Chapter 2 - A new friend

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I just finished another run for that guy and got paid again and left at a random direction, I see a tall building and I walk to it. There were a couple of kids my age walking out of that building and I got really curious as to what was happening so I traveled around it.

After going around the back of the building I see I book fly out of the window. With my sky magic I caught it in the air and looked through the different windows seeing where it flew out of. It was really challenging to concentrate and stick to the wall.

I found a window that wasn't empty and saw different kids in that classroom. I threw the book back through the window and accidentally hit the blond guy in the head.

"OW! WHAT THE!" I hear and quickly backed away from the window by grabbing ahold of a pipe. He then proceeded to throw the book outside again and in which case the green haired boy freaked out again. I caught the book once again and this time held onto it until the blond kid left.

I decided to listen in on their conversation, even though I've been taught that it's a rude thing to do. "He finally get's it now he'll never be a hero." I started getting angry but I decided to continue listening.

They continued to put the green haired boy down. And at one point the blond and obnoxious kid said something that made me snap, "You know there might actually be a way for you to become a hero, just pray for a quirk in your next life and jump off a roof of the building."

I jumped through the window and started growling at the guy and lighting my right fist on fire, "Okay I wasn't going to say something but the fact you told him to kill himself you are one of the worst people on this planet." I grab him with my light up fist burning his shirt, "You cannot be a hero with an attitude like that and going around telling people to kill themselves."

"Oh yeah and who are you extra."

"Names (Y/N) blondie, I'm a wizard from the Fairy Tail guild and I'll make sure you never speak bad to the green haired kid again." I pull my left fist back, "Fire dragon IRON FIST!" I punch him and he crashes through and hits the wall in the hallway but thankfully not causing damage.

"O-oh shit!" One of the lakies say.

"H-he just hit Bakugou."

"Crap and that was my weaker punch." I say out loud. "N-no way." One of the boys say.

"Hey," I say darkly. "Y-yes?"

"I'm going to heal him, you best take him out of here and not come back." They both nod and say, "Y-YES SIR!" I nod and walk over to the blonde kid named Bakugou, I hold my hands out to him and start healing him, thankfully he starts waking up, "Usually people would take a couple weak punches you need to get stronger." I get up and walk back to the green boy who's freaking out and cowering in fear, I look back and give the two boys a glare to which they quickly pick up Bakugou and leave with him in their arms.

"Hey what's your name?"

"I-Izuku Midoriya."

"Well Izuku names (Y/N) a Fairy Tail wizard!" I say showing my guild mark on my arm.

"No way! You're that person who made a big deal yesterday teleporting into traffic in that golden sphere! Is that also part of your quirk?"

"Quirk? Is that what you call magic here, you all don't give off magic energy so I thought you were all civilians."

"Magic? What are you talking about?"

"Well I'm from a place called Magnolia and I used a dumb spell that transported me here."

He starts nervously laughing, "Ah what a funny joke."

I look at him questioningly, "What joke?"

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