good news is you pretty much passed this." All Might tells (Y/N) who turns to fist bumps the air, "But you still have a lot more to go to catch up to Izuku's grade." (Y/N) then goes back to sulking, "Oh come on!"

"Don't worry (Y/N) we have 10 months. Me working on my physical capabilities and you working on your intelligence... aaaaaaaand he's not listening to me." Izuku says while peering at a muttering (Y/N) who's saying, "Stupid spell...stupid new world with school...stupid intelligence thingy..."

"Well that's it for today you two I bet your excited to go home for the day." All Might tells the two of us. "And here you two are, I've made sure to make a schedule for the next 10 months that will make sure you both pass your entrance exams!" All Might hands the two teenage boys packets that has their new schedules on it, "Geez even my sleep is scheduled..." Izuku and (Y/N) both say together. "Well I'll definitely have to come back if it means I join a guild."

'Is he talking about U.A.?' Both All Might and Izuku thinks very confused at the dragon slayer.

"Well Good Night you two, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right." Izuku says while (Y/N) waves his hand excitedly, "See you tomorrow!" Both boys walk back to Izuku's apartment smiling and making jokes with one another, Izuku opens the door to his home and see Inko and Tenshi finishing setting the table up with what is practically a feast. This made my mouth water, "Woah this is amazing." (Y/N) says while smiling, "Yeah me and Inko spent a long time cleanings, making food, training, and having girl talk."

"Woah you were training too!" Izuku says while smiling, both Inko and Tenshi nodded and smiled, "We got along really well." Inko says, "It was really fun too!" Tenshi agrees.

"Oh (Y/N) I brought some iron you can eat as well from the beach, I cleaned them so you don't have to worry." (Y/N) eyes brightened even more and he cheered, the Midoriya household was full of cheers and happiness from the teenage boys, a happy exceed, and a single mother.

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