Chapter 21 - Day 2 of Internships

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Throughout the night I kept waking up with a bad feeling in my stomach as if Izuku was hurting himself while training again, I could easily go to him and force him to stop but whatever he does for his internships is for him and I can't stop him from improving. I just hope he won't do this all night, maybe if I do the sleep spell... No, I shouldn't there's a chance it could give me a coma if I do it wrong. I feel another pang in my stomach and a part of me wanted to go over to where Midoriya was and heal him, I quickly shake my head and do that sleeping spell and have a peaceful sleep.

/////Day Two - Morning/////

I wake up in the morning and yawn, I go to get up but realize I'm handcuffed, naturally, I start panicking, and then I notice my wings are out and so is my dragon tail, "How? I should be done with this."

"Good morning little dragon," Ryuko says out loud while walking into the room completely undetected.

"What's happening? Why are my wings and tail out?"

"I was going to ask the same thing but first let's stay on schedule and first we need these handcuffs off." She says while walking over to my side to unlock the large handcuffs that look like a more portable size of what Katsuki had to wear during the award ceremony. "Get changed and meet me down for breakfast, I have a feeling you'll have no problem finding the cafeteria."

I smile and nod to my mentor, "Thank you, I'll be there soon."

I quickly jump out of bed and get changed not wanting to waste time doing anything else since I'm extremely hungry. While changing my clothes I quickly do the spell to hide my wings and tail still confused on how they got out when mating season was supposed to be passed. As I was putting on my training gear I feel a sudden pang in my stomach somewhat stronger than what if felt like last night, 'he's definitely training hard again.' I growled in annoyance. "It's not like I can heal him this week, I have my own training to do." I growled fighting back the urge to fly over and heal Izuku, "This is now apart of my training."

I groan one more time realizing something, "This is going to be a long week."

I finally make it down a floor which I am immediately smothered with the scent of food which he was extremely happy about. And find my way to the cafeteria where not many people are sitting in but there was loads of food already out and warmed. I start making my way towards Ryuko who immediately takes notice of my presence.

"Good morning little dragon, last night you made quite the ruckus I wanted to talk to you about but first please go get some food I had the chefs cook extra seeing as they warned me about how much food you can eat." I smile wide and nod.

"I'll be right back!" I say and go to the long line food and get some of everything before returning with a lot of food I could barely carry and once I sat down I immediately dug in.

"So last night I found you going feral again would you want to explain what you were doing or what happened."

I swallowed the food in my mouth before talking, "Well last night I knew Midoriya was training hard--."

"Midoriya is your mate correct." I nod my head at her assumption.

"Yes he also has a habit of going overboard on getting injured, well last night I could tell he was getting injured again and I was fighting the urge to go help him and I knew this spell that could force me to sleep so I did that. And when I woke up I was in those cuffs."

She slowly nodded her head, "Well like I said you were going feral so you may have been rested your dragon side had full control of your body and was ready to go to your mate and help. Good thing I made your room dragon proof."

"Dragon proof?"

"Yes, it was basically an extra precaution if you did end up losing control you wouldn't be able to break out and do something you'd regret."

"Thank you for that."

"Yes, that's quite alright, anyways once we start training I have someone for you to meet." I nod my head excitedly as to who she wants me to meet. I continue eating until I'm done with all the food and we both leave to start training after waiting 5 minutes for the food to digest.

I follow Ryuko to the training room and once we enter I see a girl that looked like a third-year lifting small weights in the corner. "Nejire," Ryuko says catching the attention of the blue-haired girl.

"Ryuko hello! Oh is this the troublesome first year I heard a lot about." She says pointing to me before getting close to my face, "Is it true you can turn into a dragon, and you have a tattoo on your shoulder, and that--."

"Nejire please, we have a lot of different training to do remember he's the troublesome first year."

"Right, right. Well, should we get to work now?"

I look at the two confused, "Work on what?"

"Remember the training with your two weakest elements."

"Oh right!" Both Nejire and I get to the training part of the room and we both get ready to spar. Like Ryuko said I only used my light and shadow magic even when I got hit pretty badly with Nejire's quirk I didn't care as long as I got stronger.

After hours of sparring with Nejire with a couple of breaks in between Ryuko had us stop sparring which we were both thankful for. Both she and I were pushing our powers hard especially me since I wasn't as strong as Nejire.

"Okay, that concludes the power part of the training, Nejire since you have your heroes license you can go on patrol unless you want to rest the rest of the day. (Y/N) and I have to go over some dragon lessons."

"Got it! I'll rest before going on patrol! See you two for dinner!" Nejire says excitedly while exiting the training room.

"Come on little dragon we should fill that dense head of yours with manners and the knowledge of a relationship and courting."

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